Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/6
Letters written by William James Snape between April 1880 and February 1884
Cannot supply information requested as I do not know the charges on coal from Staffordshire.
Enclosing receipt for cheque. Amount charged is 'nett' - 23s 6d per 1000 for bricks and 22s per 1000 for tonnages, wages, hire of boat.
Encloses copy of Mr Taunton's report and various others. Please let me have your views.
Charge for bringing boatload of coal from Cannock chase to Stroud or Chalford, excluding tolls, is £6 10s. Further charge of 5s, if going beyond that.
Acknowledges receipt of Mr Taunton's condition report for T&S Canal. As there is little truth in it, I shall lay it before Mr Little and Mr Mills before making any remark on it.
Please raise the two boats now lying sunk below Ryeford Wharf, so that we can deepen the Canal there.
Transactions relating to shares, nos 40 and 101.
Committee draws your attention to poor condition of wall on south side Dudbridge Wharf and requests you to see to its repair, which was a condition of the right of way granted by our Company for your property.
Please remedy problem at Westfield Lock, where the top paddles not working properly.
At last Committee meeting, subject of boundary between the Company's property and that of late Nathaniel Marling at Stonehouse Ocean was discussed. Please may we meet on site to arrange definite and agreed boundary lines.
Transactions relating to share certificate no. 37.
Timber being sent by rail to be sold on wharf at Wallbridge to be charged same rates as if sent by canal. Charge 1s per ton
Order 2 tons of cement as soon as possible. Empties will be returned.
Re payment of 6d for oxide of iron to gas works. Reference to Table of Tolls where 1s is the rate on sundries.
Re notes on visit to Wilts & Berks Canal. Report drawn up by Mr Chapman for meeting on Tuesday 14th. Are detailed notes on state of the canal and works. Mr Dixon will be there to hear report before printing.
Instruction to remove hut on Wallbridge Wharf, or it will be sold to defray wharfage charges amounting to 30s.
No reply to last letter respecting tonnage account. Whole amount due must be paid on Tuesday next when is a committee meeting. If not the Board will put the matter in the hands of the company solicitor and the barge will be detained until the account is settled.
Notices received . Request for 1/2 yearly report left with you previously before forms can be filled.
Cheque for £84 10s in settlement of account for cement Receipt requested.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of account for bricks.
Not satisfied with number of bricks laid at the new shop. Ought to lay more than 400 bricks per day. Has done about 15 days work at the shop. Wants to make the job last. Cannot see the worth of the work. Asked Ted to inform Mr Jefferies that we shall not have any more bricks from his yard.
Request to call on Mr Savage Road Surveyor to tell him that the question of the drain at Dudbridge was brought before the Committee. No connection is to be made with the Canal. There was a small catch pit to catch all the gravel and sand before Mr Harper built the 2 cottages. If 9 inch pipes are put in direct to the canal it will not be long before trade is stopped in that narrow point of the canal. Visit to be arranged.
Instruction to pay tonnage account owing on 1st September If not proceedings will be taken against you for recovery of the same.
As tonnage account is not yet paid Instructions to be given to the Company's Solicitor to take further proceedings in these matters.
Balance on account owed. All weights are correct and taken from your own bills. Copers are charged dead weight as arranged. 340 from the Gloucester and 150 from the Hereford. Cannot send a receipt until balance is paid.
Sorry that tonnage is not paid as promised. Committee meeting on Tuesday next. If payment is not made before then, I shall very likely be instructed to take proceedings against you.
Arrangement for Mr Marling, Mr Hooper and Mr Stanton to meet at the Ocean. Invitation to join the meeting.
Arrangement with Mr Marling to meet with Mr Hooper and Mr Stanton at the Ocean.
Enclose a cheque £19.10s 0d being quarter salary due on 29th Receipt required. Request to meet.
Enclose a cheque for £10 8s 0d being quarter years salary due on 29th. Request for a receipt
Enclose a cheque for £9.00 in settlement of enclosed a/c for slates Receipt requested
Enclose a cheque for £11.18s 5d in settlement of enclosed a/c for timber receipt requested.
Portion of land on Dudbridge Wharf. Committee have confirmed that you can have a portion of land and our buildings to deposit stone on payment of £2.00 per annum commencing 29th payable half-yearly..
Committee requested reply to letter of 24th July requiring repair to boundary wall of road leading from the public road to your house at Dudbridge. Is in a very bad state and required immediate attention.
