Wed 16 May 1928
Messrs Strachan & Co. Ltd paid £180 towards new Lodgemore Bridge. £150 to Messrs Daniels towards contract of £275.
Mr Sibly to pay for one week’s dredging at Stonehouse Bathing Pool.
Stroud Educational Foundation’s proposal re lockside at Foundry Lock. Lockside and facilities permanent works of canal. Not wise to sell land.
Stroud Urban District Council proposed widening at Wallbridge. Solicitor to take necessary steps.
Formal notice to quit wharf premises, Bristol Road, to be given before application from Mrs Tudor’s son-in-law and daughter could be considered.
Letter to Canal Association from Ministry of Transport. Great Western Railway Co not to proceed with application for warrant re abandonment of Kennet & Avon Canal.
Clerk to accept Mr Critchley’s offer of £20 for superstructure of dock at Eastington. To hand over purchase price before roof and pillars dismantled.
Ethel Hallewell and Thomas William Avery Ackrill claimed share no.122, will of Mary Jane Hallewell.
[1928 May] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of May 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, S S Marling, J R Morton Ball, R J C Little.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that the sum of £20..16..1 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c/
The outstanding contributions amounting to £227..1..0.
Stroud Rural District Council Contribution 1928/9
A letter from M^r Winterbotham was read, stating that no definite rely had been received from the Ministry of Health.
Lodgemore Bridge
The Clerk reported that Messrs Strachan & C^o Ltd had paid their agreed contribution £180 towards the new bridge.
Ordered that a Cheque for £150 be drawn in favour of Messrs Daniels toward the contract of £275.
Dredging at Stonehouse - Bathing Pool
M^r Sibly had agreed to pay for one weeks dredging.
The work had been put in hand.
Trees at Eastington Park
It was reported that M^r Bush had not replied to the Companys letter.
It was decided to write him again.
Stroud Educational Foundation
The Committee fully discussed a proposal made by the Stroud Educational Foundation with regard to the lock side at Foundry Lock, Dudbridge and concluded, that as the lock-side and facilities pertaining thereto were necessary Permanent Works of the Canal the Committee would not be wide to sell the land in question.
Stroud Urban District Council: Proposed widening at Wallbridge
The matter was handed to the Solicitors for them to take all necessary steps.
Wharf Premises Bristol Road
A letter was read from M^rs Tudor.
The Clerk was directed to inform Mrs Tudor that before anything could be done about a fresh tenancy a formal notice to quit must be given, any application from her Son-in-law and daughter would then receive sympathetic consideration.
The Clerk was authorized to pay G Cook the bonus, £3, to 30^th March 1928.
It was reported that a letter had been received by the Canal Association from the Ministry of Transport to the effect that the Great Western Railway C^o had intimated that they had decided not to proceed with their application for a warrant authorizing the abandonment of the Kennet and Avon Canal.
Dock at Eastington: Superstructure
The Clerk was authorized to accept Mr Critchley's offer of £20..- on condition he handed over the purchase price before the roof & pillars were dismantled.
William Richard Bloxam of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, attended under a written authority from Ethel Hallewell of C/o of Lloyds Bank Ltd, 16 S^t James' Street, London SW and Thomas William Avery Ackrill of Whiteladies Road, Bristol, executors of the Will of Mary Jane Hallewell late of 62 S^T Pauls Road Clifton in the City & County of Bristol, Spinster, who died on the 17^th day of December 1927 and made out their claim to one share numbered 122 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Mary Jane Hallewell aforesaid in the Books of the said Company by producing the ticket of title to the said one share and the probate of the Will of the said Mary Jane Hallewell the said Will bearing date 20^h June 1927 and proved by the said executors in the Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 25^th day of January 1928 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket ordered to be made out n the ticket or title of the said Mary Jane Hallewell being deliverd up.
1^st Jany to 15^th May
1928: 305..10..9
1927: 318..13..9
1914: 399..17..6.
For the month of April
1928: 54..2..5
1927: 54..4..2
1014: 100..7..6.
Balance at Bank
1928: 242..1..9
1927: 52..11..6
1914: 264..18..11.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Carter Greenway Buildings: 5..7..6
Post Master General Office Ex's: 2..17..8
Daniels Ltd: Lodgemore Bridge: 150..0..0