Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/5
Minutes from 16 November 1846 to 25 April 1867
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1859 £2370 10s 2d. After wages, etc, £1868 3s 9d profit. Dividend of £9 declared.
Letter from Mr Ford stating misrepresentation of Messrs. Ford’s position. Proposition to pay full price of 4d per ton on wheat brought from Chalford down T&S Canal and number of tons paid for to be deducted ‘wholely and without further charge’ from excess of flour exported. Unless proposition accepted Messrs. Ford could not extend business at Ryeford but would put up mill in another locality. Messrs. Ford agreed to ask for no reduction if account did not reach £500 a year, a considerable increase on the amount of their account. Resolved that they be allowed to bring wheat throughout whole length of canal at 4d per ton, none to be brought there at first by railway, and allowed in account against excess of flour exported, provided account amounts to £500 a year.
Letter from Ezra Wheeler, a trader on the canal for many years, soliciting help in consequence of losses sustained. £3 allowed him.
William Phipp had run his boat against one of gates of Lower Dudbridge Lock and broken the swing pole, since repaired, and was required to pay for repair.
Letter from Mr G Nurse. Cargoes of vitriol charged at 8d per ton, entered by him as manure, did not consist of vitriol for trade purposes but only refuse of it to be used for manure. Material in bottles not manure. Allowing charge at lower rate would open door to fraud. Charge at goods rate.
Committee commenced annual inspection on board Company’s boat at Wallbridge and proceeded down canal.
Lower gates ordered at Double Locks as current gates beyond further repair. Stoppage to be made from 5 to 12 September.
Contract for building stable on wharf at Stonehouse by Mr Thomas Spire of Eastington accepted.
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General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2195 0s 10d. After wages, etc, £1842 4s 11d profit. Dividend of £9 declared.
5 tons of coal to be ordered annually for the use of the committee and office.
Margarette Mullings claimed share no.154, will of Joseph Randolph Mullings.
Letter from Clerk of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co proposing to exchange a piece of their land on north side of Stroudwater Navigation near the junction of two canals containing 3 rood 8 perch, for two pieces of land belonging to the Stroudwater Navigation also on north side, containing 2 rood 20 perch, accompanied by a plan. Resolved that a draft of proposed deed of exchange be forwarded. Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co to bear expense of exchange.
Elizabeth Clutterbuck claimed shares nos.36,106,126, will of Samuel Clutterbuck.
Mr Augustus Matthews and Mr G. Nurse made representation with regard to charge made for vitriol brought up canal for use in manufacture of artificial manure. Resolved that no alternation be made in charge.
Clerk to write letter to Captain Clegram requesting that mud be removed from Whitminster Feeder. Complaint made by traders of obstruction.
Mr George Nurse asked for a reduction of 4d a ton on timber taken by him down canal from Dudbridge with view to getting back some of the trade from Nailsworth which had left canal for last two years on account of tonnage rate. In future uniform rate of 1s on timber of all kinds from Dudbridge, Ebley and the Ryeford to Framilode.
Subscription of £2 2s to be given to Stroud Coal Fund for the Poor.
Revd. Robert Wedgewood claimed shares nos.41,121, will of Thomas Josiah Wedgewood.
Deed of exchange with Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co of lands at Junction.
Thomas Marling, Samuel Stephens Marling and William Henry Marling claimed shares nos, 47, 112, will of Nathaniel Samuel Marling.
Stoppage of Canal, 1-8 May, for new pair of gates to be put in at Chippenham Platt.
Mr Thomas Webb of Ebley to repair lead roof of house at Wallbridge.
Richard Charles Mellish, Revd. George Rolleston and Thomas Edward Newton Lefroy, claimed shares nos.133,160,161,164,165, will of Lancelot Chambers.
Meeting of creditors of Mr James Nurse.
