Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/7
Minutes from 15 March 1887 to 17 May 1904
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Letter from G W Sibly of Stonehouse about being stopped by Company’s officers on towing path on 10 February.
Offer by Mr Sandling of ½d per bundle for osiers grown on Company’s land.
Mr Ward Senior’s proposal to take office and stable at Dudbridge at 5s p.a. accepted.
Mr Witchell, Clerk to Urban District Council of Stroud, required larger water cistern at Ship Inn.
Mr Taylor to keep monthly tenancy of canal house at Eastington.
Letter to Mr Sibly. No right of way over any portion of canal towing path.
Larger cistern, capacity 80 gallons, erected at Ship Inn.
Rivers Pollution Amendment Bill puts serious responsibility on Canal Proprietors where pollution admitted directly into canal.
Application by Messrs Bruton & Knowles of Gloucester on behalf of prospective purchaser of the Ryeford Saw Mills as to charge for supply of water from canal.
Late Chairman, Mr E C Little, wished to be relieved of the seat at the Gloucester Harbour Board. Mr C H Hooper nominated in his stead.
Position of Thames & Severn Canal Trust on restoration works. Consulting engineer G W Keeling estimated further sum of £2000. Unanimous agreement to Company borrowing sum.
Continued on page 206 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/6144/.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1896 £938 6s 9d. After wages, etc, profit £552 7s 1d. Dividend of £2 declared.
Continuation from page 204
No objection from Committee to Thames & Severn Canal Trust borrowing £2000 at interest of 4% p.a.
Desirablity of “Through Rates” to be considered by Solicitor.
Water from canal at Ryeford Saw Mills for cooling only in manufacture of a “Chemical Food”. Water flow by gravitation to reservoir and to be raised by pumping, afterwards flowing back to canal. Charge of £5 p.a. Pipe not exceeding 6 inches.
Mr Hooper on seat of Harbour Board vacated by Mr E C Little.
Messrs King & Worsey, tenants of Ship Inn, allowed £15 for repairs to roof of stables.
Rent from Stonehouse Polo Club in arrears. Application to be made to Mr Clutterbuck.
Opposition to closure of Wilts & Berks Canal Co.
Stafford & Worcester Canal Co. preferred to lend £200 of £2000 rather than undertake any guarantee. Company, with Sharpness Docks Co, guaranteed ²⁄₃ of £1200. Company remaining £600.
Eastington bridge over canal should be improved.
Letter from Clerk to Board of Trade about opposition to application of Wilts & Berks Navigation to abandon canal read.
Report from traders. Urgent need to dredge canal between Junction and Walk Bridge. Responsibility of Sharpness Docks Co.
Sub-committee to deal with any proposal to license bathing in canal, with reference to Stonehouse Polo Club and proposed club at Eastington.
Thomas Bond and George Stone claimed share no.22, will of Thomas James Bond.
Annual survey of canal in steam launch ‘Stella’, lent by Messrs Edwin Clark & Co., Brimscombe, 8 July.
Cutting of weeds in progress. Planking for swing bridge at Bond’s Mill ready. Whitminster Pound still in need of dredging. No public right over Company’s towing path. Sewage entering canal at Ebley and Ryeford a nuisance requiring abatement. Bathing shelter at Eastington near Westfield Bridge satisfactory.
Cargoes of stone from Rowley Hall and Ireland at several points on canal wharves. Traffic on increase.
F A Jones, engineer of Sharpness New Docks Co. intended to dredge Whitminster Pound.
Vice Chairman of Stonehouse Parish Council agreed to pay rent £1 p.a. for licence to use canal for public bathing.
Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co began to take water from canal for new reservoirs 5 July.
£1800 lent by Lloyd’s Bank, Stroud to Thames & Severn Canal Trust, ¹⁄₃ to Company, ²⁄₃ to Sharpness Docks Co.
Part of parapet of Eastington Bridge loosened by passing show vans. Not possible to find owners to claim damages.
Messrs Strachan & Co. asked permission to divert part of Painswick Stream water for manufacturing purposes.
