Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
Canal Statistics. Canal traffic January, February, March, April.
Gate at Coffin Weir in good order. An extra gate matter for Committee. Please write to me.
Receipt of probate of will and share certificate sent to Company's solicitors, Messrs Little & Bloxam.
Gate at Coffin Weir in good order. Re a second gate, please send me an application which I shall place before the Committee.
Questionnaire for Ministry of Transport. List of bridges on Stroudwater Canal enclosed. [No details]
Proposed work to culvert at Lodgemore. Committee cannot spend substantial amount. Matter to stand over.
Notice of intended stoppage of canal for repairs, dated 12 July.
Re gate at Coffin Weir. I could meet you at the Coffin Weir, Eastington, next Wednesday.
Return of Probate of Will of Edward Palling Little. 14 Share Certificates in names of R J Caruthers-Little and J Rowell. Fee £3 10s.
Return of Probate of Will of Sir C M Marling CB. 10 Share Certificates in names of Major W J P Marling,, Sir A W M Baillie Bart, J S V Marling. Fee £4 10s.
Charge on Stroudwater Canal from Framilode to Stroud 23s. 13 locks between Framilode and Thames & Severn Canal, Stroud. I have sent your letter to Mr Gardom, Clerk of County Council. Upper portion of T&S Canal abandoned.
Canal is now open to traffic.
Canal Statistics. Return for May, June enclosed.
I enclose cheque for £2 2s, £1 1s for subscription, £1 1s for special levy.
Please give me plan of works and notice of the execution.
Stroud Rural District Council, Rent & Mortgage Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933. Application for Registration of houses owned by Stroudwater Navigation.
Wheatenhurst Rural District Council, Rent & Mortgage Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933. Application for Registration of houses owned by Stroudwater Navigation.
Return of Will of H H Mills. Share Certificates Nos.39,40,166 in name of Executor, Lloyds Bank Ltd.
Watercourse at Eastington. Committee pleased to assist but wish to see plan. Notice of intended stoppage has to be given to Ministry of Transport & Traders. Dates needed for water to be drawn. Banks often flooded in winter, so mud removed should be spread over ground away from banks.
Certificate for Share No.73 in Stroudwater Navigation made out to yourself, enclosed., dated 25 Oct 1933.
Certificate for Share No.3 in Stroudwater Navigation in name of Mrs C G Little enclosed, dated 25 Oct 1933.
Your letter of 27 October will be considered by the Committee on 15 November.
Re Canal Charges. If you write, I will bring your letter before the Committee on 10 November.
Canal Traffic Return July, August, September
Accident, John White. Lock keeper White sustained injury to his hand at work at Eastington, 10 November.
Canal from Bristol Road Lock, Whitminster, to Newtown Lock, Eastington will be stopped for repairs 6 am 27 Nov to 6pm 30 Nov 1933 or as required.
My Committee allows you to moor three hulls in the Forked Pound, Eastington. Charges per week, 57' 6" vessel 3s 6d
Committee thinks that the Ministry should be asked to delay the suggested Bill until 1935. Notices on Bridges. I am preparing list and plans of bridges in this Navigation.
Accident to John White. White is still continuing with his work.
List of all road bridges enclosed, with ordnance map. Canal all in County of Gloucester. Whitminster, Saul and Framilode bridges are swing bridges. I assume that Company does not need to exhibit any notice at Bridge.
Committee is not in a position to incur extra expenses.
Committee regrets your having to resign the Treasurership and appreciates the services you have rendered for many years.
Committee unanimously decided to appoint you Honorary Treasurer to the Company in place of Mr Homer.
Stonehouse Canal Wharf Premises. Enquiries received re this property. Assurance needed that Company will have vacant possession by Lady-day next, in accordance with your notice of 28 September last.
Premises at Stonehouse not vacant until 25 March next year.
