Wed 22 Jan 1930
Continuation from page 351
Tenant of wharf house at Wallbridge, Mr Lee, behind with rent £4 5s.
Desirability of lodging application for abandonment of canal to be discussed at next meeting. Proposal of Col Ball.
[From page 351] Wharf House at Wallbridge
The tenant M^r Lee being behind with his rent, £4..5..0, due last 25^th December, the Clerk was instructed to inform him that the usual steps would be taken to recover the amount due if not paid immediately.
Proposed Abandonment of the Canal
On the proposition of Co^l Ball it was decided to consider, at the next monthly meeting, the desirability of lodging an application for abandonment.
Half Yearly Accounts
The A/cs were examined by the Committee and explained by Mr Dudbridge who attended for that purpose. It was decided to recommend that no Dividend for the Half Year ending December 1929 be paid.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Steel & C^o: 7..6
Larner - Rates: 11..8..5
Tanner - Rates: 6..4
Powell - Rates: 2..0..0
Miles - Rates: 2..0..3
Gardner - Rates: 2..12..6
Post Master General: 3..0..7