Injured pillar of Eastington Bridge to be made secure. Probable widening of bridge by County Council.
Mr Margetson of Messrs Strachan & Co to meet Chairman and Clerk at spot of proposed 12 inch water supply from Painswick Brook to their reservoir.
Mr Taylor, tenant of house at Eastington, applied for leave to erect shed in garden to enable his daughters to carry on a public laundry.
Special Committee Meeting. Chairman’s interview with Mr Cecil Buckler of Messrs Strachan & Co. Supply of water from Painswick Brook allowed. Quantity and times of opening the sluice at discretion of Canal Co. Rent £5 p.a.
Canal Company’s officers’ right of access to new sluice on Mr Withey’s land.
Gas Company’s vessel Reliance stranded just above Whitminster Shallow Lock. Level of water fell below minimum standard of 17½ feet at Junction set by Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Act 1870. Repair of gates of lock responsibility of Sharpness Company.
Claim of £1 5s for expenses incurred by lightening the Reliance. Proposed friendly discussion with secretary of Sharpness Docks on mutual responsibilities.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £842 3s 6d. After wages, etc, profit £591 0s 3d. Dividend of £2 declared.
Letter from Mr Henry Waddy, General Manager of Sharpness Docks Co, regarding complaint about detention of traffic at Bristol Road Pound. Clerk to meet Mr Jones, engineer of Sharpness Docks Co. at Whitminster Lock.
Probate of will of late Mrs J C Davies for share held jointly with William Davies and Edward Palling Little.
Application from Mrs A E Taylor, husband tenant of Eastington canal house, asking Company to erect laundry for her use. Declined but permitted at Mr Taylor’s expense.
Agreement with Tom Taylor for tenancy of cottage at Framilode.
Offer from Sharpness Docks Co to share cost of dredging Bristol Road Level of Stroudwater Navigation if Company renounces claims. Act of 1874 rendered Whitminster Lock ineffective for retaining water in Bristol Road Level. Proposal accepted, share of cost limited to £75. Company declined to commit themselves to diminish terms of Act in regulating mutual arrangements and would not pass on cost of appointment of gate keeper sanctioned by Act.
Sir William Marling, Chairman of Thames & Severn Navigation Trust, explained T&S Canal now open to eastern end of tunnel, but had run out of money. Sharpness Dock Co willing to increase guarantee to restoration of Navigation by £1000 if Company increased theirs by £500. Unanimous agreement.
Walter Henry Fisher and Alfred Hugh Wake claimed share no.116, will of Judith Fisher.
Letter from General Post Office. Delivery of letters to include lock house at Ryeford.
Letter from Mr L Whiting about repair of weighing machine on his premises at Eastington Wharf. Company expected him to have machine put in proper order in accordance with verbal agreement of 1879. Assistance in lifting machine when repairs carried out.
Thames & Severn Canal Trust to borrow £2000 not £1500. Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal Co to provide one tenth of sum, Company three tenths, Sharpness New Docks Co six tenths.
Letter from Mr Waddy, Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester & Birmingham Navigation Co. Dredging apparatus brought down from Worcester & Birmingham Canal.
Ship Inn closed for about a week.
Foul well on premises occupied by William Tudor at Bristol Road Wharf. Agreement to fill it up and connect pump with canal by a little additional length of suction pipe. Good spring on premises for drinking water.
Tenancy of Eastington Wharf in name of Thomas Clark. Responsible for repair of weighing machine.
Mr T Clark to give up tenancy of house and wharf at Eastington. C Pegler of Stonehouse and J L Butt of Stroud applicants. Latter preferred as more intimate knowledge of canal businesss.
Messrs King & Worsey to give up tenancy of Ship Inn. Offer to the Nailsworth Brewery Co. £40 p.a., 7 years lease.
Stroud Gas Co to use Company’s mud boat and assistance of men for laying of new gas main under towing path.
½ per cent of interest received from Stroud Conservative Benefit Society in connexion with the guarantee of ¹⁄3 of £4500 borrowed by Thames & Severn Trust to be placed to credit of Reserve Fund.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1897 £894 11s 11d. After wages, etc, profit £566 0s 8d. Dividend of £2 declared.