Portion of wall abutting on the Severn at Framilode on north side of entrance to the canal had given way, requiring immediate attention. Mr Oliver Cam to do work at cost of £52.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1860 £2142 4s 2d. After wages, etc, £1557 2s 10d profit. Dividend of £7 15s declared.
Emma Bowles Tripp claimed shares nos.54,55, will of James Tripp.
Mr Taunton stated that the coal trade to Cirencester was seriously reduced. The Committee of The Thames & Severn Canal Co would reduce tonnage on all coals carried by canal to Cirencester by 3d a ton. This Company should reduce by 3d as well. Reference to minutes of 23 March 1853 and 17 December 1856 indicated a reduction of about one half in trade. Resolved on reduction of 3d on coals carried to Cirencester alone. To avoid possibility of fraud, voucher to be handed to clerk of their Company before reduced rate is allowed.
Mr Samuel Stephens of Ebley to be allowed to carry a pipe through the canal to convey water for his house from opposite side.
Mr James Nurse attended: terms arranged for his retaking the houses and garden at Dudbridge.
Joseph Timbrell Fisher claimed shares nos.75,116, will of Samuel Fisher.
Agreement with Mr James Nurse for letting his house and garden at Dudbridge. He claimed to be allowed to remove the shed at Dudbridge Wharf put up by him. Claim not allowed. Mr Nurse agreed not to remove shed.
After annual inspection works of canal generally appeared to be in good order.
Repairs made on both sides of entrance at Framilode approved.
Notice to be given of General Half Yearly Meeting on 24 October.
Mr Whiting of Nailsworth claimed loss of two casks of butter in transmission from Bristol through Dudbridge Wharf. He wished to have assurance on behalf of himself and other traders as to responsibility of Company for goods left in warehouse at Dudbridge Wharf. Mr Warman and Mr Harris to see wharfinger and devise a plan for safekeeping of goods for the future.
Mr Robert Gardiner, steerer for Mrs. Webb of the Bourne of the barge ‘Conway’, to be summoned for damaging the lock gates at Dudbridge by navigating the barge without a fender contrary to the byelaws and having only two hands with the barge.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2270 4s 11d. After wages, etc, £1844 5s 10d profit. Dividend of £9 declared.
Mr Warman and Mr Harris suggested that the wharfinger at Dudbridge shall regularly enter in a book at the time all goods deposited in the warehouse and when and to whom they are delivered. No receipt to traders to implicate Company in responsibility.
Mr Daniels very ill and laid aside from his work. Allowed half his wages as a gratuity from 9 November until further orders.
Messrs. Evans Bishop of Brimscombe Mill proposed a reduction of tonnage on coal, higher than that charged to mills above. Referred to Thames & Severn Canal Co.
Mr Andrews, Manager of United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Company, proposed to erect line of telegraph along canal to junction with G&B Canal. Company happy to lend any facility.
No business other than payment of bills.
Tickets for all coal and goods landed at any of the wharfs to be shown to wharfingers before discharge of cargo. Also every boat passing wharfs and other places with cargo to be discharged beyond. Penalty to be imposed.
Thomas Hyde, captain of the ‘Mary Ann’, owned by Samuel Rowles and laden with roadstone, to be proceeded against for not producing his ticket unless he pays 10s fine.
Mr James Nurse gave information about coal entered on ticket not landed.
Messrs.Ford required to give statement of coal delivered and reshipped from Ryeford to Dudbridge Wharf without additional tonnage paid for it.
Mr Felix Nurse attended on place of his father, unable to attend from illness. He admitted knowledge of the fraud. Mr James Nurse willing to pay a £10 fine and £15 15s 11d owing on tonnage, and give up possession of house and premises at Dudbridge by 25 February.
Application of Mr Richard Williams of Framilode for tenancy of premises at Dudbridge accepted. £20 rent per year.
Mr Thomas Hyde, on expressing contrition to the committee for not producing a ticket, paid fine of 10s, reduced from £5, and 13s 6d for expenses.
