Wed 16 Apr 1930
Mr Butt declined offer of withy bed at Junction on terms in Company’s letter. Pockett to see if Mr Cabe of Hardwick will purchase withy crop.
£6 paid by Messrs Foreman & Sons for willow tree on mud tip at Stonehouse.
County Highways proposed building line and road improvement at Dudbridge. Company’s solicitors to give formal notice of objection to Clerk of County Council.
Reginald Benson Jacomb and Charles Reginald Jacomb claimed shares nos.69,135,142,143,155,187,192, will of Rev Canon John Wood and share no.200 jointly owned by Rev Canon John Wood and Miss Fanny Wood.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th April 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam. Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, R J C LIttle.
Thames and Severn Canal
It is reported 1 That the sum of £27..2..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special A/c.
2 That the Contributions promised towards the upkeep of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended March 1930 had been paid.
Withy Bed at the Junction
It was reported that M^r Butt had declined the tenancy of the Withy Bed stating that he could not take over the Withy Bed on the terms mentioned in the Companys letter. The Clerk was requested to instruct Pockett to see M^r Cabe of Hardwick a likely purchaser of the growing crop of Withies.
Stonehouse Wharf
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd
It was reported that no reply had been received from Ward & Son and it was understood that they were allowing the matter to stand over.
Willow Tree on the Mud Tip at Stonehouse
The Committee approved the acceptance by the Chairman & M^r Hooper of an offer of £6..- made by Messrs Foreman & Sons for one of the Willow Trees on the Mud Tip at Stonehouse.
Messrs Foreman had sent their Cheque for £6..-.
County Highways: Proposed Building Line and Road Improvement at Dudbridge
Formal notices received from the County Council were discussed by the Committee and it was decided to lodge objection to the scheme & the Companys Solicitors were directed to give forma notice of the objection to the Clerk of the County Council.
Claim of Shares
Robert Johnston Caruthers-Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, attended under written authority from Reginald Benson Jacomb of 10 London Wall EC2 Esquire and Charles Reginald Jacomb of Warnford Court Throgmorton Street EC2 Esquire Executors of the Will and Codicil of the Reverend Canon John Wood late of Hill House Babbacombe in the County of Devon Clerk who died on the 19^th day of November 1929 and who at the time of his death held seven shares in the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation numbered respectively 69, 135, 142, 143, 155, 187 & 192m now standing in the name of the said deceased in the Books of the said Company and made out their claim by producing the tickets or titles to the said seven shares also to register the Probate in respect of one share numbered 200 standing in the joint names of the said deceased and Miss Fanny Wood by producing the ticket or title of the said one share and the Probate of the Will and Codicil of the said John Wood the said Will bearing date the 5^th day of November 1920 with the Codicil bearing date the 13^th day of July 1923 and proved by the said Executors in the Principal Probate Registry on the 27^th day of January 1930 and the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles of the said shares being delivered up.
Cash at the Bank 1930: £113..2..10
1929: 57..9..9.
Tonnage 1^st January to 16^th April 1930: 126..9..5
Tonnage 1^st January to 16^th April 1929: 99..9..4.
For the month of March 1930: 33..14..3
For the month of March 1929: 42..1..0.
Cheques drawn: Committee fees: 1..12..6
Carter Greenway Buildings: 3..8..9
P M General Office Expenses: 2..12..9