Wed 19 Nov 1930
Mr Brunsdon requested permission to erect shed on wharf at Ryeford. Present rent 5s a quarter. Purpose of shed and proposed rent requested.
Letter from Canal Association about Ministry of Transport intention to include in Expiring Laws Continuance Bill, to be introduced and passed in 1931, the Canals (Continuance of Charges Powers) Act 1922, with a view to further prolongation of operation of Act.
Letter from Mrs Penn, purporting to determine her tenancy of wharf and weighbridge. Reply that she had no power to give up part of premises.
Notice from County Council re building line of main road at Dudbridge read and discussed.
Letter from Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst re repair of well at Framilode.
Offer of £4 by Mr Harris for weighbridge at Wallbridge not acceptable.
[1930 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of November 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Warehouse at Framilode
It was reported that Mr Lewis had not replied to the Companys lstter.
Ryeford Wharf, Mr Brunsdon
An application received from M^r Brunsdon for permission to erect a shed on the Wharf at Ryeford, for which he now paid 5/- a quarter rent, was considered and after discussion it was decided to ask Mr Brunsdon to state for what purpose he proposed to use the shed and the rent he was prepared to pay and also to inform him that any arrangement would be subject to the signing of the Companys usual Agreement.
Stonehouse Tithe: Extinguishment
The Clerk reported that a Cheque had been sent to M^r F G Hughes, Secretary and Treasurer Bounty Occice, 3 Deans Yard, Westminster made up as follows: viz
Consideration (being 22 times the commuted tithe rent charge of 1/8): 1..16..8
Current tithe rent charge @ 105% from 1^st October to 5^th November 1930: 2
Total: 1..15..10.
A post Card acknowledging the same had been received.
Canal Charges
A letter from the Canal Association was read stating that the Ministry of Transport had informed the Association of the intention of the Government to include in the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill, to be introduced & passed during the year 1931 the Canals (Continuance of Charges Powers) Act 1922 with a field to the further prolongation of the operation of that Act.
Stonehouse Wharf: M^rs Penn
A letter from Mrs Penn purporting to determine her tenancy of the Wharf & Weighbridge was read and it was decided that she should be informed that she had no power to give up a part of the premises. The Chairman undertook to settle a letter for the Clerk to write to Mrs Penn.
Main Road: Dudbridge
A notice from the County Council re building line at Dudbridge was read and discussed.
Water Supply: Framilode
A letter was read from the Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst requesting that the Well at Framilode should be repaired. The Clerk was instructed to ascertain what was required to be done to put the well into proper condition.
Weigh Bridge at Wallbridge
An offer of £4..- (By Mr Harris) for the above bridge was not accepted.
July 1^st to Nov 19 1930: 128.17..1
July 1^st to Nov 19 1929: 171..16..0.
Month of October 1930: 36..6..10
Month of October 1929: 36..1..8.
Balance at the Bank 1930: 121..2..9
Balance at the Bank 1929: 135..15..10.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
F Miles Rates: 1..18..8
F G Gardner Rates: 2..10..6