Mr Driver to make out the tickets for all excess loading downwards from Messrs. Ford’s mill at Ryeford.
Sundry coals, wheat and flour carried from Ryeford Mills to Dudbridge without account rendered by Messrs. Ford. Clerk to apply for a return of all coals, wheat, flour carried since 7 May 1860 to present time.
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General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1861 £2661 0s 5d. After wages, etc, £2084 19s 5d profit. Dividend of £10 declared.
Messrs. Ford required to pay tonnage on 701 tons of coals and wheat sent by them from Ryeford to Dudbridge since 7 May 1860.
Amos Field to be required to correct errors in his tonnage account and pay for unaccounted tonnage.
Mr Partridge reported that the ‘Surprise’ belonging to Mr James Nurse passed down canal during present month without showing cleared ticket. A lock to be put on gates at Framilode. No vessel to pass without ticket signed at Junction and countersigned at Framilode.
Owners of all vessels discharging cargoes above Westfield Bridge at Eastington to pay tonnages and clear tickets at Company’s Head Office at Wallbridge.
Walter John Coney and Douglas William Parish Sabalmondiere claimed shares nos.168,169,170, will of John Jeane Coney.
No reduction on rates of tonnage on iron and timber allowed to Mr G Clark.
Annual inspection on Company’s Boat.
Stores in company’s premises at Chippenham Platt found to be well cared for.
Joseph Cottle, lock keeper at Dudbridge, to be paid 18s a week for additional work in attending to weighbridge and otherwise.
Mr Lane of Stratford Mills complained of inconvenience and damage caused by surveyor drawing off water for repairs on Saturday 22nd September. without giving notice. The surveyor had informed one of Mr Lane’s captains of intended stoppage. Clerk to express Committee’s regret to Mr Lane.
Wall adjoining bridge over brook at Wallbridge forming boundary of their land to be repaired at Company’s expense.
George Henry Augustus Beard and Henry Harris claimed shares nos.42,66,162, will of Eliza Beard.
Mr Sims of Framilode had removed valve at mouth of culvert under the canal, had lengthened culvert and not replaced valve. Required to reinstate valve in original position.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2495 5s 1d. After wages, etc, £2022 1s 8d profit. Dividend of £10 declared.
Mr Eycott, Mr Beard, Mr Fisher reported on Mr Sim’s encroachments. Valve to be restored and fence erected by Mr Sims removed. Culvert to be restored to original position, manhole to be made at spot to admit access to valve and culvert at all times. Fence to be replaced.
Proposed railway from Midland Railway at Stonehouse to Nailsworth was discussed. Resolved that Company be returned as dissenting. Solicitor to watch proceedings of the proposed Company and report if needful.
£10 gratuity to be given to Mr Driver for services in discovering frauds.
Subcommittee met Mr Sims and his solicitor at Framilode, who produced a conveyance from the Company to Mr Joseph Grazebrook about 1797, about land on which valve referred to as having been removed by Mr Sims was placed. As land was claimed and used by Mr Sims for upwards of 20 years, there was no substantial ground for insisting on restoration of culvert to the original state, especially as Mr Sims intended to resist to the uttermost the Company’s claim to have it done. The Committee approved the variation of the fence, giving greater breadth to towing path of the canal and allowed the culvert to remain as erected by Mr Sims on an agreement to allow the Company to have access to it at all times for the purpose of repairing it as with the old valve and culvert.
Subscription of £2 to Stroud Coal Fund for the Poor.
Proposed railway from Nailsworth to Stonehouse considered. Resolved that a petition be presented to Parliament, praying to be heard by Counsel against the Bill.
Gratuity of £3 to be given to J. Clark, an old servant of Company for 30 years, as he is now disabled from much exertion by a recent long illness.
Special General Meeting to consider proposed line of railway from Stonehouse to Nailsworth and general business. Adjourned to 9 March. Notice of meeting advertised in Gloucester Journal and Chronicle and Stroud Journal and circular sent to shareholders.
