Wed 23 Jul 1930
Permission to be given to Lady Makins to fix six inch pipe to overflow weir at Blunder Lock. Rent £10 p.a.
Draining of clear water into canal from proposed bathing pool in grounds of Ryeford Hall School allowed for rent of 1s p.a.
Application by County Council to Ministry of Transport for abandonment of T&S Canal considered. Formal rejection to Ministry of Transport. Also application for leave to abandon Stroudwater Navigation.
[1930 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 23^rd day of July 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, J R Morton Ball, Gd Evans, R J C Little, Stanley Marling, Edward P Little.
Tenancy Agreement, Cottage at Bristol Road
The Seal of the Company was duly affixed to the Agreement with M^r Bailey witnessed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
Lady Makins
It was resolved that permission should be granted to Lady Makins to fix a six inch pipe to the overflow weir at Blunder Lock provided she agreed to pay £10 a year rent, the work to be don to the satisfaction of the Company and an agreement prepared and completed at her expense.
Ryeford Hall School
It was resolved that permission be given to the draining of clear water into the Canal from a proposed bathing pool in the grounds of Ryeford Hall provided the work at the Canal be don to the satisfaction of the Company and on payment of 1/- a year quit rent in advance.
Thames & Severn Canal
A notice from the County Council informed the Company of an application made by the County Council to the Ministry of Transport for the abandonment of the Thames & Severn Canal was considered and it was resolved that a formal objection to the proposed abandonment be forwarded to the Ministry of Transport and also an application for leave to abandon the Stroudwater Navigation. In view of this application the Chairman was authorized to send a Cheque to the County Council for any balance that may be standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special Account at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud, including interest allowed at the Bank and to close this Account with the Bank.
Next Meeting
The next Meeting of the Committee was fixed for the 25^th September @ 3 o'clock pm.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Ryeford Saw Mills Canal Maintenance: 6..0
C H Larner - Rates: 11..16..11
D Tanner - Rates: 6..8
Joseph B Powell - Rates: 2..1..0
Stroud Water Coy - Rates: 13..0
Stroud Gas Coy (Gas, Office): 3..8
James & Owen, Permit Book: 1..4..0
J T Davis Canal Maintenance: 5..6
Post Master General - Office Telephone: 2..12..7
W H Hooper Tax Sch A: 15..16..0
F Miles Tax Sch A: 6..5..7
Stroudwater Navigation T&S Canal Special A/c: 66..19..7 To complete contribution.