Wed 19 Dec 1928
Mr Humphries engagement reluctantly terminated.
Letter and plan from County Council Surveyor re Roads Improvement Act 1925 discussed.
Stroud Gas Co offered £30 rent p.a. for pipes to canal. Committee to insist on £45 p.a.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of December @ 3 o'clock pm 1928
J Margetson, Henry R Hooper. R J C Little, J R Morton Ball, Mr S S Marling.
The Memorandum of the proceedings at the Meeting held on 21^st day of November 1928 was read and confirmed.
Premises at Stonehouse
It was reported that Mrs Penn had reduced the amount of rent outstanding as on the 29^th Septemver last to £10..5..11.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that £202..10..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c.
M^r Humphries
The Chairman reported that the Gloucestershire County Council had disposed of the services of M^R Humphries, the joint Clerk at the Navigations Office. As it was impossible to retain M^r Humphries services for the Stroudwater alone, the Committee reluctantly decided to terminate his engagement.
Rating & Valuatin Act 1928
In the absence of M^r Bloxam there was no report.
Roads Improvement Act 1925
A letter & Plan from the County Surveyor was discussed. The matter was handed to the Solicitors to deal with.
Trees at Eastington Park
The Clerk reported that Mr Bush had not paid for the removal of the trees from the Canal.
Stroud Gas C^o pipes to Canal
The correspondence in this matter was read. The Gas Company had offered £30 a year rent. After discussion the Committee decided to suggest £45 pa and the Chairman undertook to draft a letter to this effect.
Ordered that the next Meeting be held on the 23^rd day of January 1928 at 3 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting at 3.30 o'clock pm on same day.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Little & Bloxam Legal Exs: 7..10..0
S J Dudbridge & Sons Audit: 2..12..6.
1^st July to 18^th December
1928: 273..2..3
1927: 324,,5,,6
1914: 437..4..0.
For the Month of November
1928: 53..14..5
1927: 62..10..5
1914: 72..16..0.
Balance at Bank
1928: 58..6..6
1927: 4..8..5
1914: 367..4..3
NB Date of next meeting should have been 23/1/1929.