Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/2
Minutes from 14 October 1783 to 10 October 1803
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Mr Bigland having not given up the Island at Easton same could not be let to Thomas Banks. Mr Bigland to pay £1 10s per annum for Island in future.
Clerk would not settle bill of Mr Clowes who had left the country.
Clerk waited on Mr Keck with account for repair of Double Lock. Received letter from him for General Meeting. No answer received by Committee.
Company's boats to be taken to Broad Oak to be repaired.
Copies of orders made concerning Mr Samuel King's damages given to Mr Cambridge at his request.
Canal at Framilode to be cleaned.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1020 10s 10d. Balance in hand £597 3s 6½d. Dividend of £2 15s declared.
Committee to purchase coals not exceeding £500 to be landed at Dudbridge.
Mr Benjamin Grazebrook to pay £25 for tonnage and wharfage for next half year.
Letter from Mr Antony Keck. Committee expect him to pay expense of repairs at Double Lock.
Account of tonnage on Thames & Severn Canal in future to be compared and settled the month before General Meeting.
Labourers in Company's service to catch fish in canal and dispose of it for benefit of Proprietors.
Committee for the next year: Sir George Paul, Nathaniel Winchcombe, Edward Harford, Richard Bigland, John Colborne, John Hollings, William Battersby, Joseph Harford, Henry Burgh, Benjamin Grazebrook, Joseph Cripps, Joseph Grazebrook.
Letter from Rev Mr Ellis soliciting subscription for Severn Humane Society; £2 12s 6d per annum subscribed.
£2 12s 6d to be paid for recovery of any person apparently dead by being drowned in Stroud Canals.
Mr Cambridge willing for Company to appoint person to re-examine damages of Thatcher’s with Mr King. Mr Leversage to meet Mr King to fix amount of damages on Thatcher’s Meadow.
Stone lock at Dudbridge to be repaired.
Clerk saw Mr William Chance of Ebley fishing in canal on 14 May near his house. Declared that he had right to fish. Clerk to request Mr Witcombe, Company's solicitor, to prosecute Mr Chance.
Lock house at Chippenham Platt to be covered with pantile.
Kidman's bridge to be repaired.
Mr Leversage declined fixing amount of Mr King's damages.
Survey of Thatcher’s Meadow appears perfectly dry and no longer injured by canal. Committee willing to pay £35 damages provided no further claims made by Mr Cambridge or his tenants on that account.
Mr Chance confessed to Mr Colborne for his fishing in canal. Mr Whitcombe not to proceed against him.
Mr Cambridge agreed with proposal re damages. Clerk to pay Mr King £35 as compensation for all damages on meadow called Thatcher’s.
One of cloughs of fourth lock from Chippenham Platt out of repair. No barge to pass until repair completed.
No answer from Mr Keck respecting account for repair of Double Lock. Letter from Mr Keck for General Meeting.
General half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £671 5s 8d. Balance £356 16s 5d. Dividend of £3 15s declared.
Committee to purchase coals not exceeding £500 to be landed at Dudbridge.
Mr Ben Grazebrook to pay £30 for half year tonnage and wharfage.
Solicitor to apply to Mr Keck for £58 5s 9½d for repair of Double Lock by Mr Clowes.
Produce of fish caught in canal £1 12s 1d.
Solicitor to apply to Mr Keck for payment. In case of non-compliance he is to pursue such measures as he shall see fit.
Rev James Dallaway claimed shares nos.102,103, will of James Dallaway.
Account from Mr Whitcombe amounting to £17 7s 6d for law business during his partnership with late Mr Lane. Clerk to pay same immediately.
Mr Joseph Hawker seen fishing in canal. Clerk to acquaint him with Company's rights.
Doubt over conveyance ofBarn Orchard, Ebley, granted and released by Company of Proprietors to Samuel Remmington of Woodchester, 24/25 March 1786. Agreement to convey same by a Deed of Feoffment, 21 September 1790, to Henry Eycott of Stonehouse, clothier, at request of Samuel Remmington.
Report having been made that the Crib against Prides Land at Framilode is a great nuisance and injurious to vessels coming into Stroudwater Navigation. Solicitors to consider same.
William Beard to enquire about good oak timber for swing poles and purchase same on best terms.
Brick to be got ready for repair of bridges
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1136 14s 1½d. Balance £460 14s 9d. Dividend of £3 15s declared.