Letter to be written to the Secretary of the Great Western Railway Company whether they would support opposition to the new company.
Adjourned Special General Meeting.
Resolved that considering serious injury likely to arise to Canal Proprietors from passing of proposed Bill for a railway from Nailsworth to Stonehouse, it is desirable to oppose same. General injury to canal, particular injury to Stonehouse Wharf. Great Western Railway already opposed. Opposition to be conducted as economically as possible.
Maria Franklin claimed shares nos.161,165, will of Benjamin Franklin.
Mr Harris, Mr Hawker and Mr Fisher in London attended discussion of Nailsworth and Stonehouse Railway Bill. Mr Lock, their Counsel, put case of Canal before Committee but preamble of Bill was proved.
Mr Withey, Stroud Gas Company, claimed facility for exporting surplus coke would cause increased consumption of coal locally but the probable amount exported inconsiderable. In future allowed to send coke from works down canal free of tonnage.
From 1 April charge for the Dry Dock at Chippenham Platt to be reduced from 2s 6d to 1s 6d.
Mr Bruce, the Engineer, and Mr Simms, the Solicitor, of the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company proposed a solution for Stonehouse Wharf that seemed satisfactory to the committee. Asked to put proposal in writing with a sketch to illustrate them.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1862 £2698 3s 11d. After wages, etc, £1912 5s 5d profit. Dividend of £9 10s declared.
Meeting adjourned to the 25 April. Notice to be put into the Gloucester and Stroud Journals informing proprietors that meeting will discuss opposition to Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway.
Adjourned General Meeting.
If Mr Bruce’s proposal can be affected by the proposers of the bill the canal company could avoid further opposition in Parliament to Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway. Railway Company to construct and give Canal Company a liebye of not less than 200 feet and a siding in connection to proposed railway, and to maintain it; to give Canal Company at least double quantity of land taken from present wharf, on south side of siding. Works to be done at expense of Railway Company, as compensation for passing through the Wharf. Canal Company to afford Railway Company facilities for constructing lieby and wharf.
Dorothea Margaret Beale and Edward Thomas Complin claimed share no.159, will of Miles Beale.
Agreement between Canal Company and Railway Company signed by Mr Head and Mr George Ford, provisional directors of the Railway Company, and appropriate clauses were inserted into the Bill going through the Committee of the House of Lords.
Mr George Ford proposed that Company should grant them in perpetuity or long lease, ground adjoining premises at Ryeford occupied by Messrs. S S Marling & Co. as coal wharf, and land from wharf to Ryeford Bridge. They agreed to continue wall to support towing path for 150 feet towards the bridge.
Request to Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co to confer on facilities for checking the tonnage vessels entering and returning along Stroud Canal.
3 dozen Sherry to be ordered from Messrs Wheeler of Gloucester.
Messrs. S S Marling & Co. could not dispense with coal wharf at Ryeford.
Agreement with Mr Sims re valve and culvert at Framilode approved.
House at Newtown, Eastington, lately occupied by John Clark, to be taken by company off Mr Charles Hooper at rent of £5 5s 0d per year for residence of lock keeper.
Officers of Company to stop all fishing on Canal and to seize nets and tackle when practicable and when not, to lay information against the parties.
The new bridge at the Gas Works to be put in at first opportunity.
Annual inspection on the Company’s Boat.
Works found in good order.
Cottage and garden adjoining Josh Cottle’s to be let to Mrs Nurse at £6 6s per annum.
Small triangular piece of ground adjoining Mr Hooper’s premises on Canal bank at Eastington to be let to him at 1s a year and he be allowed to fence it off by a fence or wall to belong to the Company.
Next Committee meeting to decide whether house on wharf at Bristol Road be in future occupied as a Beer House.
Mr W B Clegram requested permission to make a temporary cut out from Canal to the brook at or near Whitminster Lock to take materials for repairs about to be done there by Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co. Permission granted.