Meeting of Committee on 24 January 1934 at 4 pm. Half Yearly Meeting at 4.30 pm
Details of canal bridges requiring traffic notices or not. Company under no liability to strengthen bridges for traffic different from that for which they were originally intended.
Re Watercourse at Eastington recently cleared. Silt and mud has gathered at the mouth of the watercourse in Forked Pound. Company could supply you with dredger and man, also place for mud deposit. If Council pays wages, only nominal charge for use of plant, tip etc.
Details of Canal bridges with access for double decked and single decked omnibuses, also swing bridges not made for modern heavy traffic.
Re letter 12 January. Length of waterway 7 miles 70 chains. No branch waterways. I can let you have length of wharfage, if required.
Re letter. Committee has no objection to your proposal to sublet.
Traffic statistics November 1933. Coal 291 tons, tar 349 tons.
List of bridges, with details. Walk Bridge: iron swing bridge, wooden decking, erected 1926, load 5 tons. Saul and Framilode, wooden swing bridges suitable for more weights than shown. Framilode, any traffic but usually slight. Saul carries motor omnibuses, so a priority.
Re letter 20 February. Mr Bloxam and myself to attend conference 1 March. Re errors 8 Feb. Saul and Framilode Bridges NOT suitable for more weights. Framilode takes ONLY, not ANY traffic.
Rents for pipes over bridges at Ryeford Dudbridge & Stonehouse: Please provide authority for the deduction for Income Tax you have made when paying the rents.
Statistics of traffic on Stroudwater Navigation December 1933 and January 1934.
Re Stonehouse Wharf. Present rent £32 10s per annum for House and Garden, Weighbridge, Garage and part of Canal Wharf. Notice to quit 25 March. Messrs E T Ward & Son of Stroud tenants.
Re premises at Stonehouse. Present rent £32 10s per annum, payable quarterly, for House and Garden, Weighbridge, Garage and part of Canal Wharf.
Imperial, Crown & Anchor. Permits: single trips by canoe 22s for week without return journey, not covering return within a short time. Return permits 11s 6d within one week. Obtained at canal office, Saul Junction, near Stonehouse. Canal Bye Laws Stroudwater Navigation Co. No detailed map or descriptive literature. Company does not hire boats.
Committee Expenses year ending December 1933. Mr W R Bloxam £5 15s 6d, Major A J Caruthers-Little £3 7s 6d, Col J R Morton Ball £2 3s, Mr H R Hooper £3 7s 6d, Mr S S Marling £2 11s, Mr G A Evans 6s 6d, Mr M Stewart 6s 6d. Total £17 17s 6d.
Yesterday your hauliers damaged gate at entrance to Company's wharf at Dudbridge, while collecting waste paper at Messrs Copeland Chatterson's premises. Gates must be closed at night. Repairs being carried out. Will let you know cost as soon as possible.
Re leakage of water from canal into your yard. Canal bank cut back at this point by one of your predecessors. Company not responsible for leakage through bank so altered.
Re letter 14 April. We have no comment to make on your suggestions.
Road & Rail Traffic Act 1933 Section 30 Bridges. County Council do not object to restrictive notices on Saul, Framilode and Whitminster Walk bridges. Notices erected there 7 years ago. Not authorised under Act for heavy traffic. More definitive notice needed.
Repair of gates by Mr Hopson, builder of Stroud. Cost £1 8s 6d.
Re water from canal at Dudbridge. Do you wish to discontinue supply or just to have change of ownership of the mills registered in the Company's books.
Income Tax returns 1934-5. Form sent to Messrs Dudbridge & Sons Ltd, Company's auditors.
Kindly reply to my letter 19 April.
Account for 28s 6d for repair of damaged gates sent to Thatcham Road Transport Station.
Moorage charge at Junction 1s 8d per week, payable in advance, for 2 weeks 2s 6d thereafter. If 6 months paid, 20% reduction, viz 2s per week.
Kindly reply to my letter 19 April.
Receipt of letter. Form requested enclosed.