Mr Grazebrook to pay £30 tonnage and wharfage for barges on canal.
Committee to be requested to enclose wharf at Dudbridge.
Company to accept £45 from Mr Keck as full compensation for late repair of Double Lock under direction of Mr Clowes.
Mr Lewis applied to remove weir at rear of Oil Mill Bridge to lower end of his orchard. Committee to inspect same.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul, Nathaniel Winchcombe, Edward Harford, Richard Bigland, John Allaway, John Colborne, John Hollings, William Battersby, Joseph Harford, Henry Burgh, Benjamin Grazebrook, Joseph Cripps, Joseph Grazebrook.
Similar cause to crib at Framilode to be tried at ensuing Assizes. Better to wait the outcome.
William Beard contracted for oak timber and bricks.
Mr Barnard Hole, having given notice of leaving place at Dudbridge as vendor of coals, Richard Croft of Cainscross appointed to sell coals there. Security of £50.
Repairs to locks and bridges to be immediately forwarded.
Workmen to fence wharf at Dudbridge. Delay owing to scarcity of workmen.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £576 13s 11d. Balance £540 17s 7d. Coal to be purchased using balance in hand.
In future no person or persons allowed to discharge or take on cargoes while they remain in the locks. Penalty 40s each offence. Resolution to be considered as a Byelaw.
All firewood to be carried on canal on paying tonnage of 1s.
Mr Lewis to pay 5s per annum for 30 year lease [on orchard].
Clerk to procure in Gloucester proper supply of coals on both wharfs, and 50 tons of Forest coal for trial.
Clerk able to procure only a few ladings through scarcity of coal.
Mr Beard to get barges from banks of Severn for supply of Forest coals at Lydney.
Payment of £12 12s 9½d to be made to executors of Daniel Smith for land.
William Beard purchased at Lydney 36tons 15cwt of Forest coals, but very bad and no more to be got.
James Wall to give Committee his proposals for enclosing wharf at Dudbridge.
William Beard reported that Mr Purnell of Dursley purchased lands, late Earl of Warwick's, on which crib stands above Framilode lock. Clerk to advise him of damage to vessels and request him to raise crib above high water mark
James Wall contracted for building dry wall at Dudbridge wharf. 1s a peck for stones, 2s 6d for walling, 1s 6d for workmanship. Digging out foundations Company expense.
Mr Purnell's purchase of land from Lord Warwick not completed so no action on crib.
Clerk to apply to Richard Cam for two years rent at £10 per annum for his house.
Gates on towpath to be locked once before next General Meeting.
Gates locked between 19 and 22 March.
Richard Camm paid rent.
Rev Joseph Colborne claimed shares nos.69,70,142,143,156,157, will of Mr John Colborne.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1143 8s 1d. Balance £1180 18s 6d. Dividend of £6 declared.
Committee to manage £500 for purchase of coals.
Bye law stopping vessels unloading in locks put into execution.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul, Nathaniel Winchcombe, Edward Harford, John Allaway, John Hollings, William Battersby, Joseph Harford, Henry Burgh, Benjamin Grazebrook, Richard Pettat, Richard Bigland, Joseph Grazebrook, Joseph Cripps.
Rails round piece of land at Dudbridge rented by Mr Keene to be repaired.
Sides of bridge adjoining lock house at Chippenham Platt to be raised three courses of bricks.
Wing walls of lower lock to be repaired.
Lock gates to be examined and repaired.
Company barge to be taken to Brimscombe to be fresh graved.
William Beard, lock keeper, saved life of Humphrey Hodges, taking him out of canal apparently dead and recovering him. Clerk to pay him £2 12s 6d as reward
Repairs to rails, bridge and wing walls completed.
Wing walls of Blunder Lock to be taken down and repaired.
Mr Sam Baylis to pay arrears of tonnage and in future to pay when cheques delivered.
Samuel Wathen Esq claimed shares nos.75,36,37,38 will of Obadiah Paul.
Mary Clutterbuck claimed share no.118, will of Mrs Ann Clutterbuck.
James Wall to finish wall at Dudbridge immediately.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1179 5s. Balance £884 12s 5d. Dividend of £4 10s declared.
Committee agree with Thames & Severn Proprietors in lowering tonnage by up to 4d per ton from Newbridge.
Ben Grazebrook's barges to pay £60 for tonnage on canal for half year.