Mrs Nurse informed that Company would let cottage adjoining Josh Cottle’s at Dudbridge to her from Michaelmas next at yearly rent of £6 6s payable quarterly.
Permission given to Messrs. Hunt & Co. to insert a small pipe into Canal bank adjoining their land at Lodgemore for supply of water for cattle in the field.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2543 16s 10d. After wages, etc, £2178 16s 8d profit. Dividend of £10 15s declared.
Mr Felix Nurse on or about 18 September had placed on board the ’Atlas’ boat a cargo of coal at Framilode 3 tons of which he had given no account. Penalty of £2 per ton. Mr Nurse attended meeting, stated it was done under misapprehension and expressed regret. Mitigated penalty of 10s only this time.
Thomas Hillman, captain of one of Mr Lane’s barges, before Committee for having damaged masonry of Roving Bridge with his barge. 15s to repair. Reprimanded but passed over on his agreeing to pay half expense and promising to be more careful in future.
Letter from Mr L W Winterbotham seeking on behalf of Stroud Gas Company conversion into fee simple of the leasehold rights and privileges they hold for term of 1000 years under the Company. Counterpart lease dated 19 December 1833 produced and examined. Certain rents reserved and covenants entered into by Gas Company, including covenant to pay one half of expenses in repairing and rebuilding of Gas Works Bridge. It did not appear that such rents had been paid or covenants fulfilled. No objection to granting application but attention of Gas Company called to performance of conditions and reservations of lease.
Arrear of rent due from Stroud Gas Company and repairs of bridge at the Gas Works again considered. Gas Company to be charged twenty pounds for arrears of rent and £44 7s 1d for half cost of erecting new bridge completed in August last.
Draft of grant from Company to the Stroud Gas Company of rights at present exercised under lease of 19 December 1833 in perpetuity, in lieu of 1000 years granted by that lease was gone through and approved, subject to corrections. Public seal of Company to be affixed to grant and exchanged for similar one under seal of Gas Company. Present lease to be surrendered.
Messrs. Hunt & Co. agreed to pay yearly acknowledgement for use of water from canal.
Mr Aaron Ford attended and renewed application to have wharf at Ryeford now occupied by Messrs. S S Marling & Co. for purpose of erecting warehouse on same terms named in verbal application of Mr G Ford. Requested to send in written application.
Gas Company paid the £64 7s 0d demanded by Committee.
£2 to be given to Stroud Coal Fund.
Special Meeting to consider written application from Messrs. Ford adjourned to 16 February.
Following death of Mr Harris, late solicitor to Company, and non-attendance of Thomas Marling 2 further committee members and a solicitor need to be appointed.
Special General Meeting to elect a solicitor to the Company.
Mr J H Warman as solicitor, proposed by Mr G H A Beard, seconded by Mr T S Thornton. Mr Joshua Timbrell Fisher Jnr. proposed as member of Committee by Mr G H A Beard, seconded by Mr Joshua Timbrell Fisher Senior. Mr William Woodruffe Kearsey proposed as member of Committee by Mr T S Thornton, seconded by Mr Samuell Phipps. All unanimously elected.
Mr C H Fisher and late Mr Harris had had interview with Mr S S Marling as to pen at the Ryeford of which Messrs. Ford wished to obtain lease. He consented to give up possession on condition of Canal Company erecting for him another pen on their own land below the bridge and making a good road and diverting the present road into his land beyond that point. Messrs. Ford to be granted a 60 year lease at nominal rent of 10s per annum on condition they put in dock wall in continuation of present one up to the bridge, pay part of expense making new pen and road for Mr Marling. Messrs. Warman, Beard, Eycott and Hooper to form sub-committee.
Messrs. Knee, Ward, McWilliams and Alderson, traders on canal, stated that the Bullo coals were now being sold at GWR railway station at 1s 1d per ton less than cost price to traders on canal. They applied for reduction of rates on canal, a very important question.