Re water from canal at Dudbridge. Letter received will be before Committee 16 May.
Letter re gates at Dudbridge before Committee 16 May.
Re work carried out by Messrs Ford Bros in 1864. Negotiations recorded in Company's Minute Book.
Damage to gate caused by trailer attached to lorry. Witnessed by Company's wharfinger. Driver probably unaware but used Company's premises without permission.
Company's cheque enclosed. £30, agreed price for boats, tools etc of Thames & Severn Canal, purchased through Messrs Davis, Champion & Payne.
Canal Traffic Statistics, February, March, April 1934.
Receipt of Post Card 13 May. No dividend since 1922. No prospect of one in future.
Kindly reply to my letter 17 May.
Thank you for your receipt of stock in the names of the fresh nominees of the Company.
Wharfinger, witness to accident, ascertained name of lorry owners from Messrs Copeland Chatterson. Kindly remit £7 8s 6d by 30 June.
Bridges and Locks wide enough for large barge e.g. 30 tons. Not more than 3 miles [per hour] for power boat, so as not to wash banks. Tolls Stroudwater Canal 9d per ton, Thames & Severn 3d per ton. Messrs Redler Patents, re delivery of small coal to Dudbridge. Toll 1s per ton.
Cheque for 7s 6d enclosed from London & North Eastern Railway Co.
Company have no objection to water pipe over canal, height not less than 18 feet above towing path, small annual wayleave, to approved standard.
Committee prepared to allow water to be taken through 1 inch pipe, £10 a year, subject to agreement. Cost, £2 2s and 4s stamp duty, to be divided equally between parties.
Re charge for water supply from canal at Stonehouse. Based on charges made for pipes of varying sizes. Rent 2 inch pipe, £20 for a year.
Kindly reply to my letter 22 June for next meeting of my Committee, to be held shortly.
Re your letter 3 July. How has this tithe been previously paid?
Eastington Benefice. If £2 13s 5d usually demanded 1 October and 1 April is not still payable, let me know details of alteration.
Re your letter 27 June. Wages Statement (not clear).
Thank you for the Council's consent.
Receipt of letter 28 June. You agree to pay £10 for one sixth of the water previously taken. To ensure this can be settled later, kindly give me the particulars of the agreement.
Re your letter 19 July. How was the account made up?
Re letter 19 July. Small number of Committee Members present. Not possible to reconsider terms suggested.
Rent of house and premises at Stonehouse Wharf, comprising House and Garden, Weighbridge, Warehouse and part of wharf, £32 10s.
Letter from Messrs Charles Hooper & Sons Ltd enclosed.
Receipt of your letter 31 July. Sent this morning to my Chairman.
Receipt of your letter 30 July, To be considered at next Committee Meeting, 19 September.
I return Messrs Ward's undertaking and Messrs J Lappage Harris's letter 31 August.
Insurance against Fire Policy No.16516108. Kindly note that upper floor of the warehouse at Framilode is let to Mr Smith, Lock-house, Framilode from 29 September. He intends to turn floor into carpenter's shop. Let me know if this will interfere with present insurance rate.
Re your letter 9 October. As proposed Bill does not appear to affect Company, we have no proposals to make.
Company has statutory power to close canal for repairs. Not liable for compensation. Notice given except in an emergency. Your man left his boat without enquiry as to when way ahead would be reopened. Impossible to pass your boat on Friday night.
Re your letter 12 November. Extract from Company's Act of Parliament. "All tolls
Re letter 19 November, £1 1s enclosed for our agreed subscription. Company request to be relieved of levy for expenses. Financial position of Navigation.
Stroud to Bath Road A46 Wallbridge Improvement. Proposed arrangement with Billposting Company will make Company liable to compensate company and build new wall but not prepared to pay. Council to build wall as in arrangement with Mr Tasker. Signed by Chairman
Re letter 19 November. Draft memorandum received from Clerk being returned, approved by Company's solicitors.