Wed 19 Oct 1927
Four members present, no quorum, decision to proceed.
Estimate for replacement of Lodgemore Bridge by iron structure £295. Messrs Strachan want heavier bridge costing £475 7s 6d. Offer to pay £180 7s 6d if free from responsibility re erection of new bridge accepted. Messrs Daniels’ estimates of £275 for fabric of heavier bridge accepted.
Canal Inspection reports Framilode to Ocean Col Ball and Major Little, Ocean to Wallbridge Mr Margetson and Mr Bloxam read. Clerk instructed to get on with certain work.
[1927 Oct] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of October 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, Edward P Little, W R Bloxam, R J C Little,
Only four Members of the Committee being present, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Messrs B J Hooper & Sons: Saw Mills at Ebley
Reply read from Messrs B J Hooper & Sons respecting pipe from Canal to their works at Ebley.
Bristol Road Lock - Bengough Estate
The Clerk had me M^r Armitage on the spot, pointed out the permanent Works and land owned by the Company.
Lodgemore Bridge
Estimates were considered for the replacement of this bridge by an iron structure.
It appeared that a bridge to comply with the Companys obligations had been estimated to cost £295..-.
Messrs Strachan & C^o desired a heavier bridge estimated to cost £475..7..6 had offered to pay £180..7..6 the difference between the cost of the two bridges on the distinct understanding that they would be held free from any responsibility as to the erection of the new bridge.
The Committee agreed, instructing the Clerk to proceed with the work.
The Clerk was directed to inform Messrs Daniels that their estimate of £275 for the fabric of the heavier bridge had been accepted.
Canal Inspection Reports
Framilode to Ocean: Col Ball & Major Little
Ocean to Wallbridge: M^r Margetson & M^r Bloxam.
The reports made by these Gentlemen were read and discussed and the thanks of the Committee tendered to them for their services.
The Clerk was asked to get on with certain work and bring both reports before the Committee again during the January Meeting.
From 1^st July to 18^th October
1927L 227..2..2
1926: 64..18..11 - Coal Strike
1914: 281..8..1.
For the Month of September
1927: 45..4..7
1926: 26..17..9
1914: 73..13..4.
Balance at the Bank
1927: 101..13..3
1926: 57..17..8
1914: 311..7..10.
Cheques drawn: Committee Fees: 1..12..6
Little & Bloxam Legal Expenses: 7..10..0
Dudbridge & Sons Audit: 2..12..6
Price Walker & Co Maintenance of Canal: 4..3..6
Heelas & Shephard Tithe: 2..13..4
PostMaster General Office Ex's: 2..13..7