Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/2
Letters written by various Company Clerks between 1814 and 1866
Continued from 293: Tonnage in future to be paid at time of clearing out vessel
Committee direct attention of Commissioners of the Lightpill district of roads to the need to repair the bridge at Wallbridge
I will immediately contact the party who has the barge building establishment to prevent this nuisance
Notice of General Half Yearly Meeting of Proprietors to be held Tuesday 28th October
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 18th and 25th
Replace valve you removed from culvert passing under our canal within one month
Please explain difference between current bill and previous ones
You will be summoned unless you pay the Wharfinger at Dudbridge Wharf 6d for weighing wagon of wood in 3 days
I request you attend the next committee meeting on Tuesday next at 12:30
Notice of Special General Meeting of Proprietors on Tuesday 3rd March at 1pm re railway to Nailsworth
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 28th
Notice of Special General Meeting of Proprietors on Monday 9th March at 1pm re railway to Nailsworth
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers
Enclosing P.O. for £2 4s 6d for executors of the late Thomas Liddiatt
Notice of General Half Yearly Meeting of Proprietors to be held Tuesday 21st April
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 11th and 18th
Notice of Adjourned General Meeting of Proprietors re Stonehouse Wharf to be held Saturday 25th April
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 25th
S S Marling and Co are not willing to give up the wharf occupied by them at Ryeford to you
Please reduce heavy loads of sewage taken from the tank near the Gas Works until new swing bridge is ready
You have ignored requests to remove timber from Dudbridge Wharf. After 3 days you will be charged for it
Committee have approved your request to make a temporary cut from the canal to the brook at Whitminster
Explain why 3 tons of Wheat you put out at Ryeford were not shown on the ticket of the Atlas by your son
Details of committee resolution in response to letter requesting permission to take water from canal at Lodgemore for their cattle, and for their previously requested extraction for their steam engine, and asking for consent to terms therein
Enclosing copy of committee resolution re charges for arrears of rent and contribution to repairs to swing bridge.
Notice to remove paving stone from Stonehouse Wharf within 3 days or be charged 2s 6d per day
Caution that any attempt to obstruct the Dudbridge wharf gates with you timber wagons will be fined
Notice of Special General Meeting of Proprietors on Tuesday 16th February at 1pm to elect a Solicitor
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 6th and 13th
Sub-committee has been appointed to meet you at 12 o'clock on Friday 26th to discuss your letter of 1st
Committee will meet 8th March to discuss tonnage on Bullo coal. When can committee interview you?
At meeting you did not seem to think it urgent to reduce rate on Bullo coal to between Stroud & Brimscombe
Please provide committee with formal statement of reductions you wish to be made
Details of tonnage on all back freights from T&S Canal over Stroudwater. Rate on oil cake already low
Cannot make any reduction until committee meet on 26th
Notice of General Half Yearly Meeting of Proprietors to be held Tuesday 26th April
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 16th and 23rd
Longney completely obstructed canal when last at Lodgemore. Capt Hillman will be summonsed for not paying fine for holding up two vessels and causing two locks of water to be wasted
Not enough time for us to hold Special Meeting. Could you put off your meeting for a couple of days
Enclosing copy of committee resolution on reduction of rate of coal to Wallbridge and beyond to Brimscombe Port to 1s per ton, and a reduction of 3d for coal carried beyond Brimscombe.
Notice not to tar or paint boats on the Stroudwater Navigation above Whitminster Level
Cannot alter resolution to reduce coal sent above Brimscombe Port by 3d per ton to include Brimscombe without consulting committee
Notice for Surveyor sent
Your letter respecting the bridge will be placed before the committee on Wednesday 25th
Tonnages of all merchandise other than coal remains as before
As you have ignored notice re no tarring or painting of boats the committee will proceed against you
All coal landed at Dudbridge Wharf after today will be charged 1s per ton, except Bullo coal till June 1st
Unless your remove your iron ladder from Stonehouse Wharf within 3 days you will be charged 2s 6d per day
Unless your remove your timber from Stonehouse Wharf within 3 days you will be charged 2s 6d per day
Your application for the position of surveyor will be put to the committee on 21st June
Your application for the position of surveyor will be put to the committee on 21st June
Your application for the position of surveyor will be put to the committee on 21st June
The late Mr Duberly owned 5 shares in the company, worth around £240 per share. Continued …
Continuation from 306 detailing ways in which shares can be reassigned
Committee unable to consider alteration proposed to Stonehouse bridge by Wheatenhurst Highway Board until meeting in July 19th
G Ford promised to remove brick kilns causing nuisance last year. Please remove them as soon as possible.
