Wed 17 Dec 1930
Mr Brunsdon offered £1 a year rent for permission to erect shed on Ryeford Wharf. Not considered adequate. Stonehouse Tithe Redemption.
Notice given by Mrs Penn, 16 Dec 1930, of her intention to quit Stonehouse Wharf accepted.
Well at Framilode is on Mr Purcell’s land. Company willing to make some contribution to be made towards cost of repairing pump.
[1930 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of December 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, R J C Little, J F Morton Ball.
The Memorandum of the proceedings at the Meeting held on the 19^th November 1930 were confirmed.
Ryeford Wharf: Mr Brunsdon
It was reported that Mr Brunsdon had written offering £1..- a year for permission to erect a shed on Ryeford Wharf this not being considered adequate the Clerk was instructed to se Mr Brunsdon and to report to the next Meeting.
Stonehouse Tithe - Redemption
It was reported that an official receipt had been sent to the Company for £1..16..10.
Stonehouse Wharf: Mrs Penn
It was decided that Mrs Penn should be informed that the Notice given by her dated Dec 16 1930 of her intention to quit had been accepted.
Water Supply at Framilode: Well on M^r Purcells Land
It was decided that some contribution be made towards the cost of repairing the pump & the Clerk was directed to write M^r Purcesll to enquire the total cost.
Road Traffic Act 1930
Left to the Chairman.
Next Meeting: It was Ordered that the next Meeting be held on the 28^th January 1931 ' 4 o'clock pm & the General Half Yearly Meeting on same day @ 4.30 o'c;lock pm.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
1^st July to 17^th Dec 1930: 139..2..2
1^st July to 17^th Dec 1929: 249,,5,,1.
For the month of November 1930: 55.1..0
For the month of November 1929: 40..12..6.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud 1930: 133..16..2
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud 1929: 128..12..10