Joseph L Butt to take Eastington Wharf house and stable, rent £15 p.a. Also field in occupation of L Whiting at £2 10s p.a.
Agent of Nailsworth Brewery Co called to see Ship Inn.
Dredging of Bristol Road Level nearly completed.
Insurance against accidents to workmen in new Act after June.
Annual inspection from Framilode to Eastington on 13 June.
Interior of house at Eastington Wharf to be given up by Mr Whiting at Michaelmas in bad state. Damp walls and bad plaster. Much shaken by 1896 earthquake. Lean-to at back never properly bonded with original structure. State of fences in pasture noted.
Part of stores held for Thames & Severn Navigation Trust in Eastington Yard clearly distinguished. Planking for Bonds Mill bridge ready for use.
Dressing station for Eastington Bathing Club at Westfield Bridge inspected.
At Bristol Road Wharf the garden railings at the Boultons required repair. Mrs Tudor of the Wharf pressed for opening of a doorway to her front room. Not desirable. Barge load of black coal unloading.
Dredging by Sharpness dredger. Barge ‘Excelsior’ with 65 tons just passed through but scraping the bottom occasionally as water level 6 and 7 inches below normal point. Eventually provision to be made for retention of water, either by putting in one of gates or by raising level of Shallow Lock gates.
Very little traffic current at the Junction because of coal strike. Gas Company’s Reliance laid up there. Water level rose from 17 feet 11 inches to 18 feet 1 inch since morning.
Weeds on canal at Whitminster cut on towing path side and path freshly gravelled.
No traffic at Framilode. Scum on surface of water. Weeds and grass generally to be cut when men have finished assisting Gas Company in laying of new 18 inch gas main under towing path.
Inspection from Ocean to Wallbridge took place on 16 June.
At Ryeford Wharf no signs of coal traffic. Coal on private ground adjoining.
No ground for Mr Sibly’s contention on towing path.
Piece of garden near lock keeper’s house at the Double Locks apparently lapsed from Company’s property.
Water on Ebley and Cainscross section of canal much contaminated with sewage. Restrict flow of drains where possible. Just past Ebley Saw Mill large pipe sewer, said to occupy place of old water course, draining houses of locality. No responsibility on owners. Relief of effect by continuing sewer under canal bank eastwards. Sewage drawn over weir on towing path side.
Objections to bathing site at Cainscross by Mrs Spry Davies. Point near Hilly Orchard Bridge necessary because of polluted character of water at site discussed.
New 18 inch mains from Gas Works completed as far as Dudbridge. Crosses sewer from Company’s cottage.
Bottom gates of two Dudbridge locks require renewal.
New water softening tanks at Messrs Apperly’s mills supplied from canal.
New swing bridge at Lodgemore repeatedly struck by wheels of passing drays. Not damaged by passage of Messrs Strachan & Co’s new boiler.
Supply of water from Painswick Stream to Messrs Strachan’s reservoir satisfactory.
Gates at Whitminster could be repaired and banks of canal raised so company can use of water from River Frome to raise level of Bristol Road pound.
Applications for Ship Inn from Messrs Smith & Son (Brimscombe Brewery), the Nailsworth Brewery Co. Ltd. £25, Messrs Cordwell & Bigg, Cainscross, £20. Clerk to communicate with Messrs Smith. Rent to £40 p.a. with a lease.
Cost of dredging Bristol Road Level £182 4s 5d. Company to pay £75.
Mr Whitfield, machinist, Dudbridge, requested supply of water from canal by 1 inch pipe. Charge to be 21s p.a.
Messrs Smith & Sons, Brimscombe, had undertaken Ship Inn. £40 p.a. rental. Lease 10 years.
Company insured against Employers Liability on account of servants by Ocean Company. Annual wages £500. 7s 6d per cent for current year.
Stroud Brewery Company allowed to lay pipe under towing path to connect Victoria Tap Inn at Dudbridge with Company’s main. Charge £5 p.a.
