Wed 28 May 1930
Tidesman Pockett reported that Mr Cabe would purchase withy crop at Junction next season.
Brocher still making unauthorised use of Company’s property at Framilode. Clerk to write and erect posts and wires to prevent trespass.
Mr A Bailey to become tenant of cottage at Bristol Road at £7 10s p.a. No inside repairs.
Governor’s offer for extinguishment of Stonehouse Tithe, £1 16s 8d, accepted. Form of application for redemption signed by Chairman.
Immediate repair of leakage of water from canal towpath at Eastington Mills. Advisable to pile towpath on field side. Clerk to see Mr Woodcock of Gas Company for contribution towards cost. Gas main under towing path.
[1930 May]
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 28^th day of May 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Withy Bed at the Junction
Tidesman Pockett reported that M^r Cabe had stated he would purchase the Withy crop next season.
Companys Property at Framilode
I view of Tidesmans Pockett's report that Brocher was still making unauthorized use of the premises the Clerk was instructed to write to Brocher, and also to erect posts and wires to prevent future trespass.
Cottage at Bristol Road
The Committee decided to accept Mr A Bailey as tenant at the same rent, £7..10..0 pa as now paid by Mrs Williams provided he does not require the Company to carry out any inside repairs and subject to the usual agreement being signed.
Stonehouse Tithe, Extinguishment (£1..16..9)
The Committee decided to accept the Governor's offer and the form of application for redemption was signed by the Chairman.
Canal Towing Path, Bank at Eastington Mills
The Clerk reported that arrangements had been made for the immediate repair of a leakage of water from the Canal at the above place, which might be sufficient for a time, but if the Towing path continued to sink down it would be advisable to pile the towing path on the field side of it.
The Clerks action was approved.
The Clerk was directed to see M^r Woodcock of the Gas Company with a view to that Company contributing towards the cost for the mutual benefit of this Company and the Gas Company the gas main being under the Towing path there.
£ s d
Balance at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud: 128..11..0
1929: 68..11..9.
January 1^st 1930 to May 28 1930: 179..10..6
January 1^st 1929 to May 28 1929: 234..7..1
For the month of April 1930: 51..17..2
For the month of April 1929: 44..13..1.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Stroud Gas C^o Office Expenses: 7..2
F Cookley Tidesmans A/c: 2..5..6
R J Legg Canal Maintenance (paddle gearing): 2..5..0
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Canal Maintenance: 1..10..0
S Hopson Buildings: 9..10..8