Mr Hill to be permitted to erect a warehouse against bridge without obstructing towing path for 1s per year. Must pay for any injury to bridge.
House to be built at Dudbridge for use of vendor of coals.
Not sufficient quantity of stone for James Wall to finish wall at Dudbridge. Stone on spot to be used but no more brought down this winter.
Letter from Mr Francis Wells and Mr Thomas Commeline with offer to Proprietors to subscribe to canal between Gloucester & Berkeley.
James Perry claimed shares nos.105,147,152,179,188, will of Thomas Hayes.
John Gubbins-proposals for coping for wall at Dudbridge, to deliver 300 feet at the Bourne, 2 feet 6 inches in middle, 3 inches at edge, water drip at each edge, 1s per foot running measure, delivered on or before Christmas Eve or only 10d per foot payment.
Basin on towpath side at Wallbridge to be filled up and made straight.
Stone for repairing locks to be got ready this winter.
Saw pit at Chippenham Platt to be removed to more convenient place. Nuisance to public roads.
Herbage of piece of land at Stonehouse Wharf to be let.
Mr Hollings and Mr Burgh, on behalf of Company, to attend meeting on promotion of scheme for canal from Gloucester to Berkeley
Mr Gubbins completed contract.
Lock men have begun filling up the Basin at Wallbridge.
Stone for repairs dug but still to be brought down.
Herbage of piece of land at Stonehouse let to Mr Vaisey at 10s 6d per annum.
Mr Hollings and Mr Burgh reported on meeting of promoters of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal. No infringement on rights of Stroud Canal should be attempted. Will to admit any clause into act framed.
Two letters from Messrs Battersby and Harford respecting intended canal.
General Meeting to be held to consider Bill.
Old rails taken down at basin at Wallbridge to form fence of canal at narrow part at Ryeford Mill.
General Meeting. Rev Doctor Disney in chair.
Measures already taken by Committee approved unanimously. Clauses to be introduced into Bill now pending before House of Commons. All coals, goods, wares and merchandises passing whole or any part upon Gloucester & Berkeley Canal and going up or coming down Stroud Canal to or from any part above Gloucester & Berkeley Canal shall pay same rates of tonnage to Proprietors of Stroud Canal as they would have paid if they had gone to or come up River Severn. All coals, goods etc. passing below junction of Berkeley Canal to pay tonnages in proportion to distance. All small vessels coming up and going down Stroudwater Canal only pay proportionate rate on Gloucester & Berkeley Canal with vessels as pass whole length of same. Water of Stroudwater Navigation to be secured by erection of gates satisfactory to Stroudwater Company and mill owners. Provision to indemnify Company for loss or hindrance. Gate keeper to be appointed to attend gates by Stroudwater Company, under their direction at expense of Gloucester & Berkeley Company.
Sir George Paul, Mr Hollings, Mr Cripps, Mr Bigland, Mr Burgh to meet managers of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Bills to see that clauses be introduced into the Act of Parliament. Mr Whitworth, or some other experienced engineer, to attend so as to effectively securing the water.
William Beard to have, for one year, wages of 15s per week; John Share, for one year, 11s per week; Samuel Beard, for one year, 10s per week.
William Drew claimed share no.89, will of Richard Gabb.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1478 1s. Balance £1323 8s 6½d. Dividend of £6 declared.
Mr Ben Grazebrook's barges to pay £70 for tonnage and wharfage for half year.
4% interest paid to Mr Ellis for money employed in coal trade above £500 advanced by company.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul, John Hollings, Joseph Cripps, Henry Burgh, John Allaway, Richard. Bigland, Richard Pettat, Benjamin Grazebrook, Samuel Wathen, New House, Edward Wood, William Sevill, William Sevill Junior.
Unanimous approval for clauses inserted in Act for making Gloucester & Berkeley Canal and thanks to Sir G Paul, Mr Hollings, Mr Cripps, Mr Bigland, Mr Burgh and Proprietors of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Warehouse to be erected at Framilode.
Annual inspection in Company Barge.
Absolutely necessary reparations to be proceeded in as soon as possible: aqueduct at Ebley; bridge at the Ryeford; swivel bridge near Stonehouse Church; brick work at the Court Orchard lock; wall at the Westfield Lock and Pashley's house.
Crib at Framilode very ruinous.
Sheeting below Double Lock too short, large hole below it, causing a shoal that impedes Navigation. Shoal to be removed, sheeting repaired and lengthened.