Mr Fellows reported that the Perseverance was in Framilode pound on Sunday 10th and in danger of sinking. If that was the case, why did you not go to the Junction and draw some water and try to find out the cause of the problem. Instruction to go at once and examine the banks and try to find out if there were any leaks and report at once to Mr Fallows. On Sunday next have the pound full and rack your top gates at Framilode lock and find the leak. I think you spend too much time in the house. Get out on your length, attend to the Bridge and rake out the weeds that allow the canal to be in such a disgraceful state as it was when I was last down. I have only seen you twice on the tow-path. I must have a change if you do not attend to your duties better than you have done lately.
Reminder of a meeting of the representatives of the Allied Canals and Navigations will be held at the Canal Office in Gloucester on Friday 28th at 1.00 pm.
Reminder of meeting of representatives of the Allied Canals and Navigations will be held at the Canal office in Gloucester on Friday 28th.
Enclosing a form to be filled in and returned with certificate of the burial of the late Mr T T Tyers. Registration fee will be 12s 6d being 2s 6d per share on the five shares held by the Trustees.
Apologies for absence for several days in arrangement of a meeting
Enclosed Sittington's receipt and ticket for Mr Rowles Betsey. If G Whiting's boat, Jane, is at Eastington without a ticket will send a pass. If she has not been up since 1st Sept I have her ticket. PS Request to get usual Stores return and statement of work "new and extra"" done during previous 1/2 year. To include shop and fences. When you pass Miss Shelton's house call in and see what she wants doing. Rain coming in the bedroom. Mrs Williams also wants a little barging doing to the wash-house at Bristol Road where the spouting was removed."
Cannot pay the dividends owing to you without certificate of burial of the late T T Tyers or the probate of his will. To register according to the Canal Act of Parliament and for which 2s 6d per share is to be paid.
Note rate on common blue bricks is 1s per 1000. They weigh about 4 tons to the 1000 so rate is 3d per ton - less than any other Navigation. Rate on Copers and paving bricks is 4d per ton dead weight. Our flooring quarries, tiles and garden edging we charge 1s per ton The Act empowers us to charge on all traffic entering this canal from the G&B Canal as if the same entered at Framilode, therefore charging on 8 miles The charge of 3d per ton on the 8 miles is 3/8d per ton per mile. We could not do it for any less.
Acknowledging authority to pay Stroudwater Navigation dividends payable on three shares held by the Trustees of the late T T Tyers into Bank of England. Also postal orders value 12s 6d. Requires burial certificate.
Enclose a cheque value £43 17s 5d as settlement of account for labour. Please sign and return. Total has been corrected.
Portion of Dudbridge Wharf for stone deposit. No reply to letter of 18 September last. Are you still willing to take a part of the wharf at the sum named - £2.00 p.a.?
Mr Fallows reported that your boat Fanny ran into bottom gates of Pike Lock before lock was empty. Committee considered the matter yesterday. You will be forgiven this offence, but if you ever do anything again you will be summoned.
Letter re toll charge on quarry tiles deferred by Committee because of lack of time. Will be brought forward to next meeting.
Mr Fallows reported that you ran your boat 'Jane' into bottom gates at Dock Lock. Committee forgive this offence, but if it recurs you will be summoned.
Enclosed certificate for share No 52 which will now stand in your name in the Company Transfer Book.
Water Gauges Framilode Lock. Apologies for being unable to reply. No register of the level of water at our River Lock. No report from the spot and no reliable information. Instructions given for a Gauge post to be put up above the Lock side as the tide is very often over and considerably higher than the side of the lock and is then above the gauge marks, which are only from the cill to the coping stone.
Enclosing probate of the will of the late T T Tyers, duly registered in the Company of Proprietors records.
Enclose dividend warrant value £12 10s due the five shares held in Trust by F W Elers, W Luker and G C Gibbon. Dividend warrant sent to Bank of England as instructed, but it was returned with letter stating nothing is know of it. Best to make out in your name and send direct to you. Also had the probate of the will of the late T T Tyers duly registered. C G Gibbon has not signed the enclosed form of authority, Please get his signature to settle business.
Stroudwater Navigation Co intend to appeal against the assessment on the £315 charged for Parliamentary expenses. Please let me know when and where the appeal must be made.
Return the form of Gauge register with thanks. Will have some printed and will start to take the gauges on 1st Jan 1884.
