Wed 21 Nov 1928
County Council retaining Mr Humphries for further indefinite period.
£7 10s accepted in full settlement of claim against Messrs Lalonde for damage to Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse.
Notice from County Clerk re Roads Improvement Act 1925 changed to Company’s property at Bristol Road. Clerk to obtain tracing of site.
Some trees at Eastington Park, fallen into canal, removed by Company’s workmen at Mr Bush’s request.
Increased charge to Stroud Gas Co for three pipes to canal from works at Downfield, £10 to £60 per annum from 1 January 1929.
Mr W H Gardener’s offer of £2 cash for crop from withy bed at Junction accepted.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of November 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, Edward P Little, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam.
Only four Members of the Committee being present, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Premises at Stonehouse
The Clerk reported that Mrs Penn had not paid the full amount of rent due from her on 29^th September last. The amount outstanding being £11..15..11. It was decided to press for a further payment.
West Gloucester Power C^os Ltd
The Agreement with the Power C^o for wayleave at Eastington was duly sealed and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that £210..10..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special Account.
The following letter was read from M^r Gardom:
Shire Hall
Gloucester 30 Oct 1928
Dear SIr,
Thames & Severn Canal
I am obliged by your letter of the 24^th instant. The information you have given with regard to the contributions is sufficient for the present.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk to the Council.
It was mentioned that the County Council were retaining M^r Humphries' services for a further indefinite period. The Committee decided to act with the County Council in this matter.
Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse
M^r Bloxam reported that £7..10..0 had been accepted in full settlement of the Companys claim against Messrs Lalonde for damage done to the Companys premises by that Company.
Tree at Eastington Park
It was reported that Mr Bush had notpaid the Companys account against him for the removal of the tree at the Blunder Lock.
Rating & Valuation Act 1928
Forms were produced respecting the above Act. The matter was handed to M^r Bloxam for him to deal with.
Roads Improvement Act 1925
A notice was put in from the County Clerk with reference to the Companys property at Bristol Road. The Clerk was instructed to obtain a tracing of the site from the deposited plan at Shire Hall, Gloucseter.
Trees at Eastington Park
The Clerk reported that small trees had fallen into the Canal during the recent pole they were being removed from the waterway by the Companys workmen, as desired by M^r Bush, who had undertaken to bear the expense.
Pipes to Canal
It was decided to increase the charge made to the Stroud Gas C^o for three pipes to the Canal from their works at Downfield from £10 to £60..- per annum as & from the 1^st January 1929.
Withy Bed at the Junction
The Committee agreed to accept M^r H Gardner's ofer of £2 Cash for the crop.
The Clerk was authorized to pay George Cook the bonus of £3..- for three months ending September last.
The next Meeting of the Committee was fixed for the 19^th December 1928.
From 1^st July to 20^th November
1928: 228..5..8
1927: 264..3..6
1914: 358..16..5.
For the Month of October
1928: 51.12..7
1927: 66..18..5
1914: 78..7..7.
Balance at Bank
1928: 86..15..9
1927: 51..9..4
1914: 346..8..5.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
L E Beard Lodgemore Bridge: 6..1..3
Wood & Rowe Lodgemore Bridge: 8..3..0
T H & J Daniels Ltd Lodgemore Bridge: 40..8..6