Estimate for painting and papering Canal House, Eastington £6 5s.
John L Butt to rent wharf premises and land at Eastington for £20 10s p.a.
Amended estimate from Mr F A Martin & Sons for painting and papering Canal House, Eastington £5.
Letter from Mr F A Jones, engineer of Sharpness Docks Company. 5,649 tons of mud taken from Bristol Road Level. Tracing showing precise amount of increased depth in 21 sections of reach.
Stroud Gas Company used Company’s mud boat boat for 13 weeks ending August 27. Charged 7s per week. Used six locks of water, 3s 4d per lock. Company’s servants paid weekly by Gas Company.
Complaint from Stroud Gas Company. Trow Reliance seriously delayed on Bristol Road Reach due to fall in water level at Junction 21 August. Excessive demands on Sharpness Basin. Mr Snape to meet engineer of Sharpness Docks Company.
Lease of Ship Inn to Messrs Smith & Company, Brewers, Brimscombe.
Mr Thomas Cook had not yet done repairs.
Mr Whiting wished to renew his tenancy of Eastington Canal Wharf.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £783 12s 8d. After wages, etc, profit £551 7s 1d. Dividend of £2 declared.
Correspondence with Mr Thomas Clark, Messrs Pooley & Sons, and Messrs Bartlett & Son regarding Repairs of weighbridge at Eastington Wharf. Mr Clark did not attend. Machine repaired by Messrs Bartlett & Son at Mr Clark’s expense, £5 10s.
Estimate for repairs at Wharf House Eastington £12.
Roof of Ship Inn to be repaired.
Mud boat undergoing repairs.
Forms from Board of Trade requiring statistics of canal.
Mr Joseph L Butt to be relieved of Eastington Wharf. Mr Zacchaeus Whiting applied for same, supported by Charles Critchley of Stonehouse.
Completion of repairs to weighbridge at Eastington Wharf, £5 2s 11d, and repairs to house. 50s allowed to make up for double rent necessary while repairs to house being completed.
New mud boat under construction at Eastington. Iron knees alone of old one utilized.
Flooring of the Walk Bridge required early repair, lasted from 1878, cost about £13.
National Telephone Co had cut withy trees at Ryeford without authority.
Bottom gates ready for Dudbridge Top Lock.
Proposal to widen Gas House Lane from main road to Gas works on Company’s swing bridge. Scheme that Stroud Urban District Council should receive £75 from Gas Company and undertake widening and remaking of road, and other outlays and maintain road in perpetuity. 100 square yards of land from Company’s property on condition the walls and pillars pulled down are rebuilt and new gates to Company’s premises provided gradient of road as it approaches canal bridge is cased and improved. Gas Company to keep in good repair roadway between Gas Works and canal towing path.
Injury to bank to bank of canal caused on loading of barge with old metal from Gas Works.
William Clark, 68, incapacitated. Allowed to remain in house at Wallbridge and receive 5 shillings a week.
Only trifling damage to towing paths from recent flood at Framilode and Saul. Stop gates stood well, no sign of damage to sea wall. Highest water mark 19 feet 7 inches, February 12.
Overflow culvert at Eastington partly fallen in.
Mr Taylor, tenant of Company’s house at Eastington three months in arrears on his rent.
Chairman not satisfied with repairs by Mr Martin to house at Eastington Wharf.
Mr E P Little suggested improvement to canal bank next the Gas Works, Stroud.
Repair of towing path at Framilode. Repairs to stopgates, important safeguards in time of flood. Parish Council of Saul to contribute £15 to extending and protecting bank.
£2 gratuity to Mr Clark.
George Taylor’s notice to quit house at Eastington withdrawn.
Fault in rainwater guttering of house at Eastington Wharf.
£4 accepted from Thomas Clark for weighbridge at Eastington.
Completion of extension of bank at Saul and piling of canal bank near Stroud Gas Works. Cost about £13.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1898 £859 11s 2d. After wages, etc, profit £435 2s 9d. Dividend of £1 10s declared.