Mistake re boat 'Smethwick'. Way bill signed by person who received the bricks stated that 8350 had been unloaded - 25 tons. Also in error respecting the 'Dudley' on 6th and 29th Oct but not on 3rd as stated.
Apologies, but require probate of the will of the late Mr G C Gibbon, death or burial certificate will do as cannot complete the registration in compliance with the Canal Act of Parliament.
In the case of the 'Dudley' deduct the 7d surcharge. Only 1d can be allowed on the 'Smethwick' as the contractors' man signed the way bill for 8250 received which is 2415 = 8s3d. With respect to the boats which you say have been short. We cannot make any allowances. For the future I shall take the number of bricks from the way bill signed by the Contractors' or their foreman.
Remittance for bill for cement promised in a few days. Empty casks will be returned when all used. Please allow usual sum of 2s 6d each for empty casks.
Re charge made on the stone, I cannot do anything in the matter. Charge is due for lockage, which we make for small quantities up to the weight that would make up the sum. Examples given.
Sent last night Report of Mr Salt's Committee and evidence for which I must thank you. The Company's solicitor has been perusing.
Acknowledge receipt of change of address card. Have made the necessary amendments to the Company's book. Fee for making the alteration is 5s.
Enclose Way Bill of boat 'Smethwick' , which is correct as to numbers (7892), which is 24 tons. 3s 1d stamps enclosed as the allowance on same. Mr Roper is having his number of bricks made up by Mr Hamlet, so please put the full weight in your way bills, as it would be unfair to take the number received by the Contractor. For the future I will charge for the number carried as the Act empowers us to. It would save a great deal of trouble if boatmen settle for every load and if the surcharge amounts to only a few pence it is not worth the cost of postage.
For the future the rate for flooring quarries and garden edging will be 6d per ton dead weight, which charge will include wharfage.
From today the rate on paving bricks will be the same as bricks - 4d per ton dead weight. Bricks 1s per 1000. Flooring quarries, tiles, garden edging and other fancy brick yard goods to be charged as sundries up to Stonehouse wharf and 6d per ton dead weight up to Wallbridge and Brimscombe and 4d beyond.
Enclose a cheque value £4 17s 9d in settlement of account for Tithe charge Send receipt.
Please send reply to mine of 7th re evidence of the death of the late Mr G C Gibbons, so that registration of the shares can be completed.
Obliged if you would let me have the letters of Messrs Wood & Ivery re price of blue bricks… Mr Harper..
Will call at your yard some time on Monday morning.
Your letter Re Wharfage room required for deposit of stone at Dudbridge Canal Wharf placed before the Committee last Tuesday. Instructed to inform you that a less charge than that named in mine of 18th Sept. viz £2 per annum.
Instruction to settle balance of tonnage account. Your not coming has put me to very great inconvenience as unable to close the books.
Return water gauge report - am much obliged for the loan.
Enclose a cheque value £2 2s being the Company's subscription to the Stroud Hospital for 1 year ending Dec 25th 1883. Please provide receipt.
Please find cheque value £10 8s being 1/4 year's salary due on 25th. Receipt required.
Proposed alteration to grating before outlet pipe of catch pit belonging to Mr Jefferies at Ebley considered by Committee. Proposed raising the pipe. If Mr Jefferies will not do it he is to find bricks and Company will do the work. Includes a sketch plan of works proposed.
Enclosing a cheque for £19 10s. Quarter year's salary. Requires a receipt.
Rent receipts for collection from Messrs Webb & Spring. Also notify them of the state of the Wharf near the crane. Need to have this put right as its state interferes with traffic and there are constant complaints.
Reported that on 26th you did ram into the gates of the Shallow Lock contrary to the rules of the Navigation. You are to pay a fine of £1 which must be paid within 14 days of the receipt of the letter. If not a summons will be taken out and the full penalty pressed for.
Partly illegible. Relates to wish to give a payment of £? In lieu of wharfage as now paid for your traffic passing over our wharf at Stonehouse. Cannot see my way clear to take any fixed sum for wharfage but would rather carry on present system of charges only 3d per ton for all goods.
Enclose tonnage account for Dec 1883. During November 95 bricks were over-carried and in December 1,755. Itemised list makes a total of 1,850, Will keep an account of all over-carried and make out a bill for this when number reaches 2000.
Attaching postage stamps to value 4s
Enclosing postage stamps value 3s being 3 years trespass rent for land occupied by the Canal Co at Eastington due 1st November 1883, Requires a receipt.
