Wed 20 Nov 1929
Letter from Messrs Abdella Mitchell protesting against closing of T&S Canal. Ruin of business. Enquiry as to further action re application for closing of canal. Reply explaining that canal was under control of County Council.
Weighbridge at Wallbridge offered to Mr William Say of Gloucester, £6.
Chairman and Major Little inspected damage done by large tree fallen across canal at Pike Lock. Garden fence of Lock house, weir and canal bank damaged. Estimated cost £23. Major Bush could have repairs carried out but to Company’s satisfaction.
Canal inspection report covering Stonehouse to Wallbridge read and discussed.
Norman Anglin to moor boat on Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
[1929 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of November 1929 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Jack Margetson, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper, B^d Evans.
Thames & Severn Canal
I was reported that the Contributions received to date, together with bank interest, amounted to £159,,14,,0,
The Committee discussed a letter from Messrs Abdella Mitchell protesting against the closing of the Canal as it would ruin their business, enquiring what further action was being taken in response to the application for the closing of the Canal, and it was decided that a reply should be sent explaining that the Canal was under the control of the County Council.
No further letter had been received from the County Council.
Weigh Bridge at Wallbridge
It was decided to offer this bridge to Mr William Say of Gloucester fro £6..- to be paid in full in advance.
Tree at Pile Lock, Eastington Park
The Chairman stated that with Major Little he had inspected the damage done by the large tree which had fallen across the Canal at Pike Lock and found that the garden fence of the Lock-hous, the Weir and Canal bank had been damaged, and it was estimated to cost about £23..- to put right.
The Chairman undertook to draft a letter for the Clerk to send to Major Bush claiming the amount and to mention that if he so desired the Committee would be willing for him to have the necessary repairs carried out by to the Companys satisfaction.
Canal Inspection report
The Report of the Inspection of the Canal made by the Chairman and Major Little - Stonehouse to Wallbridge - was read and discussed.
The Chairman and Major Little were thanked by the Committee for their report.
It was reported that M^r Norman Anglin had arranged to moor his boat on the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Next Meeting
It was decided to hold the next Meeting on the 18^t December @ 4 o'clock.
Balance at the Bank
1929: 135..15..10
1928: 86..15..9
1914: 346..8..5.
Tonnage July 1^st to November 20^th
1929: 171..16..0
1928: 228..5..8
1914: 358..16..5.
Tonnage for the month of October
1929: 36;;1;;8
1928: 51..12..7
1914: 78..7..7