Saul Parish Council paid £3 towards extended embankment.
Mr Thomas paid £4 for repairs to weighing machine at Eastington.
Mr Philip James Evans of Burleigh Court to represent Company on Thames & Severn Canal Trust in place of Mr E Carruthers Little.
Solicitor to watch proceedings on Rural District Council in connection with new sewerage scheme.
Application by Nailsworth Brewery Company to arrange a urinal near Ebley Bridge.
Mr William White of Ebley requested permission to take water from canal for his garden. 2 inch pipe laid under towing path granted for 10s 6d p.a.
Messrs R Townsend & Company to terminate tenancy of warehouse at Wallbridge 29 September. To be advertised in Stroud papers and Citizen.
Clerk to hire out mud boat to Thrupp Parish Council to clear out a bathing space. 1s per ton of mud. Same terms to Stonehouse Parish Council.
Annual inspection of canal.
Wallbridge warehouse relet to Mr Henry Lambourn. Satisfactory condition but needs handrail to outside steps. New tenant wished to take stable and lean-to near Ship Inn, if repaired and adapted.
At Gas House Lane workmen putting up fences on new boundaries. Great improvement for traffic.
Bottom gates of Dudbridge lower lock need immediate replacement.
Hilly Orchard bathing shelter erected and way made to canal in very undesirable position. Entrance in full view of passengers on bridge. No agreement with company signed: Clerk to refer to Solicitor.
At Ebley Bridge stable erecting by Nailsworth Brewery Company unobjectionable if drainage kept out of canal. Urinal on other side of bridge should be covered with a stone.
Bathing place of Stroud Parish Council inspected. £2 to pay so that sufficient dredging might be done.
At mud deposit near Midland Railway, Stonehouse, outfall of sewer examined. Proposed deposit tanks practicable plan.
At Eastington wharf, house, yard, shops and warehouses satisfactory.
At Bristol Road Wharf, Mrs Tudor, wife of tenant, pressed request of last year to have former doorway in front room of dwelling house reopened.
At Whitminster Shallow Lock, suggestion of new and higher gates and slight alteration to masonry to raise level of water towards Bristol Road 1 foot clear front above Junction seen to be practicable.
Repairs to planking at Walk Bridge. More traffic than last year at Framilode.
Weeding and trimming of canal not yet commenced. Staff occupied.
Mr Snape to prepare plan and estimate for two horse stable and chaff room, sufficient to meet requirements of Mr Lambourn.
Mr Wibby of Gloucester to be paid for timber for Dudbridge Lock Gates in January next.
Removal of bathing shelter at Cainscross to less exposed place.
Mr Clissold of Nailsworth Brewery Company agreed 2s 6d payment p.a. as trespass for stable and urinal at Ebley Bridge. Company to reopen doorway at Bristol Road Wharf at his expense.
Agreement under preparation for laying of pipe by Mr Knight at Dudbridge to supply water for his garden.
Mr Lambourn of Stroud to be tenant of warehouse vacated by Messrs Townsend. Rent £18 4s.
Application from Mr Rechab Wood for right to post bills on wall outside entrance of Company’s yards at Wallbridge and Dudbridge. To be charged £7 p.a.
Mr F Winterbotham, Clerk of Stroud Rural District Council, attended with reference to arrangements to use the Company’s mud deposit ground at Stonehouse for sewage tanks to receive solid matter from sewer on the Midland Railway Company’s premises adjoining. Lease of 10 years at £1 p.a.
Agreement signed Stroud Gas Company and District Council as to widening and improvement of Gas House Lane.
W Tudor, tenant at Bristol Road Wharf, to pay expenses for reopening doorway.
Agreement 1 January 1807 under which Company was discharged for ever from all responsibility for the Ebley Bridge. Money paid to William Read, owner of adjoining premises, vide Minutes 19 August 1806 and 5 January 1808.
Agreement with Mr Lambourn for tenancy of Wallbridge warehouse. Erection of two stall stable and chaffroom on wharf.