Mr Watts to repair damage to Ryeford bridge.
Shed to preserve the deals to be erected at Chippenham Platt.
House to be built for wharf at Dudbridge and a warehouse at or near Framilode. Mr William Greening to deliver estimate.
Mr Peach complained of damage to his lands by damming up of Thatcher's Ditch. Damage from a breach in bank near Whitminster Bridge. Stone drain to be made through Mr Peach's ground above Bristol Road Lock to tail of the lock. Communication of Thatcher's Ditch with canal to be stopped, breach repaired and drain to be made to culvert on the Walk Bridge.
Repairs being made to crib at Framilode.
Mr Greening's estimate for brickwork, tiling, plastering, paving of house at Dudbridge Wharf agreed. Carpenter to be asked to estimate for timber work.
Repairs, including stone drain through Mr Peach's land accepted. Warehouse at Framilode 40 feet long, 18 feet high, 10 feet inside walls, with strong beams and joists for a floor.
Hannah Beale claimed shares nos.158,159,162,163, will of Hannah Beale.
Thomas Lewis’s wages to be raised to 9s a week.
Drain belonging to Company through Mr King's land cleaned but Mr King's part not. Part belonging to Mr Souls choked up.
Work on the warehouse at Framilode postponed.
Mr Hogg to make use of waste water running over weirs at Mr Lewis's at Ebley.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £746 3s 4d. Balance £467 7s 2½d. Dividend of £3 declared.
Mr Ben Grazebrook's barges to pay £70 tonnage on canal. Mr Grazebrook to be paid for timbers.
Mr Freebury, Mr Grazebrook, Mr Smith to purchase barge.
Shed to be erected at Wallbridge wharf for teams to be protected from inclement weather.
Barge to bring coals to different wharves on Navigation under direction of the coal committee.
Shed as agreed at right hand side of gates at Wallbridge. Present wall to extend further.
Mr Chamber's letter to Mr Allaway proposed that the Thames & Severn Canal Company cede their wharf at Stroud to Stroudwater on terms to be agreed.
Letter, 8 November, from Proprietors of Thames & Severn desiring that wall of wharf at Framilode be raised above highest tides. Proper wharf at Framilode mutual advantage to both companies, but the season is too far advanced to begin it. Business to be brought up at next General Meeting.
Barge purchased and now in use for Company.
Mr Moseley to choose a fresh trustee to enable Company to pay money due for his land.
Mr Samuel Holmes of Cainscross fresh trustee for Mr Moseley. Messrs Whitcombe and Griffith to make conveyance from Mr Moseley to Company. Draft already prepared by late Mr Lane.
Mr Elliott to build warehouse at lower end of Stonehouse Cross wharf.
Flood water running into canal at Oil Mills Bridge, very injurious. Three members of Committee to report at next meeting.
Bill to be drawn on the Treasurer for £495 for the use of the navigation.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1825 9s 9d. Balance £1197 9s 8d. Dividend of £6 declared.
Engineer to give advice on any or what improvement may be made at entrance of Stroud Canal at Framilode Wharf. New lock, a basin, a wharf, improvements convenient for a Severn trow and cargoes and for the accommodation of cargoes. At same time to survey of canal and suggest probable repairs and their expense.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul, Joseph Cripps, John Allaway, Benjamin Grazebrook, Samuel Wathen, William Battersby, New House, William Battersby, Joseph Harford, Charles Freebury, Rev William Ellis, Josiah Isles Wathen, Edward Harford, Samuel Smith.
Rebecca Ann Noble daughter claimed shares nos.181,182, will of Joseph Beddome.
Clerk to write to Mr Clowes to ask him to undertake survey of canal.
Mr Clowes asked to report on improvements in the Navigation.
Grass between towing path and the canal, excepting Mr Hogg's meadow, to be let to Thomas Banks for this year for 1 guinea.
Land adjoining Dudbridge Wharf fenced by Mr Thomas Grazebrook to be let to him for 10s per year. He is to be allowed the expense of making the fence.
Thomas Greening to be paid account for building a house on Dudbridge Wharf as soon as the paving is repaired.
Mr Clowes delivered report on improvements at Framilode and necessary repairs of the canal. [For the report by Josiah Clowes, search for g-1-2-364.]
Conveyance of land from Mr Moseley to Company being prepared, company seal to be applied.
General Meeting.