Bill for iron left on Stonehouse Wharf, 26 days at 2s 6d, £3 5s 0d
Your absence at next committee meeting will create a vacancy as you have not attended for 3 months
Committee sorry to hear your state of health prevents you working. You may stay in house, but please allow Mr Peyton a room to use as an office, and instruct him how to use the books you hand over to him
Enclosing copy of committee minute in response to your letter of 26th July
Will send you details of the case mentioned in your letter of the 27th in a day or two
Committee apply fine of 10s on account of Capt S Hall using canal without a fender on your vessel
Explaining how deficiency in cargo of Queen Anne became known. Ticket said only 5 tons, light by 18 tons. Continued …
Send original bills of lading or documents shown to J Burbidge re cargo of Queen Anne
You have not sent bills as requested. If not here by 20th the committee will get unfavourable impression
How many sacks of wheat does Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co reckon to the ton? Do you only allow 9 rather than our 10.
Tonnages on your boats the Sisters and Emma not paid by William Phipps. Please send P.O. for 11s 2d
Mr Goodship has not paid 10s tonnage for 40 tons on Happy Return on 18th July. He cannot pass until paid
Case of the Florence in your letter of 17th will be put before committee tomorrow.
Enclosing copy of committee resolution re right of way to your coal pen at Ryeford
Please return weighing machine taken when you removed your late father's furniture from Eastington.
Notice of General Half Yearly Meeting of Proprietors to be held Thursday 27th October
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers
Unless you pay the agreed fine incurred on Meechams account forthwith the full amount will be enforced
We intend to appeal against your assessment under Income Tax Act at Whitminster Inn on the 31st
Committee purchased house and land to make a wharf where the rates of tonnage could not be interfered with by the Thames & Severn Canal Co. Committee have had to reduce tonnage rates to meet railway competition
From 25th March next year the rent on your house at Wallbridge will be £25 per annum
Notice of Special General Meeting of Proprietors on Tuesday 13th December at 1pm to elect an Auditor
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers of 3rd and 10th December
Special committee meeting resolved that your services will not be required after 25th March next. You must give up house, and your successor must not keep a shop or engage in any other business in occupation
Please tell Mr Denton that he must not persist in riding up and down the towpath
Enclosing copy of letter received from Captain Hunt
Cannot pass your vessels until some arrangements made re payment of tonnage due to your lack of credit
Have passed Avon on my own responsibility in response to your note. Please see that I do not suffer loss by taking this responsibility
Cannot give acquiescence to resolution passed by Mr Lane's creditors without approval of committee
How much cargo did G&B record the True Blue as bringing from Lydney on 20th December?
Committee agree to return 5s in pound on your debt of £122 17s 10d. Shall I send you the £30 14s 6d?
True Blue's cargo was 4 tons 10 cwt more than shown on ticket. Cannot prosecute when ticket is wrong
Committee to meet on 21st at my house to discuss Lodgemore Water in connection with Mr Lane's brook
Notice to remove timber
Notice to remove timber
Notice to remove timber
Please present overdue bill for £7 0s 7d to Gas Co
Your son has not visited my office as promised. Please remit the 3s 8d due on tonnage of Sisters in 1863
Committee ordered that a gratuity of £5 be allowed you provided Framilode premises left in good order
You owe 10s for 4 days wharfage on timber. If you place timber otherwise than directed by J Cottle our Wharfinger you will be charged 2s 6d per day after 3 days
Inform Gas Co of committee resolution and have them send 30s and I will receipt bill of 16 Feb
You will be liable to a penalty of £10 if you continue to float timber in our canal. Do not drag timber or any other good along towpath without prior permission
Notice of stoppage from 1st to 11th May
Notice of General Half Yearly Meeting of Proprietors to be held Tuesday 25th April
Have the goodness to insert the above notice in your papers
Send cheque tomorrow for amount of tonnage due
Unless 10s paid by Saturday matter will be put in hands of Solicitor
Committee have instructed wharfinger at Dudbridge to retain your timber until 10s is paid
Sent same notice as B Gardner about floating timber
You have ignored notice of 10th April and are still floating timber on our land, The Penalty will be enforced.
