Wed 18 Mar 1931
Mrs Penn allowed £3 off arrears of rent for shed on the weighbridge at Stonehouse and the glass lean-to against the house.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co to be charged £30 p.a. rent for 2½ inch water supply pipe from canal to new laundry premises at Ebley.
Messrs Daniels estimate for worn fabric of bridge at Downfield too sustain weight of 4 tons £175 + £168 8s 2d, Total £343 8s 2d; 8 tons £200 + £168 8s 2d, Total £368 8s 2d; 12 tons £225 + £168 8s 2d, Total £393 8s 2d.
Ministry of Agriculture has scheduled canal as main river under Land Drainage Act 1930.
Chairman and Col Ball to meet Clerk and Mr Cullis on 27 March at Shire Hall, Gloucester re T&S Canal.
[1930 March 18] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of March 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Jack Margetson, J R Morton Ball.
Mr Brunsdon, Ryeford
It was reported that Mr Brunsdon had not replied to the Companys letter.
Mrs Penn, Stonehouse
The Clerk was directed to allow Mrs Penn £3..- off her arrears of rent for the shed on the Weigh bridge and the glass lean to against the house.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry Coy
The Committee decided to make the Laundry Co a charge of £30 a year rent for a 2½" water supply pipe from the Canal to their new Laundry premises at Ebley subject to the signing of the usual agreement.
Tithe Redemption: Rodborough
A cheque for £3..1..11 was drawn for the redemption of the Tithe Rent charge of 2.9 numbered 241^s on the plan of the tithe for the parish of Rodborough made u as follows:
Consideration (being 22 times the commuted tithe rent charge of 2/9): 3..0..6
Current tithe rent charge @ 105% from 1^st October 1930 to 25 March 1931: 1..5
Total: 3..1..11.
Bridge at Downfield
In accordance with minute of last Meeting Messrs Daniels had submitted the following Estimates for the iron frame:-
To sustain a weight of 4T: £175 Cos Exs: 168..8..2 Totla Estimated Cost: 343..8..2
To sustain a weight of 8T: £200 Cos Exs: 168..8..2 Totla Estimated Cost: 368..8..2
To sustain a weight of 12T: £225 Cos Exs: 168..8..2 Totla Estimated Cost: 393..8..2.
The cost of replacing the present wood bridge of similar construction was estimated at £227..2..6. The Committee thought that it would be to the users advantage to have an iron bridge to sustain the weight of 8 tons estimated to coast £368..8..2 being £141..5..8 more than for a wooden bridge. The Clerk was instructed to see the Town Surveyor, Messrs Strachan & Coy and the Stroud Gad Coy to ascertain their view with regard to meeting the extra cost (about £50 each).
Land Drainage Act 1930
It was reported that the Ministry of Agriculture had scheduled the Canal as a main river.
Canal A/cs: Ministry of Transport
The Clerk was directed to request Messrs Dudbridge & Sons the Companys Auditors to supply a copy of the Companys A/cs to the Ministry of Transport.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Chairman reported a letter he had written to the Ministry of Transport of the 19^th February & the Ministrys reply thereto, he also read a letter from the Clerk of Gloucestershire County Council stating that the 27^th March would be a convenient date on which his sub-Committee would meet the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation at Gloucester.
The Chairman & Col Ball were nominated to attend at the Shire Hall on the date mentioned with the Clerk & M^r A J Cullis.
January to March 1931: 71..17..1
January to March 1930: 65..6..2.
for the month of Feby 1931: 25..15..6
1930: 45..8..0.
Cash at the Bank
1931: 162,,7,,4
1930: 142..3..10