D1180/10/51 - Names of plot holders, 1776

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Reference to the plan (see g-10-52-1*) of the intended canal from the River Severn to Wallbridge, near the Town of Stroud, in the County of Gloucester

Verbatim text

Reference to the plan of the intended Canal From the River Severn to Wallbridge, near the Town of Stroud in the County of Gloucester,
Proprietors Names with Reference in the Plan.
John Webb: 1, 2.
Richard Cook, an Infant: 3, 4, 5.
Nathaniel Beard, Esq: 6.
Ann James: 7, 9.
Henry Wyatt, Esq: 8.
Daniel Chance: 10, 12, 14, 15, 16.
John Butcher: 11.
John Mosley: 13, 31.
George Augustus Selwyn, Esq: 17, 18, 19.
Christian Ellis, Widow: 20, 23, 24.
Richard Stephens: 21, 26.
Samuel Remington: 22.
William Knight, Esq: 25.
Richard Pettat, Esq: 27.
John Andrews Esq: 28, 29.
Hallowday Phillips: 30, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36.
Ambrose Reddall, Esq: 37, b38, 39, 49.
Daniel Smith, Esq: a38.
Gabriel Harris, Esq: c38.
Mary Ball, Widow: 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, a49, c49, 50, 51.
The Reverend John Pettat: 42.
Henry Eycott: 47, 48.
Samuel Beard: b49, d49.
Ellis James: 52, 53, 54, 56 and 57.
The Reverend Robert Stephens: 55.
Nathaniel Stephens, Esq: 58, a59, c59, d59, f59, 60, 61, c63, e63, g63, 64.
Daniel Baxter: b59, a63, 65.
Edmund Phillips, Esq: e59, b63, d63.
John Ford: 62.
John Hugh Smith Esq and Ann Hort: f63.
The Right honourable Lord Middleton and Alexander Colston, Esq: 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76.
Richard Martin: 73, 74, 75.
Richard Owen Cambridge, Esq: 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, e85, k85, 86, a88, d88, h88, i88, l88, n88, q88, s88, y88, t88, &88, _b_88, _e_88, _g_88.
James Clutterbuck: 81, i85, b88.
Philippa Grove, and Elizabeth Heathcote, Widows: 82.
Ann Morse: a85, m85, f85,_a_88, _d_88.
The Reverend Henry Davis: c85.
The Reverend Mr Proffer: d85, h85.
Benjamin Watkins: f85, i85, n85, 87, e88, g88, m88. p88, w88.
John Saunders: g85, l85, u88.
Samuel Walbanck, Esq: c88, o88, r88,.z88, _f_88.
Richard Hall: k88, x88.
Elizabeth Partridge: 89.
Richard Aldridge: 90. 93.
Robert Gorges Dobins Yate, Esq: 91, 92.


* g-10-52-1 is https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/13996/

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