Improvements at Framilode, a basin on the canal and a dock in the Stroudwater River, to be executed forthwith. One half of expense to be paid by Thames & Severn Canal Company and their being free of wharfage.
Repairs reported as necessary to be referred to Committee and executed with all convenient dispatch.
Thames & Severn have sent letter stating their compliance with resolve of 4 June. Basin on canal at Framilode, dock on Stroudwater River, warehouse at Framilode, and shoals along canal to be cleaned.
Shoals begun to be cleaned.
Clerk to apply to Thomas Greening to make brick culvert at Ebley, dig out foundation, 2 feet in diameter, for 5s or 5s 6d, and backing wall filled and punned.
No quorum, only three members present.
Brick culvert at Ebley begun.
Lease from Company to Mr Lewis at Ebley being prepared.
Warehouse at Framilode to be set forward as soon as possible.
Mr Powell of Broad Oak to build strong flat bottom boat of the burthen of 12 or 15 tons as a dredge boat to get mud from bottom of canal without drawing the water off.
Mr Hains to enquire for a second clerk in place of Mr Baylis to work and live no higher up canal than Stonehouse to attend to the barge masters and other duties and to inform Mr Sam Baylis, present second clerk.
Ice boat to be taken to Broad Oak to be graved.
Part of the warehouse building by Thomas Greening at Framilode has given way and in danger of falling. To be taken down and rebuilt at contractor's expense.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1033 8½d. Balance £398 12s 8½d.
Messrs. Hollings and Grazebrook to resign as Treasurers. Mr Joseph Grazebrook appointed Treasurer.
Mr Freebury, treasurer to Coals Committee, to pay Mr Ellis £200 and Mr Grazebrook remaining balance to be placed in a Coals account. Coals Committee, or any two of them, allowed to draw not more than £800 for purchase of coals.
Large quantity of fish poisoned in several levels of canal below Bristol Road. Advertisement to be inserted in Gloucestershire Journal. £20 for evidence to convict offender.
Unfair means used to take fish by persons who have purchased tickets for angling on canal. Tickets granted in future for fishing with rod and line only.
Front of warehouse at Framilode rebuilt. Mr Keene's account of carpenter's work. Dispute about his measurement. Mr Barnard to measure same, also brickwork and tiling and report on latter.
Thomas Greening completed two feet culvert at Ebley. Calculated for one of 18 inches. Allowance to be made to him as he could not complete it for the money agreed to be 3 three guineas.
William Beard to provide deal balks for repair of lock gates and swivel bridges.
Mr Keene still dissatisfied. Mr Miles to measure carpenter's work at warehouse at Framilode together with man appointed by Mr Keene.
William Beard looked out 12 deal balks for use of navigation.
Pieces of land for sale by auction: piece of meadow next below Wallbridge Wharf let to Mr Samuel Leech; timber yard and piece of meadow at Dudbridge let to Mr Edward Keene; piece of meadow at Dudbridge let to Mr Samuel Clutterbuck; small bit at Westfield Bridge; 2 pieces at Lockham Bridge; and all others to Kemmet’s Orchard, to be advertised three times in Gloucester Journal.
Mr Keene's accepted Mr Miles measurements: account settled.
Thomas Greening's has completed warehouse at Framilode: account to be settled.
Wall at Dudbridge Wharf to be continued to the warehouse.
Table of regulations of vessels passing canal to be put in order and erected on wharf at Wallbridge.
Agreed to sell piece of land rented by Mr Clutterbuck, except bit next to wharf, and also piece rented by Mr Keene, to Mr Chance at double the price Company gave for it, reserving 12 feet from warehouse down to bridge. Also piece purchased from Mr Butcher at and after same rate Company gave Mr Butcher. Mr Chance to be allowed to put gate to wharf and to have access between 8 in morning and 8 in evening to convey goods, wares, and merchandise from wharf. Key of gate to be kept by wharfinger at Dudbridge.
Agreed to sell piece of meadow land on south side of canal near Lodgemore, measurement 3 rood 2 perch as same as now staked out, to Mr Henry Burgh, price £100.
Also sold by auction to Mr Burgh piece of pasture land with withy bed on west side of canal at Lockham Bridge, £32.
