Wed 18 Feb 1931
Mrs Penn not allowed to store any furniture in garage. Stonehouse wharf premises let to Mr Vick.
Letter from Ministry of Transport re T&S Canal. Suggested that interview be arranged between Navigation and County Council.
Severn & Canal Carrying Co quoted for traffic but did not know if they could secure same.
Noted that Stroud Gas Co had power under their Act of Parliament to lay pipes under and along towing paths of canal.
Swing bridge at Downfield, next to Gas Works, requiring replacement. Messrs Daniels invited to send in three estimates for a cone and cap to replace present spindle and cup, to sustain weight of 4.8-12 tons.
Mr Cale’s offer of £1 for standing withy crop at Junction accepted.
No objection to Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co taking further supply of water from canal to new works at Ebley, if size of pipe definite. If new supply in addition to present one, possible inclusive rent.
Voluntary redemption to be made of Tithe at Rodborough.
[1931 Feby 18] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of February 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: Stanley Marling, W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Ryeford Wharf: M^r Brunsdon
The Clerk reported was instructed to inform M^r Brunsdon that it is the Company's invariable practice to have an Agreement failing this the matter must fall through.
Mrs Penn
The Committee directed that Mrs Penn should be informed that she could not be allowed to store any furniture in the garage.
It was decided to let the premises to Mr Vick on the same conditions and terms as now let to Mrs Penn subject to an agreement being signed and he undertaking to put the premises in repair.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Chairman reported a letter from the Ministry of Transport after discussion it was decided to suggest to the Ministry that an interview between the Navigation and the County Council be arranged.
Severn & Canal Carrying Coy: Canal Trade
A letter was read from the Carrying Company stating that although they had quoted for the traffic they did not know yet whether they would be successful in securing same.
Stroud Gas Company
It was noted that the Stroud Gas Coy had power under their Act of Parliament to lay pipes under and along the Towing paths of the Canal.
Bridge at Downfield (next the Gas Works)
It was reported that the Swing Bridge at Downfield (nest the Gas Works) required replacement. IT was agreed to invite Messrs Daniels to send in three Estimates for an iron fabric and also to include in the Estimates for a cone & cap to replace the present spindle and cap, to sustain a weight of 4, 8 & 12 tons respectively.
Withy-bed at the Junction
Mr Coles' offer of £1.- for the standing crop was accepted.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry Coy
The Clerk was directed to inform the Laundry Coy that the Committee had no objection to their taking a further supply of water from the Canal to their new works at Ebley on the same conditions & terms as their present supply if they would state definitely the size of the pipes, further that if the new supply was to be in addition to their present one the Committee might consider an inclusive rent.
Tithe Redemption Rodborough
The Committee agreed to voluntarily redeem the Tithe and the Clerk was instructed to obtain the necessary form of application.
Cheques drawn> £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud 1931: 195..10..0
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud 1930: 116..0..0.
Tonnage 1931: 47..12..0
Tonnage 1930: 51..15..2.
Tonnage January 1931: 30..1..2
Tonnage January 1930: 31..17..3