Wed 28 Jan 1931
Whole of Ryeford Wharf let to Mr Brunsdon for £2 p.a.
Mr Cullis to be paid his fee £10 10s for opinion on T&S Canal abandonment.
Notice of Stroud Gas Co’s application for special order to take over Gas Works at Painswick. Chairman to consider if Navigation would object.
Mr Perk’s application to rent portion of Dudbridge Wharf not agreed to.
[1931 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 28^th day of January 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little, J R Morton Ball.
With reference to M^r Brunsdons application to rent a portion of the Wharf at Ryeford. The Committee decided to let him the whole of the Wharf @ £2 a year rent subject to his paying the cost of the Companys Agreement.
Mrs Penn, Stonehouse Wharf
Mrs Penns reply to the Companys letter was read.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Committee directed that Mr Cullis be paid his fee and a cheque in his favour for £10..10..0 was drawn.
Stroud Gas Coy
The Notice of the Stroud Gas Coy's application for a special order authorising it to take over the Gas Works at Painswick was left to the Chairman to consider if the Navigation could object.
Severn & Canal Carrying Coy: Canal Trade
The Clerk was instructed to write a further letter to the Carrying Company to ascertain if the proposal had fallen through.
M^r Perks
An application by M^r Perks to rent a portion of the Wharf at Dudbridge was not agreed to.
Half Yearly A/cs
The A/cs were examined by the Committee and explained by Mr Dudbridge who attended for that purpose. It was decided that no Dividend for the Half Year ending December 1930 be paid.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
M^r S Hopson Buildings: 10..3..5
M^r A J Cullis: 10..10..0
Post Master General Office Exs: 2..18..2
C H Larner Rates: 12..13..11
D Tanner Rates: 6..11
J Powell Rates: 2..1..6
Stroudwater C^oy Water Rates: 13..0
W J Hooper Committee Tax: 2..6..3
Messrs Little & Bloxam Legal Fees: 9..10..6