Wed 15 Feb 1928
£250 to Gloucestershire County Council for upkeep of T&S Canal. Letters in full between Mr Gardom and Stroudwater Navigation re keeping open lower portion of T&S Canal.
Reports on Lodgemore and Roving Bridges.
Mr Critchley to be asked reconsider offer of £20 for roof timbers and piers of Dock at Eastington.
[1928 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of February 1928 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, J R Morton Ball, S S Marling, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Thames & Severn Canal
It was reported that the balance at Lloyd's Bank Ltd, Stroud, on the Thames and Severn Canal Special A/c was £285..6..1.
It was Resolved that £250 be paid to the Gloucestershire County Council towards the upkeep of the Thames & Severn Canal.
The following letters were read:
I From Gardom of the 6^th February
II The Navigations reply thereto of the 8^th Feby
III From Mry Gardom of the 9^th February.
Shire Hall
Gloucester 6^th Feby 1928
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal _ Lower portion
Stroudwater Navigation
As the time is approaching when the arrangement with regard to the keeping open of the lower portion of the canal will expire, I shall be glad to hear whether the Stroudwater Navigation have considered the question of continuing the arrangement, if the County Council are willing to do so.
My Committee will meet on Saturday next when the matter will be considered and I should like to have a reply before that day.
Yours truly,
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
Stroudwater Navigation Co
8 Feby 1928.
Dear Sir,
I am directed by the Chairman to write in reply to yours of the 6^th Feby that the question of continuing the existing arrangement, which as you will remember was for the year 1928/28 only, has not been considered by the Committee. Your letter of June 1^st last {page 275] specifically mentions a period of one year only and before again approaching the current contributors, the Chairman considers it wiser to defer any such action, until the Navigation had heard the decision of your Committee as to the application hinted at in your letter.
Yours Faithfully.
Shire Hall
9 Feby 1928.
Dear Sir,
Thames and Severn Canal,
Stroudwater Navigation.
I have your letter of yesterday which I will lay before my Canal Committee at their Meeting on Saturday next.
I shall be glad if you will let me have a Cheque for the amount which has been collected by the Navigation in respect of the sum of £600..- being the amount promised towards the keeping open the lower portion of the Canal.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
Lodgemore Bridge
It was Reported that Messrs Daniels hoped to deliver the bridge in about three or four weeks time.
Roving Bridge at Eastington
Mr Hooper undertook to inspect and report.
Roof-timbers and Piers at Dock at Eastington
The Clerk was instructed to ask M^r Critchley to reconsider his offer of £20.
From 1^st January to 14^th February
1928: 109..14..10
1927: 94..16..3
1914: 33..4..2.
For the Month of January
1928: 79..2..0
1927: 61..1..4
1914: 94..1..7.
Balance at Bank
1928: 131..9..9
1927: 172..0..8
1914: 453..7..11.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
E H Larner Poor Rate: 17..7..11
J B Powell Poor Rate: 6..10..6
D E Tanner Poor Rate: 2..3..6
F Miles Poor Rate & Land Tax: 9..2..10
H Blakemore: 3..3..4
W H Hooper Committee fees Land Tax: 3..9..0
A M Boucher Committee fees Land Tax: 1..3..0
N G Witchell: 1..3..0