Wed 18 Sep 1929
Letters from Mr Gardom re T&S Canal, and Committee’s replies, recorded in full. County Council to be recommended to proceed with application for abandonment of canal. Preferential rates for traders in Stroud from Railway Companies, as Stroud now considered a port but no contributions from traders to Thames & Severn Fund. Circular sent from Committee to traders.
Committee agreed that Stroud Gas Co that 12 months notice instead of 6 months could be given for easment at Dudbridge.
Rates appeal re Dock and premises at Eastington granted. Appeal for lock houses at Eastington and Framilode not granted.
Mr Turier’s estimate for repairs to weighbridge at Dudbridge, £6 15s, accepted.
Clerk to obtain receipt for 8s tax deducted from wayleave rent, £2, for pipe by Eastington Bridge by Stroud Water Co.
Canal Inspection report for lower section: Clerk to replace Framilode Lock balance pole and heel post of outside top gate at Dock Lock.
[1929 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of September 1929 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little, Jack Margetson.
Thames and Severn Canal
The following letters were read from M^r E T Gardom of the 1^st August & the Navigations reply thereto of the 2^nd August.
Gloucester 1^st August 1929
[Mr Gardom's letter dated 1^st August 1929] Dear Sir,
Referring to your letter of the 26^th June which was considered by the Thames and Severn Canal Committee at their Meeting on the 15^th ultimo it was after full discussion:
Resolved That the County Council be recommended to proceed with their application for the abandonment of the Canal.
It was pointed out to the Canal Committee that Traders in Stroud and the neighbourhood derived considerable benefit form the Railway Companies in respect of preferential rates for the carriage of Merchandise, etc, in consequence of Stroud being now considered to be a Port, but it did not appear that such Traders made any contributions directly to the Contribution Fund.
I presume this point has been made quite clear to the Traders and also the fact that if the Canal is closed the preferential rates would cease.
Your truly
E T Gardom
Clerk to the Council.
[Navigations reply thereto] Stroud Aug 2 1929
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter of yesterday which I will place before my Committee at its next Meeting in September.
In the meantime I may say that every effort has been made to bring before the Traders in this District the effect of closing the Thames & Severn Canal would have upon the Railway Rates.
Yours faithfully
P G Snape.
It was decided to send a further reply to M^r Gardom's letter of the 1^st August as follows:
[Navigations further reply] Stroud 27^th Sept 1929
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
Your letter of the 1^st August was considered by the Committee at its last Meeting.
Although it was felt that this Company has done all it can in the matter the Committee decided that as a last effort an extract from your letter should be sent to every Public Body and Trader who might be interested in any way.
Yours faithfully
W R Bloxam
With regard to the subject matter of Mr Gardom's letter it was decided to send a circular letter to all the Local Councils & Traders as follows:
[Circular to Public Bodies and Traders] Stroudwater Navigation Co
13, Wallbridge
Stroud, Glos
September 1929.
Dear Sir
I am instructed to a append an extract from a letter received from the Clerk of the Gloucestershire County Council.
Shire Hall
1st August, 1929.
Dear Sir,
At the Thames and Severn Canal Committee Meeting on the 15th ultimo it was after full discussion Resolved:- That the County Council be recommended to proceed with their application for the abandonment of the Canal. It was pointed out the the Canal Committee that Traders in Stroud and the neighbourhood derived considerable benefit from the Railway Companies in respect of preferential rates of carriage of Merchandise, etc, in consequence of Stroud being considered to be a Port, but it did not appear that such Traders made any Contributions directly to the Contribution Fund.
I presume this point has been made quite clear to the Traders and also the fact that if the Canal is closed the preferential rates would cease.
Yours truly,
E T Gardom,
Clerk of the Council
Mr P G Snape
Stroudwater Navigtion.
My Committee is of opinion that this is of great importance to all Public Bodies and Traders in the District.
Yours faithfully,
W R Bloxam
[Stroud Gas C^o] Stroud Gas Works
Easement at Dudbridge
In response to the application of the Gas Coy. the Committee agreed to a 12 months notice to determine instead of 6 months as provided in the draft Agreement.
[Rates Appeal] Rates Appeal
The Chairman stated that he had attended at Gloucester. The appeal in respect of the Dock & premises attached thereto had been granted but the appeal for the Lock-houses at Eastington and Framilode had not been allowed, so far.
Weigh Bridge at Dudbridge
The Clerk was instructed to accept M^r Turier's estimate of £6..15..0 to do the necessary repairs to this Bridge.
[Wharf House at Dudbridge] Wharf House, Dudbridge
The Tenancy Agreement with Mr John Perks was authorized to be sealed and this was done.
[Stroud Water C^o] Stroud Water C^o
The Clerk was instructed to write to the Stoud Water C^oy for its receipt for the 8/- Tax deducted by that Company from the wayleave rent of £2..- for pipe by the side of Eastington Bridge.
[Canal Inspection] Canal Inspection Report
M^r Hoopers report of the Lower Section of the Canal was read and the Clerk instructed to replace Framilode Lock balance pole and the heel post of the outside top gate at the Dock Lock as soon as possible.
M^r Hooper was thanked by the Committee for his report.
[Committee Meetings] Committee Meetings
A letter for Mr S S Marling (?) if the Meetings could not be held on a day other than a Wednesday as the Meetings of the Stroud Hospital Committee of which he was a member were always held on that day and it was decided that future Meetings be held on the 3^rd Thursday in each month.
[Tonnage] Tonnage
July 1^st to 17^th September
1929: 77.16..8
1928: 121..12..4
1914: 205..7..6.
For the month of August
1929: 47..11..5
1928: 54..7..3
1914: 74..7..11.
[Balance] Balance at the Bank
1929: 105..16..0
1928: 117..11..1
1914: 487..17..6.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Messrs Dudbridge & Sons: 2..12..6
Messrs Little & Bloxam: 7..10..0
Stroud Water C^o: 13..0
Stroud Gas C^o: 3..8