Adjourned Committee Meeting.
Subcommittee still negotiating with Messrs. Ford and Mr S S Marling.
No alteration made in tonnage at Wallbridge but considering competition caused by Great Western Railway Company tonnage on Bullo Pill house coal reduced to 6d per ton at Dudbridge and Downfield.
Company solicitor to communicate with solicitors of proposed railway companies viz. Wilts and Gloucestershire and Stonehouse & Nailsworth extension to Stroud, and arrange all proper clauses for protection of Canal interests be inserted in those bills now before Parliament.
Discussed competition on Bullo household coal, reduction of tonnage at Downfield and impossibility, under existing Act of Parliament, of reducing tonnage at Wallbridge. Very desirable to open a public wharf. Mr Knee offered small property opposite Gas Works at Downfield, with all erections, for £280. Offer accepted.
Mr Taunton stated that resolution of 21 May 1861 should be put into operation from 25 March. and reduction named extended to wharf at Thames Head. Agreed. Same checks against fraud to be enforced.
Messrs. Marling & Co.’s estimate for pen at Ryeford £143 1s 5d, excluding cost of road to it and floor of it.
Sophia Mary Harris claimed share no.21, will of Henry Harris.
Record of letter received from Messrs. Ford, offering to pay half the cost of Mr Marling’s new coal yard on condition that when their account with the Canal Co. exceeded £600 per annum, the surplus, if any by them to be given back. Also offered to make road and yard on various conditions.
Lease to Messrs. Ford of land at the Ryeford produced.
No vessel to be tarred on canal above Whitminster Level.
Stroud Gas company requested to prevent gas tar from being dropped or spilt into canal at their works.
Owing to continued ill health Mr Driver was unable to inspect the works of the canal. Assistance to be granted him.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1863 £2567 9s. After wages, etc, £1859 1s 3d profit. Dividend of £9 5s declared.
Proposal by Mr Taunton of immediate reduction of tonnage by both companies. 1s per ton rate on all coal landed at Wallbridge, or passing into the T&S Canal to any point short of Brimscombe, equally divided between both companies. Also reduction of 3d per ton by Stroudwater of all coal carried beyond Brimscombe Port. Proposal adopted.
Thames & Severn Canal Co had confirmed Mr Taunton’s proposal to reduce rates of tonnage from 18th May.
Proposed railway bridge crossing at Stonehouse. Mr G B Smith and Mr G Ford from the Railway Company requested Committee meet Mr Bruce, their engineer, to arrange the width of the towing path and erection of bridge. Subcommittee appointed to attend, also Mr Baker, the Surveyor.
Advertisement for Assistant Surveyor and Superintendent of Stroudwater Navigation in Gloucester Journal, Gloucester Chronicle and Midland Counties Herald.
Special Meeting.
Subcommittee reported that width of canal under the bridge was to be 22ft, towing path 6ft, with the bottom of canal uniform depth of 6ft under the bridge and for 70ft on each side of the same.
List of tonnages to places along the canal recorded in minutes.
Mr Edward Peyton of Frocester assistant surveyor at salary of £65 per annum. Three calendar months’ notice on either side.
Mr Ward complained of charge of weighing his coal. Drawback of six months of amount paid.
Annual inspection to take place on 25 August
Annual inspection on Company’s Boat.
Emily Hannah Duberly, William Duberly, William Fowler claimed shares nos.16,17,51,82,83, will of James Duberly.
Piling on south side of the Wallbridge Wharf adjoining brook to be repaired where necessary.
New paddle and frame to be put in at Fromehall and gate repaired.
Mud on each side of canal opposite Gas Works to be cleared out.
Piling on north side of Dudbridge Wharf adjoining canal to be repaired where necessary and garden fence repaired.
Swing poles provided by late surveyor for one pair of gates at the Double Lock to be put in.
Footbridge at Ryeford repaired.
