Wed 19 Mar 1930
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account £67 2s. £130 to Gloucestershire County Council to complete £380 payment to March 1930. Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co. had not paid £15 contribution.
Tenancy agreement with Thomas King Minett, Double Locks cottage.
Withy bed at Junction to be offered to Mr Butt at £1 a year for three years.
Application from Mr Brocher to rent crib at Framilode refused.
Application from Messrs Ward & Son for wharfage room at Stonehouse. Space of wharf to be let at 2s 6d per sq yard p.a.
Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, auditors, to provide copy of accounts to Ministry of Transport.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of March 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Jack Margetson, J R Morton Ball, Stanley Marling, Gd Evans.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that the sum of £67,,2,,0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c.
It was Resolved that £75 being the remainder of the Navigations contribution be paid to the Special A/c & that a Cheque for £130 from that A/c be drawn in favour of the Gloucestershire County Council this completing the payment of £380 collected for the year ending March 1930 towards the maintenance of the Thames & Severn Canal.
It was mention that Messrs Apperley Curtis & Co had not paid their contribution viz £15..- and the Clerk was instructed to write them again.
Tree at Pike Lock
It was reported that M^r Workman had the work in hand.
Double Lock Cottage: Tenancy Agreement
The Committee authorized the sealing of the Agreement with Thomas King Minnett.
Withy Bed at Junction
It was Resolved that the Withy Bed be offered to M^R Butt @ £1 a year on a three years lease at his expense.
Canal Association
The Clerk stated that the Association had forwarded a receipt for the Companys subscription of "1..1..0 without comment.
It was decided not to entertain an application from M^r Brocher to rent the Crib at Framilode and the Clerk was instructed to reply accordingly.
An application put in by Messrs Ward & Son Ltd, for Wharfage room at Stonehouse was discussed. The Committee agreed to let him a space of Wharf @ 2.6 per square yard per annum subject to the usual Agreement being signed.
Ministry of Transport
The Clerk was directed to request Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, the Companys Auditors to supply a copy of the Companys Accounts to the Ministry of Transport.
Tonnage £ s d
1^st January to 19^th March 1930: 65..6..2
1^st January to 19^th March 1929: 92..15..5
For the month of February 1930: 45..8..0
For the month of February 1929: 30..9..10
Cash at the Bank 1930: 142..3..10
Cash at the Bank 1929: 129..4..1.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
N G Witchell Tax: 6..8..0
W H Hooper Tax: 2..6..0
Stroudwater Navigation re Thames & Severn Canal: 75..0..0