Thu 25 Sep 1930
Counsel’s opinion on abandonment of T&S Canal to be taken re Clause 45 of Railway & Canal Traffic Act. £66 19s 7d, balance due paid to Thames & Severn Canal Special Account plus balance of £27 9s and £94 8s 7d Bank Interest sent to County Council. Special Account closed.
Permission granted to County Highways to drain surface water into canal at Hilly Orchard for 1s p.a.
Letters from Mr W Jenkinson and Severn & Canal Carrying Co asking for Company’s tolls on stone.
Mr Smith’s application for free pass for his barge, Perseverance, loaded with 30 tons of coal from Brimscombe to Ebley not granted.
[1930 Sept 25^th] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 25^th day of September 1930 @ 3 o.clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Gd Evans, J R Morton Ball, R J C Little, Stanley Marling.
Lady Makins
No reply had been received.
Ryeford Hall School
No reply had been received.
Thames & Severn Canal
The correspondence with the Ministry of Transport was read and after discussion it was Resolved that the opinion of Counsel be taken to the Companys position having regard to clause 45 of the Railway & Canal Traffic Act.
It was reported that a Cheque for £66..19..7 the balance due from the Navigation had been paid to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c, which together with a balance of £27..9..0 the moneys collected by the Navigation and bank interest, amounting in all to £94..9..7 had been sent to the County Council and the Special Account had been closed.
Highways: Hilly Orchard
An application put in by the County Highways for permission to drain surface water into the Canal at Hilly Orchard was granted subject to an Agreement and on payment of 1/- a year quit rent in advance.
Canal Trade
Letters were read from Mr W Jenkinson and the Severn and Canal Carrying C^o asking for the Companys tolls on stone. The Chairman undertook to go into the matter and settle the letter for the Clerk to write in reply.
Mr Smarts application for a free pass for his barge Perseverance loaded with 30 tons of coal from Brimscombe to Ebley was not granted.
July 1/30 to date: 62..8..7
July 1 1929 to date: 77..16..8.
For the month of August 1930: 25..4..3
1929: 47..11..5.
Cash at the Bank 1930: 130..17..6
Cash at the Bank 1928: 105..16..0.
Cheques drawn: 1..12..6