Committee inspected alterations made near Messrs. Ford’s mill by widening canal and throwing back towing path. Ground given up for this by Messrs. Ford in exchange for ground belonging to Company and retaining wall built by Messrs. Ford at their own expense.
Surveyor to require Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company to continue wall between towing path and canal at bridge being erected over canal 10 yards further towards Ryeford.
Bond’s Mill Bridge to be repaired.
New gates for erection in lieu of bottom gates of top lock of the five locks.
Surveyors to stop the leakages in the gates of the bottom lock of the five till new gates put in.
Lock gates at Bristol Road to be faced and leakages stopped.
Paper Mill locks and bridge to be repaired.
Mr Ball’s, coroner, letter read. Surveyor ordered to make necessary fence at place referred to prevent future accidents.
Mr Edward Peyton’s salary to be increased to £80 a year with house and garden at Eastington occupied by Mr Driver deceased. Land retained by Company.
Thos. Coates fined 2s 6d for working Mr Knee’s vessel the ‘Lewis’ without a fender or full penalty of 20s to be enforced.
Chas. Watts of boat ‘Ann’ fined 10s or full penalty of £5 for refusing to show Mr Peyton his ticket and further £5 for navigating with only two hands.
Clerk to write to T. Wakeman and require him to pay 2s 6d for entering the Blunder Lock by his vessel pushing the gates of said lock open.
Messrs. Marling to be allowed right of road for horses and carts and carriages over towing path from Turnpike road to their new pen on west side of bridge over canal and to piece of land on west side of pen at east corner. Rent of ones. Path to be kept in good repair. Permission ceases when pen no longer used for landing coal.
Land at Chippenham Platt lately occupied by Mr Driver let to Samuel Critchley. Rent £2 per annum.
Mr Peyton stated he was prepared to find a surety of £150 for performance of his duty as surveyor.
Charles Jacomb claimed share no.135, will of Charles Jacomb.
Mr Charles Halliwell, Isaac Allen Cooke and William Brittan claimed shares nos.190,26,136,144,99,164, will of Elizabeth George.
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General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2130 16s. After wages, etc, £1360 18s 6d. Dividend of £6 15s declared.
Mr Knee to pay rent of £25 per annum for house at Wallbridge.
2 new houses at Downfield to be advertised to be let.
Mr E Cooper resigned as Auditor in consequence of declining health. Special meeting called for 13 December to elect a new Auditor and a new member for the committee.
Notices received from Severn Junction Railway Co and the Monmouth, Forest of Dean and Standish Junction Railway Co of their intentions to apply to Parliament for Bills to affect Canal and property belonging to Proprietors. The Company will dispute both Bills.
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Special General Meeting.
Mr William Coley elected as Auditor to Company.
A A Wilton elected member of Committee.
Mr J Burbridge to be notified that services not required after 25 March next and to give up possession of house and premises he now occupies. His successor must not keep shop or engage in any other business or occupation.
Mr Ward allowed to weigh his coal on weighing machine at Dudbridge Wharf for another six months, free of charge.
Letter from Mr Hunt respecting sluice at Lodgemore and inconvenience arising from overflow of water from Mr Lane’s brook near his mill. Mr Warman to arrange a remedy for the grievance.
£2 to be given to Stroud Coal Fund.
Mr Matthew Nathaniel Peyton of Haresfield appointed Clerk at Framilode. Salary £60 per annum and use of house and garden. Mr Peyton to fill spare time as carpenter and on any other duties required of him. Surety of £50. He is not to keep a shop or engage in any other business. Mr Daniel Heaven of Coldthrop Farm, Standish to be surety.
Mr James Webb paid fine of £2 for his captain William Meeham having run his vessel into Hilly Orchard swing bridge before bridge was properly open.
£5 gratuity to Mr Burbridge.
Clerk to give Mrs Bolton notice to quit her house at end of year.
Mr Walkley fined £5 for drawing water before lock gates were shut on 16 February.