Wed 1 Aug 1928
Four members present. No quorum but matters requiring immediate attention.
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account £60 6s 5d. £63 drawn to Gloucestershire County Council. Payment of £600 complete, promised for year ending March 1928 towards maintenance of Thames & Severn Canal. Financial assistance 1928/9.
Letters in full continued on page 309.
[1928 August] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 1^st day of August 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only four Members of the Committee being present, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Meeting.
Thames and Severn Canal
It was Reported that a cheque for £60..6..5 being part of the Navigations contribution had been paid to the Special A/c and that a cheque for £63..- from that A/c had been drawn in favour of the Gloucestershire County Council this completing the payment of £600..- provisionally promised for the year ending March 1928 towards the maintenance of the Thames and Severn Canal.
Financial Assistance 1928/9
The following letters were read:
M^r Gardom's letter of the 25^th June;
The Navigations reply thereto 2^nd July;
M^r Gardom's letter of 11^th July;
The Navigations reply thereto 14^Th July.
Gloucester 20^th June 1928
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
I have your letter of the 21^st instant, & Cheque for £170..- for which I enclose a receipt.
With regard to the keeping open of the lower portion of the Canal for a further period up to the 25^th March 1929, the Canal Committee are prepared to recommend the County Council to continue the present arrangement if the Stroudwater Navigation undertook to collect and hand over a sum of not less than £600..-.
I will lay your letter before my Committee at their next Meeting, in the meantime I should be glad if you will let me know whether the £550..- is the total definite sum which can be collected.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
Stroud 2/7/28
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
In reply to the question asked in the last paragraph of your letter of the 25^th June, I am instructed to say that the promises received total £550..-, and that no others are anticipated. Even this amount cannot be said to be "definite" the word you use, but we have no reason to doubt our ability to collect this sum.
Yours faithfully.
Gloucester 4^th July 1928
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
I have your letter of the 2^nd inst. I am directed to ask that the Balance due (£63) in respect to the amount agreed to be collected by the Stroudwater Navigation in respect of the year ended 25^th March last, be sent immediately.
It is my desirable that this may be reported to the County Council on the 11^th inst, as the Chairman does not want to state that the amount has not been paid.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
Gloucester 11 July 1928
Dear Sir,
Letters continued on page 309