Wed 20 Jun 1928
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account, £171 16s 1d. Outstanding contributions £76 1s. £170 to County Council. £537 paid to date. Letter in full to County Council. £550 promised.
Capt Bush promised to report to his father re tree(s) at Eastington Park.
Clerk to inform Mr Winterbotham of Stroud Educational Foundation of Committee’s decision to advise present owner of small plot of land that he did so at his own risk. Neither Navigation nor tenant of adjoining field would pay compensation for any damage.
Mr Frederick Spiers to be tenant of wharf premises at Bristol Road from 24 June.
Mr Critchley paid £20 for Eastington Dock superstructure. Roof and pillars levelled.
Gloucestershire County Council Highways Committee’s application to deposit road material at Wallbridge Wharf granted subject to wharfage charge of 8d per ton and that material deposited on wharf be moved by end September. If further use of wharf is required after September, application to be made to Committee.
[1928 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of June 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling.
Only four members of the Committee being present, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that the sum of £171..16..1 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special Account.
The outstanding contributions amounting to £76..1..0.
It was Resolved that a further payment of £170..- be made to the County Council making a total of £537 paid to date.
Resolved that the following letter be sent to the Clerk of the County Council:
Dear Sir,
We send you to day a further sum viz £170 of the amount we undertook to try and collect during 1927#8 towards the upkeep of the Thames and Severn Canal. A further amount of about £60 we hope to send you shortly.
In reference to your letter relating to the year 1928/9, I all the promises made to our Canal by the Traders and Public Bodies materialize we hope to be able to collect a sum of about £530.
Yours faithfully.
Tree at Eastington Park
The Clerk stated that he had me Capt Bush on the spot. Capt Bush had kindly promised to report to his father. Nothing further had been done.
Stroud Educational Foundation
The Clerk was instructed to inform M^r Winterbotham that the Committee had decided to advise the present user of the small plot of land, that he did so at his own risk, and that neither the Navigation nor the tenant of the adjoining field would pay any compensation for any damage done.
Wharf Premises - Bristol Road
The Committee accepted M^r Frederick Spiers as tenant of the above premises as and from the 24^th June subject to the signing of an Agreement to be prepared by the Companys Solicitors.
Eastington Dock - Superstructure
It was Reported that Mr Critchley had paid £20. the agreed purchase price. The roof and pillars had been levelled.
Lodgemore Bridge
A cheque for £50..- was drawn on account in favour of Messrs Daniels leaving a sum of £75..-.
Wharf Premises at Stonehouse
The Clerk mentioned that M^rs Penn had not paid the rent for March quarter.
Gloucestershire County Council - Highways Committee re Wallbridge Wharf
An application was put in for permission to deposit a quantity of road material. This was granted subject to the Highways Committee agreeing to a Wharfage charge of 8^d per ton that (a) the material deposited on the Wharf be moved by the end of September, (b) if any further use of the Wharf is required after September, application to be made to the Committee.
Next Meeting
It was Ordered that the next Committee be fixed for the 1^st August 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held at 3.30 o'clock pm on the same day.
From 1^st January to 19^th June
1928: 372..5..8
1927: 369..8..3
1914: 520..13..8.
For the Month of May
1928: 69..19..3
1927: 70..17..0
1914: 70..14..0.
Balance at Bank (Lloyds Bank, Stroud)
1928: 91..15..4
1927: 85..3..10
1914: 242..12..6.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
N G Witchell Income Tax: 5..8..0
W H Hooper Income Tax: 4..8..7
A M Boucher Income Tax: 16..0
T H & J Daniels Ltd Bridge at Lodgemore: 50..0..0