Wed 18 Dec 1929
No satisfactory offers for weighbridge at Wallbridge. Matter to stand over. Tree at Pike Lock. £23 to put right damage. Mr Workman of Ryeford, who is deemed liable, would like to do work himself.
No interference at present with Highways Committee’s occupation of wharf at Stonehouse.
Recent floods and gales necessitated repairs to slope of towpath at Dudbridge, canal bank being repiled, and debris removed from canal waterway. Roofs of several properties damaged by gale, with repairs required at Bristol Road Wharf
[1929 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of December 1929 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling.
Thames and Severn Canal
It was reported that the Contributions including Bank Interest re Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c, amounted to £184..14..0.
Weighbridge at Wallbridge
None of the offers received being considered satisfactory it was decided to let the matter stand over for the present.
Tree at Pike Lock
In accordance with the Minute of last Meting a letter had been written to Major Bush informing him, it had been estimated to cost £23..- to put right the damage done to the Companys property.
The Clerk reported that M^r Workman of Ryeford had intimated that he would be held liable for this and would like to do the work himself to which the Committee was prepared to agree subject to its being done to the Surveyors satisfaction.
Stonehouse Wharf, Gloucestershire County Council
After discussion it was decided not to interfere, at present, with the Highways Committees occupation of the Wharf at Stonehouse.
Lean-to Shed: Mrs Penn
A letter from the County Surveyor was read. As Mrs Penn still adhered to her statement it was decided to reply to that effect.
Recent floods and gales
It was reported that no serious damage had been done to the Canal by the floods, the slope of the towing path at Dudbridge needed some repair the Canal bank repiled, and the debris removed from the Canal waterway.
The Clerk was instructed to have the roofs, etc, of several properties, which had been damaged by the gale, repaired as soon as possible and certain other repairs at the Bristol Road wharf done.
It was Ordered that the next Meeting be fixed for the 22^nd January 1930 @ 4 0'clock pm, the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held @ 4.30 o'clock pm on same day.
1929: 1^st July to 18^th December: 249,,5,,1
1928: 1^st July to 18^th December: 272..2..3.
Tonnage for the month of November
1929: 40..12..6
1928: 53..14..5.
Balance at the Bank
1929: 128..12..10
1928: 58..6..6.
Cheques drawn:
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o: 6..5..6
T Perks (Weighing Machine repairs): 7..0
Committee fees: 1..12..6