Wed 17 Oct 1928
Mrs Penn had not paid rent due on wharf premises at Stonehouse for two quarters 24 June, 29 September.
West Gloucester Power Co request of permission to erect cable over the Forked Pound at Eastington granted subject to signed agreement.
£201 in credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. Letters in full. Council to be recommended 24 October to keep open lower portion of canal to 25 March 1930 on payment to County Council of £550 instead of £600. Navigation’s reply 27 September 1928. Hope to send sum for year ending 25 March 1929. Impossible to promise sum for 25 March 1930. Every effort to be made to continue amount promised for current year. Request for Navigation to give County Council list of contributers and amount of contributions. Council want to see what trading concerns wish to contribute to keep canal open. No supply of individual amounts from Traders without their permission.
Mr Humphries, Joint Clerk, given month’s notice from end September last. Probable employment with County Council.
Messrs Lalonde had offered £5 towards repair of Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse. Mr Bloxam to write to Messrs Lalonde.
Highways Committee to pay wharfage charge, 8d per ton re 1481 tons of stone deposited on wharf at Wallbridge, £49 7s 4d. District Surveyor clearing away deposit in November. Request to Committee to reconsider charge for use of wharf for further period, as in June last.
Clerk to prepare list of all paying for pipes to canal, with details of charges.
[1928 October] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of October 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, Gd Evans, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, W R Bloxam, R J C Little.
Wharf Premises at Stonehouse
Mrs Penn had not paid the rent due for two quarters viz 24^th June and 29^th Sept. The Clerk was instructed to see her and press for payment.
West Gloucester Power C^o Ltd
Mr Bloxam reported an application from the West Gloucester Power C^o Ltd for the Navigations permission to erect a cable over the Forked Pound at Eastington. The Committee decided to grand the necessary easement subject to an agreement being signed to be approved by the Navigations Solicitors at the cost of the Power C^o.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that £201..10..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special A/c.
The following letters were read:-
From Mr Gardom of the 21 September 1928;
Navigations reply thereto of the 27^th Sept 1928;
from M^r Gardom of the 16^th October 1928.
Gloucester 21 Sept 1928
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
At a Meeting of the Thames and Severn Canal Committee held on Monday last I was directed to inform you that the County Council will be recommended, at their Meeting to be held on the 24^th October, to keep open the lower portion of the Canal up to 25^th March 1930, provided the Stroudwater Navigation will collect and pay over to the County Council the sum of £550..- per annum instead of £600..0 as previously proposed.
As six months of the year 1928-29 have already expired, it is considered desirable to make arrangements up to the 25^th March 1930, so I shall be glad to hear if it may be assumed that the Stroudwater Navigation will agree to continue the arrangement to that date.
Will you please let me have a reply as early as possible.
Yours truly
E T Gardom.
Stroud Sept 27 1928
To the Clerk of the County Council
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter of the 21^st, and have communicated its contents of my Chairman. He advises me to say that, as you have been told in previous letters, we have promised up to £500..- fo rhte year ended _25^th March 1929_, Assuming that all these promises materilize, we hope to be able to send you the above sum by that date. He asks me to add, however, that it is impossible at the present time to make any promise for the year ending 25^th March 1930 but you may be sure that every effort will be made to secure the continuance of the amount promised for the current year. We shall carry out what has been our practice during recent years, i.e. to write the various contributors in the early part of next year, again asking for their support for the period 1929/1930, and when we receive their replies you will be promptly advised of the result.
Yours faithfully.
Gloucester 16^th October 1928
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
In view of the reduced amount which has been promised to the Stroudwater Navigation by the Public Authorities & Traders in the District towards the cost of keeping open the lower portion of the Thames & Severn Canal, I ma directed to ask that the Navigation will give the County Council a List of the Contributors and the amount of their promised Contributions.
This would enable the County Council to see what trading concerns think it worth while to contribute for the purpose of keeping the Canal open.
Yours truly
E T Gardom.
It was decided to send the following reply to Mr Gardom's letter of the 16^th October:
To the Clerk of the County Council
Dear Sir,
IN reply to yours of he 16^th Oct inst, My Committee assume that it is a list of the promised contributions from both the Canals which you ask for. They have instructed me to give you the totals, - distinguishing the Trade contributions from those promised by the Public Bodies. They do not think however that they can with propriety, supply with a list of the individual amounts promised by the former, without first obtaining their permission.
Yours faithfully.
Contributions £
Public Bodies: 150
Traders & others: 400.
M"r Humphries - Joint Clerk
A letter was reported from M^r (?) under date 22^nd September last. The Chairman stated that in view of that letter he had had no alternative but to give M^R Humphries a months notice as from the end of September last.
It was mentioned that the County Council would probably find him employment.
Tree at Eastington Park
It was reported that M^r Bush had not repaid the expenses incurred by the Company in the removal of tree as verbally promised.
Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse
It was reported that Messrs Lalonde had offered, verbally £5 towards the Companys claim. After discussion M^r Bloxam was instructed to write Messrs Lalonde on the matter.
Highways Committee, Gloucestershire County Council
It was reported that the Highways Committee had agreed to pay the Wharfage charge (of 8^d per ton) in respect of 1481 tons of stone which they had deposited in the Wharf at Wallbridge. An account had been rendered amounting to £49..7..4.
A letter was read from the District Surveyor stating that he would be clearing away the deposit in November and asking the Committee to reconsider the charge made for the use of the Wharf for a further period. The Clerk was instructed to inform the District Surveyor that the Committee in June last went carefully into the charge of 8^d per ton for use of the Wharf, to which he agreed, they regret that they cannot reduce it for the further period, as the circumstances were the same now as they were in June last.
Pipes to Canal
The Clerk was instructed to prepare a list of all who pay for pipes to the Canal, giving details as to charges made now, & formerly, and stating where charges had been increased since 1914.
From 1^st July to 16^th October
1928: 166..2..1
1927: 222.10..2
1914: 271..5..6.
For the Month of September
1928: 47..14..0
1927: 45..4..7
1914: 72..6..6.
Balance at Bank
1928: 21..7..4
1927: 56..15..4
1914: 522.19..8.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees.: 1..12..6
Postmaster General: 2..16..2