Agreement with Mr Rechab Wood, sanctioning his use of the walls at Wallbridge and Dudbridge for billposting. No Company control over character of bills. Clerk to give him a caution.
Improvement to gradient of Gas House Lane yet to be completed. Recent alterations in neighbourhood of Company’s cottages near Gas House Lane has caused unfailing spring of water disappeared. Proposal to connect them with district main at their boundary wall. Estimate of cost to be obtained.
Repairs to Gas House swing bridge, but needs strengthening.
Mr Taylor of Eastington 2 months in arrears with his rent. Serious complaint from Mr Whiting, adjoining tenant. Trespass also as nuisance in Company’s yard. Month’s notice to quit from 25 September.
Stroud Gas Company’s trow Reliance detained at Junction 19-23 August for 3½ days. Letter from engineer of Sharpness Docks regretting shortness of water. Remedy to put Whitminster gates in working order.
Charles Holbrow Stanton and Arthur Henry Stanton claimed shares nos.8,137,186, will of Catherine Stanton.
Ebley Bridge again discussed.
Easement allowed to Nailsworth Brewery Company for stable confirmed. 2s 6d p.a.
Connexion of water at the Downfields cottages deferred till it might be made clear whether former water supply would return later in season.
Repairs to Gas House Bridge completed. New boiler had passed safely over it.
Mr George Taylor’s son had paid up father’s rent. Notice withdrawn. No fowls or ducks to be kept or other nuisance created. Extension of new stable to create a small warehouse for use of National Telephone Company. Probable rent 1s per week.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1898 £823 14s. After wages, etc, profit £534 2s 7d. Dividend of £1 15s declared.
Road repaired by Surveyor of the Wheatenhurst Highway Board from main road to centre of bridge, Mr Spring, from mill to bridge. Intervening space metalled. Clerk unable to learn by whom.
Water returned in small quantity at Downfield cottages. Tenants declined to pay for water supply.
Gas Co trow Reliance detained on Bristol Road reach. Engineer of Sharpness Dock Company suggested repair of top gates of Shallow Lock. Committee, making lock as a whole effective would meet necessity of case.
Mr J E Taylor to guarantee father’s rent of house at Eastington and to see that he avoids allowing anything detrimental to Company or their tenants on the property.
Notice by Mr J E Haynes, surveyor of Stroud Rural District Council that Council would no longer require portion of wharf at Dudbridge. £2 p.a. for many years.
Mr F Jones, Engineer of Sharpness Docks Co suggested conference between himself and Mr Snape on subject of Whitminster Lock.
Completion of new stable at entrance of Wallbridge wharf. Mr Lambourn, tenant, to pay 1s 4d per week rent, paid quarterly.
Mr Haynes, surveyor of Stroud Rural District Council, withdrew notice to terminate tenancy of part of Dudbridge wharf.
£11 10s in unclaimed dividends transferred to Reserve Fund.
Sir W H Marling asked Company to repair the off bank of canal on his property at Ebley occupied by Mr Stephens. Company never recognised responsibility for banks opposite towing path and declined repairs.
Mr Lambourn, tenant of Wallbridge warehouse, painted his name on its front without permission.
In opinion of Mr H Hamilton Mills, Company solicitor, Company not relieved of all obligation to repair bridge at Ebley. Covenant of 1 January 1807 with William Read. Road over it might be taken over by Rural District Council. Notice to be placed on bridge that it is insufficient to carry weight beyond ordinary traffic.
Resources of Trust insufficient to complete restoration of Thames and Severn Canal. Proposal of Gloucestershire County Council to take over canal with view to entire restoration. Committee entirely approved. Unanimously adopted resolution to transfer canal to County Council.
Printed memorandum on Thames and Severn Canal 28 December 1898 author John E Dorington.
National Telephone Co to pay 16d per week rent for new warehouse near Wallbridge gates. £3 10s p.a.
Messrs Apperley Curtis & Co. asked permission to raise walls of one of their three tanks by 3ft to give to give head of water. Permission without charge if draughts of water from canal not increased. Also asked to lay down tramway for light trucks in Dudbridge wharf to facilitate conveyance of coal to works from canal. Proposal practicable. Every facility to be given to attach consumers of coal to waterway.
