Wed 16 Nov 1927
Order for iron work for Lodgemore Bridge placed with Messrs T H & J Daniels.
Quotation requested from Messrs B J Hooper & Sons, Timber Merchants of Ebley for scantling (oak and elm) for piling banks of canal. To quote when machinery in order. Quotation from Messrs Workman of Ryeford.
Repairs being made to top of lock gate at Dudbridge, which had given way.
Mr Wathen, occupier of a cottage at Framilode, offered to buy garden land on opposite side of canal for £18. Offer declined.
Mr Apperley of Whitminster offer to rent withy bed, 10s p.a. accepted.
[1927 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of November 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Stanley Marling, Edward P Little, J R Morton Ball.
As there was no quorum at the Meeting of October 19^th, a Resolution was today passed approving and confirming the action of that Meeting.
Lodgemore Bridge
The Clerk reported that he had placed the order for the ironwork for this bridge with Messrs T H & J Daniels Ltd, as instructed. No date for delivery had been mentioned by them, but the Clerk hoped to receive it in about six or eight weeks time.
The Clerk reported that he had applied to Messrs B J Hooper & Sons, Timber Merchants of Ebley, for a quotation for some scantling (Oak & Elm) which he required for piling the banks of the Canal, and for other purposes. This firm replied that until they got their machinery in order (which they expected to do in two or three weeks) they were not in a position to quote, but they would do so at the earliest possible date. The Clerk in the meantime had obtained a quotation for comparison from Messrs Workman of Ryeford.
G Cook Bonus
It was agreed to pay G Cook the usual bonus of £3..- for the three months ended September 30^th 1927.
Lock Gates at Dudbridge
The Clerk reported that the top of this Lock Gate had given war, and that he was making the necessary repairs/ The cost would be trifling.
The Clerk reported that M^r Wathen, who occupied one of the cottages at Framilode, had offered to buy the piece of garden land on the opposite side of the Canal something under a quarter of an acre, for £18..-. After discussion it was decided it would be better not to sell the land, and the Clerk was instructed to decline M^r Wathen's offer.
A suggestion having been made that the tenants at Framilode should be asked whether the wished to purchase their cottages, the Clerk had made enquiries on the subject, but both tenants had declined.
M^r Apperley of Whitminster who recently purchased the lop of the Withy bed at the Junction fro £2..- had written enquiring whether he might rent the Withy bed at the annual price of 10/- promising in the event of his being allowed to do so he would take proper care of the Withy bed, grub up the old stools, re-plant where necessary with new sets, and keep the ground free from weeds, etc It was decided to accept M^r Apperley's offer and M^r Blozam was requested to draw up a lease based upon yearly tenancy.
From 1^st Julty to 15^th November:
1927: 259..5..4
1926: 79..8..10 Coal Strike
1914: 250..10..5.
For the month of October
1927: 66..18..5
1926: 13..9..1 Coal Strike
1914: 78..7..7.
Balance at Bank
1927: 85..1..3
1926: 93..19..4
1914: 320..2..9.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
F Cookley Tidesmans A/c: 2..6..4
A R Blick & Sons Buildings: 1..9..6
R J Verney Canal Maintenance: 2..3..4