Wed 21 Mar 1928
Thames & Severn Special Account £62 16s 1d. Outstanding contributions £302 1s. £75 to Account. £117 to County Council from that account. Letter from Mr Gardom and reply in full re keeping open lower portion of Thames & Severn Canal for further year.
Roving Bridge to be repaired.
Repair of chimney and grate at lock house at Framilode £5 7s 6d.
Proposed widening of main road at Bristol Road.
[1928 March]
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of March 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, R J C Little.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that the sum of £62..16..1 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special Account.
The outstanding contributions amounting to £302..1..0.
It was resolved that £75 be paid to the Thames and Severn Canal Special Account and that a further payment of £117 be made to the County Council from that account.
The following letters were read:
I From M^r Gardom of the 20^th February 1928
II The Navigations reply thereto of the 22^nd February 1928.
Shire Hall
Gloucester 20^th Feby 1928.
[275, 292] Dear Sir,
Thames and Severn Canal
At a recent Meeting of the Thames and Severn Canal Committee, the question of keeping open the lower portion of the Canal after the 25^th March next was considered, and I was instructed to enquire whether it was desired that the County Council should be requested to keep open the lower portion for a further period of one year from the 25^th March next, the Navigation undertaking to collect and hand over a sum of not less that £600 to meet the deficiency for the maintenance thereof for that period.
The matter will be considered at the Meeting of our County Council on the 14^th March and I should be glad to have a reply some time before that date, so that I may lay it before the Thames & Severn Canal Committee.
The balance of the £600..- up to the 25^th March next should be paid by that date.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
Stroudwater Navigation
Feby 22 1928.
{275 292 294] Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
In reply to yours of the 20^th February inst, I am instructed to write in reply that the Navigation is in communication with the Public Bodies and Traders, who have promised or paid contributions towards the £600..- it undertook to try and collect during the past twelve months. You will be advised of the result immediately we receive the replies complete. Such of the balance of the £600..- as is collected by the end of March will be sent you. There are several promised amounts still outstanding.
Yours faithfully.
Lodgemore Bridge
Reported it was hoped the new bridge would be completed by the next Meeting of the Committee.
Roving Bridge
The Clerk was instructed to do the repair necessary at first opportunity.
Dock at Eastington, Superstructure
M^r Critchley's offer of £20 not accepted.
Lock-house at Framilode
The Clerk was instructed to carry out the necessary repair of the Chimney and grate. Estimated cos £5..7..6.
Gloucestershire County Council - Highways
The Notice from the County Council respecting the proposed widening of the Main Road at Bristol Road was handed to the Solicitors for them to take all necessary steps.
From 1^st January to 20^th March
1928: 194..9..4
1927: 192..7..4
1914: 245..14..3.
For the month of February
1928: 71..19..1
1927: 76..3..0
1914: 88..4..5.
Balance at Bank
1928: 138..4..5
1927: 67..11..4
1914: 88..4..5.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
Canal Association Incidental: 1..1..0
Stroud R D C Canal Maintenance: 2..7..6 (Stonehouse Cross Bridge)
Ryeford Saw Mills Canal Maintenance: 7..4..0
Thames & Severn Canal Contribution: 75..0..0