Wed 19 Sep 1928
Mr Avery had obtained other accommodation.
Tree had fallen into canal at Blunder Lock. Company removed tree, account to Mr Bush.
Stonehouse Ocean Bridge damaged by heavy motor lorry owned by Messrs Lalonde Bros & Parham. Repaired by Navigation. Account to Messrs Lalonde.
Mr Brunsdon using the Stonehouse Cross Bridge for heavy traffic. Responsible for any damage done.
[1928 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of September 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, Stanley Marling, R J C Little, J R Morton Ball, Gd Evans.
The Memorandums of the proceedings of the Meetings held on the 20^th June 1928 and on the 1^st August 1928 were read & confirmed.
Wharf House at Stonehouse
Mrs Penn had paid the rent to 25th March last.
West Gloucester Power C^o Ltd
No report.
Wallbridge Wharf
Mr Avery had obtained other accommodation.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Clerk was directed to proceed with the collection of contributions for 1928-9.
Eastington Park
It was reported that a tree had fallen into the Canal at Blunder Lock. In accordance with M^r Bush's request the Company had removed the tree, account to be sent to him.
Stonehouse Ocean Bridge
The Clerk reported that this bridge had been damaged by a Heavy Motor Lorry owned by Messrs Lalonde Bros & Parham of 64 Queens Road, Bristol, the repairs were being carried out by the Navigation.
The Clerk was instructed to communicated with Messrs Lalonde and to send them an account on completion of the repairs.
Stonehouse Cross Bridge
It was reported that Mr Brunsdon was using the Cross Bridge at Stonehouse for very heavy traffic. It was decided to inform Mr Brunsdon he would be held responsible for any damage done.
From 1^st July to 18^th September
1928: 121;;12;;4
1927: 170..2..2
1914: 205..7..6.
For the month of August
1928: 54..7..3
1927: 69..3..5
1914: 74..7..11.
Balance at Bank
1928: 117..11.1
1927: 172..7..10
1914: 437..17..6.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Lodgemore Bridge Canal Maintnenance: 38..10..8
T H & J Daniels Ltd: Lodgemore Bridge: 35..0..0