Communication from Mr F Winterbotham, Clerk of Stroud Rural District Council, enclosing plan for new scheme for sewerage. Pipes to cross line of canal at Dudbridge and Ebley. Decision to follow provision of Act regulating it, as between Sharpness Company and Navigation. Charge £10 for each day or part of day traffic is stopped.
Chairman drew attention to resolution of Committee 18 May 1897 opposing application of Wilts & Berks Canal Company to relinquish their undertaking. Public enquiry to be held at Swindon on 27 February. Thames & Severn Trust had withdrawn opposition, having induced Wilts & Berks to maintain in working order their branch from Swindon to Latton if rest of canal was abandoned. Traders opposing application. His own experiences in bringing wool from London led him to higher estimate of utility of Wilts & Berks Canal from Abingdon to Swindon. On motion of Sir W H Marling, who stated Sharpness Company had withdrawn its opposition. Resolved to rescind former resolution and withdraw opposition of Company to application of Wilts & Berks Canal Company.
National Telephone Co agreed to pay £3 10s p.a. for small warehouse, Wallbridge Wharf, but not to pay cost of agreement. Company willing to let warehouse on yearly tenancy at £3 10s. Company’s right to lock wharf doors to prevent access at night, in accordance with existing practice.
Interview with Mr Apperley, Apperley Curtis & Co. No water would be taken by altered arrangement of tanks. One to be raised 4ft instead of 3ft. Dudbridge tramway still under consideration. Trespass rent of 2s 6d or 5s.
Clerk explained terms of letter to Stroud Rural District Council, in reference to new sewerage mains under canal at Dudbridge and Ebley.
Letter to Board of Trade withdrawing opposition to application by Wilts & Berks to abandon their undertaking. Public Enquiry at Swindon indefinitely postponed.
Public notice issued by County Council explaining terms proposed for taking on Thames & Severn Canal from Trust.
Death of Mr Rechab Wood, tenant of bill-posting stations at Wallbridge and Dudbridge. Proposals by family for continuing it.
No communication from Stonehouse Parochial Committee as to sewerage receiving tank at mud deposit. Chairman had observed area pegged out beyond what was contemplated.
Major C H Fisher in failing health, no longer wished to be member of Committee. Resolution of sympathy adopted.
Reverend Frederick Colborne Fisher and Charles John Fisher claimed shares nos.81,91,129,163, will of Reverend Frederick Colborne Fisher.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1899 £799 12s 8d. After wages, etc, profit £454 8s 11d. Dividend of £1 10s declared.
Stonehouse Parochial Committee wished to purchase ground from Company at their mud tip for sewerage tanks, with path from canal towing path, 4 feet wide, properly fenced off. Yearly rent of £1 for 21 years and right to reach place along towing path from east.
Stoning of Oil Mills Bridge and Stonehouse Cross roadways are responsibility of Company.
Application from John Lee of Ship Inn for a flagstaff on roof sanctioned.
100 handbills to be distributed among bargemen and others. Extracts from Byelaws of Company, nos. 2,13,14,20,22,23.
Company would give Rural District Council refusal of whole area of mud tip at end of 21 years or renew lease of area to them.
Cainscross Parish Council not this year empowered to undertake arrangements for bathing on canal. Agreement for last year not paid for.
Similar instructions for Mr Lambourn regarding tenancy of Wallbridge warehouse and stable.
Annual inspection by Chairman 28 and 29 May 1900.
New piling near Gas Works bulged by backing of carts.
Iron fender of Lodgemore Bridge damaged by a cart.
Bottom gates of Dudbridge Lower Lock need early renewal.
Bathing shed at Hilly Orchard removed. Slight damage to tow path.
Ebley Bridge roadway to be repaired on south side, some brick work and angles within wings of bridge.
A laden barge’s steering gear was touching mud in Long Pound.
Side wall of coping on Ryeford Bridge, belonging to Mrs Spring, needs attention.
