Wed 18 Apr 1928
Letters in full from Mr Gardom requesting decision re keeping open lower portion of Thames & Severn Canal. Navigation still waiting for contributors’ replies.
New Lodgemore Bridge completed. Messrs Strachan & Co. to contribute £180 7s 6d.
Letter from Mr W A Sibly asking for canal to be dredged opposite school bathing place at Stonehouse. Fortnight’s dredging. Mr Sibly to contribute half cost.
Clerk to write to Mr Bush, Eastington Park, re tree near Pike Lock, Eastington
[1928 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of April 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, W R Bloxam, R J C Little.
As there was no quorum at the Meeting of the 21^st day of March 1928 a Resolution was passed approving and confirming the action then taken.
Thames and Severn Canal
It was reported that the sum f £20..16..1 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special A/c.
The outstanding contributions amounting to £227..1..0.
The following letters from Mr Gardom were read:-
Shire Hall
Gloucester 23^rd March 1928
Ref No 480M
Dear Sir,
Thames and Severn Canal
I am in receipt of your letter of the 22^nd instant enclosing Cheque for £117, being further on account of the sum of £600 which the Stroudwater undertook to collect to meet the deficiency in maintaining the lower portion of the Canal.
I shall be glad to hear the decision of your Navigation with regard to the keeping open of the Canal for a further period of one year, as the matter will be considered by the County Council at their next Meeting.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
Shire Hall
Gloucester 3 April 1928
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal.
Referring to my letter of the 23^rd ultimo can you let me know the decision come to by the Stroudwater Navigation with regard to the keeping open of the lower portion of the Canal for a further period.
The matter must be decided at a Meeting of the County Council on the 18^th instant.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council..
The Clerk was directed to reply that the Navigation regrets it is still unable to state amount it hopes to collect towards the upkeep of the lower portion of the Thames & Severn Canal, as several of the larger contributors, in the past, had not yet given definite replies.
Stroud Rural District Council - Contribution 1928
It was reported that the Council had stated it still awaited the sanction of the Ministry.
Lodgemore Bridge
It was reported that the new bridge had been completed. The Clerk was directed to inform Messrs Stracham & Co, to ask them for the contribution promised by that Company towards the cost of renewal of the bridge viz £180..7..6.
Ministry of Transport
The Clerk was directed to request Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, the Companys Auditors, to supply a copy of the Companys Accounts to the Ministry of Transport.
Bathing place at Stonehouse
A letter was put in from M^r W A Sibly asking for the Canal to be dredged opposite the School Bathing place at Stonehouse, stating that he would make some contribution to the cost of same.
It was agreed to undertake a fortnights dredging if Mr Sibly would contribute one half of the cost of same.
Trees Easington Park
The Clerk was directed to write M^r Bush in connection with one of the trees on his property near to Pike Lock at Eastington.
From 1^st January to 17^th April
1928: 247..13..7
1927: 248..14..6
1914: 315..13..8.
For the Month of March
1928: 62..7...7
1927: 81..0..11
1914: 95..16..4.
Balance at Bank
1928: 62..16..8
1928: 21..4..0
1914: 463..14..2.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
Little & Bloxam Legal Expenses: 7..10..0
S J Dudbridge & Sons Auditors: 2..12..6
Heelas & Shepherd Tithe: 2..13..5