Mr Hooper built the wall around the piece of land at Eastington. The same was turned over to the Company 25th August 1863. Instructed Ted to go down on Monday to do the work.
Don't know of a Purchaser for your shares at present but will enquire and let you know. The last share sold fetched £77 10s 0d and if you were willing to sell at that price, will be able to dispose of them. Share certificates not in the possession of the Company, but sent by Messrs Kearsey & Partners Solicitors Stroud either to Mr Graham or Mr L P Mew about end of June 1882.
I find that you have not yet removed the Barge out of the Back Brook at Eastington as promised. Glad if you will do so as it is in our way. If not we shall have to charge you with expense.
On or with the Dredger will be about 1 1/4 tons of tiles sent by Mr George for his brother at Dudbridge. Please make the usual charge of 1s 8d and if the men are not authorised to pay I will send account to Mr George.
Reply to letter re tiles . Lockage charge will be 1s 8d. I have arranged for the Dredger to pass free up this Canal. Will be very glad to see her and hope that she will do some work.
Received your application for Tithe Rent charge of 11s 3d. Being the first application of this kind I cannot pay without the sanction of the Board. There is a meeting next Tuesday after which I will write to you again. Request to supply further information on what land the charge is made, and in what parish. How long do the arrears go back and what is the annual charge.
Enclose P.O.O. value 7s 6d. Please send I pound of oil form of luminous paint (6s) and 1/2 pound of neutral base (1s 6d). Please let me have paint as soon as you can as I want to try it during the dark nights.
Re your change of address. The alteration has been made in the Books of the Company. The fee for such alteration is 2s 6d.
Request for the date of the last payment made by this Company for the Stonehouse Tithe Charge.
A number of the pieces of oak scantling sent down to Eastington not cut to the size ordered. Some are sappy or shaken. Will have to return these as cannot work with them for the required purpose , we need "Heart"" as we explained when the order was made."
Tithe Charge Stonehouse. Committee instructed me to inform you that as this is a tenant's rent - apply to Mr Critchley who is the occupier of the House.
Re cashed cheque, should have sent receipt by the night's post. But did not. Please acknowledge receipt of cheques immediately. Also expected to have letter relating to the Catch pit and oak timber, but did not receive.
Enclosing a bill and require payment for 14s 10d being the cost for preparing wall damaged by you on 19th December 1883. Immediate response required. Copy of bill attached
Re Yours of 18th and 19th . Pleased to hear that you are going to write to Mr Taunton as he told Mr Mills that the question had been settled and the plans signed.
Time for paying fine for running into the gates at the Shallow Lock up on the 18th. Fine of £1 must be paid on demand or a summons will be taken out and the full penalty and expenses pressed for.
Reply to yours of 19th As the bricks were wanted in a hurry I had to get a Stroud boat to go for them - started from here on Saturday morning.
Enclosing bill and require immediate payment 14s 10d being the cost of repairing the wall at Wallbridge damaged by you on 19th December 1883 by your cart coming into collision Mr Knee's Coal Cart. Immediate attention required.
On or about Monday next the 28th J Wood's boat Emily Captain Chas Butt will call at your yard for a load (10,000) of blue on edge impressed bricks at 27s 6d as per yours of 5th October 1883. Does it make any difference in the price between blue on edge and blue on flat when he is loading. Please let me know. He will want some money to pay his way here.
Hardly think the boat will be at your works Monday next, as called yesterday and said he had to fetch a load of coal from Cannock and could not fetch the bricks, so will have to get another boat from Gloucester. You can put in some of the "blue on flat"" so that the client can compare them with ""Blue on edge"" and see which he likes best. You can get the brick ready and I will let you know when it is likely a boat will be at your works."
Will be at home tomorrow and Friday. On your arrival will go with you to where the Steam Dredger is at work.
In Gloucester yesterday and called at your offices. Please say if you carry bricks at 3 tons the 1000 or dead weight. If you will carry the 10,000 at 30 tons Gauge weight Tonnage will be paid all the way through (the tonnage came to about £13 15s 0d). I think I shall be able to give you an order in next few days. This is the way have had bricks brought before.
Enclosing receipt for cheque amounting to £8 11s 10d in settlement of tonnage account for quarter ending Dec 1883. Also calling attention to your barge now lying at Eastington constantly breaking away from her moorings to the danger of traffic and our works. Had to be tied up this morning as had broken loose. Will hold you responsible for any damage caused by her and will have to charge you the men's time for looking after her.