Stonehouse Wharf Bridge roadway needs repair.
Entrance to canal of sewerage at Ebley and Stonehouse to be reviewed.
At Stonehouse mud tip and sewerage tank the importance of angle pegged out by Stonehouse Parochial Committee to Canal Company was noted and its uselessness to Parochial Committee.
Bond’s Mill swing bridge needs repair.
Eastington Wharf: weighing machine for wagons to be entertained and a little dredging is needed at edge of wharf. Eastington yard and warehouses: the little timber fence needs repair.
Bristol Road Wharf: Tudor, tenant, renewed demand for stable. Offer to pay 20s rent. Mrs Bolton, tenant, asked for minor repairs.
Shallow Lock, Whitminster, being made efficient only cure for draining by Sharpness of Bristol Road reach.
Framilode safety gate was partially raised. Minor repairs needed. Slight giving at one point of Severn wall.
Timber for Dudbridge bottom gates inspected and passed at Messrs Wibby’s yard.
Top gates at Framilode damaged by high tide. Immediate removal needed. Cost of Dudbridge new gates deferred by temporary repairs.
Sewerage system at Ebley improved by Stroud District Council. Might bring additional sewage into canal. Intended larger scheme to remove all sewage from that part of canal. Careful watch to be kept.
£3 3s subscription to Canal Association.
Letter from Board of Trade under Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888. Thames & Severn Canal would by declared ‘derelict’ and transferred to Gloucestershire County Council. Immediate sanction of Parliament. Second letter. Unexpected opposition. Ratification deferred to next session. Opposition could not eventually succeed.
New Framilode top gates completed and fixed. Pier wall at Framilode to be repaired with concrete.
Saul Bridge replanked.
Top gates at ‘Junction Lock’ repaired by Sharpness Docks Company.
Fence and gate at Eastington between yard and land occupied by Mr Whiting repaired.
Bottom gates at Dudbridge strengthened. New ones in course of preparation.
Ebley Bridge restoned and repaired.
Another instance of difficulty in getting up Bristol Road reach by Reliance. Dropping of level of water in Sharpness Canal reported.
Mr Taylor, tenant of Company’s house at Eastington, asked for assistance towards painting and repapering sitting room. Allowed not exceeding 20s.
Mr Sibly of Stonehouse demurred to charge of 2s 6d for water taken from canal for his garden.
Chairman to dictate correspondence with manager of Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal Co as to a railway siding making to colliery of Messrs Hawkins & Sons over property of that company. Right only ‘way leave’. No effect on canal traffic.
Caretaker at Wallbridge, Frank Bassett, reported a trespass on canal at Lodgemore on night of 4 August by man netting fish. Assaulted in endeavours to secure them. Interviewed by Committee. Frank Smith, employed at Gas Works, before Committee. Evidence not sufficient for conviction.
Chairman of Thames & Severn Canal Trust, Sir W H Marling, requested cheque for Company’s contribution.
Mr Sibly declined to pay 2s 6d for water taken from canal. Solicitor to write to him.
Complaint from Mr C Critchley, tenant at Stonehouse Wharf, of water in well on premises.
Board of Stroud Gas Co dealt with servant Frederick Smith for trespassing on canal for fish and assaulting Frank Bassett.
Mr Snape requested to sign tenancy agreement for warehouse on Wallbridge Wharf with National Telephone Co.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £767 6s 5d. After wages, etc, profit £501 11s 7d. Dividend of £1 10s declared.
Charles Critchley agreed to pay Mr Phillips annual charge of 16s for Chalford Water. Immediate connexion. Water in well wholly unfit for use.
Agreement with National Telephone Co for tenancy of warehouse at Wallbridge signed.
Injury to wharf at Dudbridge by traction engine and trucks hauling out road stone. Mr Phillips, Surveyor of County Council, promised to see to its repair, put it right and roll it at the finish. Attention drawn to risk of injury to weighing machine by large machines passing over it.
Complaints by Captain of the Reliance, Gas Co’s large vessel. Company foreman to accompany vessel from Shallow Lock and note points requiring attention.