Sold by auction to Mr Thomas Grazebrook. 2 pieces of land called Spencehill near Framilode on east and west side of canal, £51. Sold to Mr Grazebrook 2 pieces on east and west side adjoining. Also one other piece on east side of canal in corner of Pool Field; a long strip on east side from last mentioned piece to Gallows Bridge; one ridge on west side in Pool Field next to Saul Bridge; one triangular piece on west side above Gallows Bridge, with all of last mentioned pieces at £102.
Sold by auction to Thomas Baylis all those pieces of land on north east and south west of canal near Walk Bridge leading to Frampton, £60. Also piece on strip of land on last side from Gallows Bridge with withy bed next to Mr King's land, £52.
Mr John Pashley to attend next Committee meeting to receive instructions respecting warehouse and wharfs at Framilode and to fix his salary.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1427 1s 8d. Balance £1395 15s 4½d. Dividend of £9 declared.
In future Coal Committee may draw not exceeding £1000.
Committee for next year: William Battersby, Samuel Wathen, Joseph Harford, Benjamin Grazebrook, Rowles Scudamore, Joseph Grazebrook, Edward Harford, Rev William Ellis, Sir Geo Paul, Samuel Smith, Joseph Cripps, Joseph Wathen, Nathaniel Wathen.
Committee to pay Mr Samuel Stevens £7 8s 4d for tonnage on coals sold for use of works of Thames & Severn Canal.
Absent proprietors to be sent copy of Abstract of Accounts.
Mr Nathaniel Jones to be appointed in Coal Committee in place of Mr Freebury deceased.
Committee to postpone erecting of dock in Stroudwater river until they have had further conference with Proprietors of Thames & Severn Navigation.
Committee to buy a vessel to use as a lighter for use of the Navigation.
Orders for erection of a board for regulation of vessels and for continuation of wall at Dudbridge in execution.
Clerk to pay £7 8s 4d to Mr Samuel Stevens for tonnage.
Lighter purchased for £30.
Nook of land separated from that sold to Mr Chance and taken into wharf at Dudbridge let to Mr Thomas Grazebrook. Rent £1 1s.
Fishing tackle for use of canal to be provided.
Mr Pashley allowed salary of £20 per annum and his house rent. He is to attend to the lock, pass tickets, stop gates, warehouse and wharf.
Mound to fence off land at lower end of wharf at Wallbridge from that sold to Mr Cook and gate to be made on towing path.
Mr Leech to remove bridge leading over Company land.
Mr Joseph Grazebrook to surrender to Mr Henry Cook copyhold land sold to him in parish of Painswick.
Mr Powell of Broad Oak to be paid £45 for dredge boat.
No quorum, only four members present.
No quorum, only four members present.
Mr Samuel Leech has removed bridge. He has quitted land, which is now let to Richard Camm at 1 guinea per annum.
Mr Hogg to make flood gate or overfall 2 feet deep 3 feet wide to take surplus water from his pond in time of flood.
Basin at Framilode to be forwarded as already staked out under direction of Mr Pashley.
John Share to attend to feeder at Ebley to ensure supply from there instead of taking whole supply from Lodgemore.
Mr Samuel King to send account of damages for land rented of Mr Peach.
Petition of William Beard, Samuel Beard, John Share, Thomas Lewis to have addition to pay during present dearness of bread. 1s per week to be added to pay for six weeks.
Mr Sam King's account of damages sustained in pieces of land rented from Mr Peach, the Hyde and Rowles Green. Charge £38 10s. Clerk to tender Mr King £20. If not accepted he should refer amount to arbitration.
Mud above top gate at Framilode to be removed immediately.
Mr Samuel Bowyer claimed share no.155, will of Samuel Bowyer.
Mr Scudamore claimed share no.92, Mrs Sarah Freebury shares nos.149,150, will of Charles Freebury.
Wall surrounding basin at Framilode completed except for 12 feet adjoining first lock for erection of stop gate.
Mr King to accept £20 for damages.
Messrs Richard and Henry Cook complained of water improperly taken from feeder at Lodgemore for supply of canal at and below Dudbridge. Lock keeper John Share not able to get supply lower because of water at Ebley being drawn through mill. Clerk to propose to Mr Clissold that proper supply of water is taken from mill pond for use of canal. Reasonable compensation to his servant. In case of refusal permanent stank in mill pond.
Some of lock gates at Dudbridge are leaky. Mr Beard to examine and repair them.
Messre Cook also complained of water overflowing in piece of pasture land on upper side of canal below Lodgemore from lock overflow. Some of Committee to report state thereof.