Please settle the bill of 14s 10d for repairing the wall at Wallbridge. If I don't hear from you in next few days will have to put the matter in the hands of Messrs Little and Mills the Company's solicitors.
Advised that the alteration of the address in the Company's Books had been made. A charge of 2s 6d is made for this will you please pay.
Re Mr Taunton's letter with respect to the proposed viaduct across the upper wharf at Stroud also the intended extensions of the Middle Wharf. Re proposed increase of Wharf room I am of the same opinion as Mr Chapman that if Mr Taunton carries out his promises it will be very convenient for the traders and will not much matter how the Midland Railway Company cross the Upper Wharf. Additional wharf room will give a long frontage which will compensate for that taken from the Upper Wharf by the Bridge. They are getting on with the mudding but rather slowly.
Receipt of yours with letters from Mr Taunton and Mr Marten re proposed viaduct over the Thames & Severn Canal Co's Upper Wharf at Stroud. Also intended extension of the Middle Wharf. Rest of letter same as that to Mr Marten (485)
Last night made an arrangement with the Severn & Canal Carrying Company to fetch any bricks and they will arrange with you. Arranged that 5000 be put in one boat and 5000 in another Will carry them for £1 per 1000 and pay all tonnages.
Intention of the Gas Co to repair the Crown of the Arch of the Nutshell Bridge when the Reliance comes up next. Everything in readiness will send a truck down and repair the bridge from off the barge. Should like you to be there and supervise the work. Arrangements to visit the Ocean tomorrow afternoon.
Cheque value £19 7s 9d in settlement of income tax demands Please supply receipts.
Yours re tying up of Barge Betsey. My man tied her up and looked after her. I expect to hear that you are going to put her in the Dock.
Please mix the first 5000 bricks you send as client wants both blue on edge and blue on flat. Prices as quoted
Please have the enclosed notice re the Stoppage at the Junction put up in Sittington's window. Also get a copy of Tax Book from Mr A Jeens ? Of the charge of £3 1s 1d for Land tax in Eastington Parish. I think he lives at Nupend. Also instruct Saunders to assist the men when they come down on Friday and see that no one uses the Tow Path to go to the houses. Call and let the people know. Unable to go to Framilode this week.
Monthly account for tonnage on bricks to Jan 31st 1780 bricks carried and not yet charged for.
Received a telegram from Mr Clegram for permission to draw the water down in Framilode Pound to examine the Lock Walls and Gates. Written to Saunders to attend to it. If you went down, you could see what you needed to do at the Lock and the stop.
I have written to Lock Keeper at Framilode to draw the water out of the Framilode Pound tomorrow.
Clegram wants the water drawn down in the Framilode Pound tomorrow. See Harris about the time he wants it down. They want to examine the Lock walls.
Receipt enclosed for P.O.O £2 6s 6d in settlement of Tonnage account for August last. Number of bricks is 70 instead of 120. Details of bricks and Copy of receipt included.
Enclose Gauge Register for River Lock Framilode for month ending 2nd January last. I find the Leominster Canal is closed. Where is nearest loading place for barges in the Clee Hill Stone quarries? Do you think it likely that a trade in stone could be carried out between there and the Stroud District.
5000 bricks coming up in one of Fellows' Boats for Sir W H Marling. There are two sorts, 2500 "blue on edge"" and 2500 "" blue on flat"". 2000 are to be put out at Stanley Coal Pen (Ryeford) and 3000 taken to Ebley
Received the form of dividend warrant for which I am obliged.
Received with thanks stamps for 2s 6d The fine is the usual one and is specially laid out in the Canal Act of Parliament. The fee for transfer of shares is 5s each.
Thanks for invitations to meetings Sorry that I could not make it to the last one tomorrow. Please send me copies of Examination Papers regulations etc. which have to be filled in and observed by any Engineer's students to be admitted into the Institution of Civil Engineers. Having charge of the works such as the management of the Canal I take interest in Engineering matters.
George Clark came up on 17th Jan with a load of coal for the Brewery and on his way picked up somewhere 4 or 5 casks of cider. Did not say anything about it and consequently was not charged. Sum of 1s 8d is to be paid for which please make out a ticket and add to month's account He has infringed the 58th Clause in the Act by which he is liable to a fine at rate of £2 per ton.