Your vessel has passed down canal to Gas Works without a ticket. You are liable to a fine.
Committee want petition put before House of Lords against the Severn Railway Junction Bill by our companies to get clause inserted for a depot for coal at Framilode
Committee inform you that you are not to repair vessels on their canal
Committee inform you that you are not to repair vessels on their canal
Need to get petition to House of Lords against Severn Railway Junction Bill by 3 o'clock on Monday. Please arrange with Martin & Leslies our Parliamentary Agents tomorrow and apologise for shortness of notice
Your men have put a board on our weir, and failed to remove it afterwards. Please instruct them not to
Notice to remove iron girders from Dudbridge Wharf
You have been sending bricks from your two brick works without sending return. Send return by Sept 6. This does not apply to bricks used on your own premises. Committee request you put towing path between your mill and the bridge in good repair.
Your letter of 4th re condition of two roads will be put to committee on 19th
The ticket for the timber on Providence was entered and paid for as landed at Ryeford. Will place before Committee on 19th and request fine of up to £2 per ton for false returns
As per 324 but with addition that bricks were sent on canal to Stonehouse Ocean
6400 bricks to Stonehouse Wharf charged at 1s per 1000. Mr Beard will be charged the same for 4000 bricks. Need details of bricks for Mr Potter's account. Enclosing committee resolution.
Coal brought by railway must not be put on Wallbridge Wharf. Bullo Household Coal landed at Downfield will be charged at 4d per ton. No other type of coal to be landed there.
Coal brought by railway must not be put on Wallbridge Wharf. Bullo Household Coal landed at Downfield will be charged at 4d per ton. No other type of coal to be landed there.
Enclosing committee resolutions re use of Warehouse at Wallbridge, and having good light on vessels, etc
Committee do not admit liability to repair roads. On what grounds do you require them to do so?
Enclosing copy of committee resolution of charging 2s 6d for taking vessel out of canal to their land
Enclosing copy of committee resolution of charging 2s 6d for taking vessel out of canal to their land
Unless you pay 1s 8d for vessel you passed in and out at Framilode in August a £5 fine will be enforced
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
Sending committee resolutions re using water from canal without agreement and re preventing foul drainage entering canal
It is true we have reduced rate on Bullo Household Coal to Downfield to try to win traffic from railway
Sent notice of Half Yearly General Meeting
Committee have placed power of passing vessels down the canal to Mr Peyton. I cannot interfere
Make room on Stonehouse Wharf for Mr Critchley to place his coals and remove clay from coffer dam
J Couldry of the John has incurred penalty of £5 for going up canal without a ticket and with a crew of only 2 on Nov 2. If 5s paid forthwith the remainder of the penalty will be remitted
Committee request payment of £3 wharfage for stone. Stone left on towing path will be charged 2s 6d a day
J Davis, master of your boats Henry, Thistle & Little Polly, passed up canal with only 3 hands in charge of these boats, incurring a penalty of £5. If 5s paid forthwith the remainder of the penalty will be remitted
Committee request you cut your hedge back to 8 feet from edge of water
Unless you remove stone from Dudbridge Wharf in 3 days you will be charged 2s 6d per day
Captain of your vessel Gratitude Josh Warren was fined 20s for breaking Lock and Chain on Swing Bridge at Framilode. Unless this is paid forthwith the full penalty of £5 will be enforced
Committee afraid mistake made on your charges for timber etc for use of our canal. Overcharged 19s 6d
Notice of Special General Meeting of Proprietors to be held Tuesday 27 February