Wed 18 May 1927
List of promises towards upkeep 1927-8 of T&S Canal total £605 16s. Request for Stroudwater Navigation to guarantee £770 during next two years from 25 March 1927 if abandonment of lower portion of canal is again postponed. Amount guaranteed in letter 19 April, supplemented by promise of £150 for year by Sharpness New Docks. Full amount £600. Re use of “Guarantee”. Navigation collector only.
Re-appointment of G A Evans to Committee.
[1927 May] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of May 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: John Margetson, F A Little, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, Edward P Little, R J C Little.
Admiralty Tide Guage Framilode
M^r Bloxam stated that the draft Agreement had been returned to the Admiralty and acknowledged.
He had nothing further to report.
Thames & Severn Canal: Abandonment
It was reported that £11..4..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special Account.
A list of promises towards the upkeep of the Thames & Severn Canal for the year 1927/28 was produced. The amount was £605..16..0.
A letter under date 14^th May was put in from the Gloucestershire County Council asking for a definite answer to its letter of the 25^th April last.
Shire Hall
25 April 1927
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
Referring to your letter of the 22^nd instant, I am directed to say that the County Council Committee desire to be informed whether the Stroudwater Navigation C^o will again guarantee the payment of the sum of £770 during the next two years as from the 25^th March 1927 if the application of the County Council for the abandonment of the lower portion of the Canal is again postponed for that period, otherwise the County Council will be advised to proceed with the application.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
The Committee decided to send the following reply to be signed by the Chairman:
Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 14^th May was brought before my Committee to day. I am instructed to write that the amount given you in the letter of the 19^th April has since been supplemented by a promise for the year 1927/28 of £150..- by the Sharpness New Docks C^o.
The full amount therefore it is hoped to collect during the year 1927/28 is $600.
You mention the word "Guarantee" in your letter, 25^th April. I must point out that the Navigations position in the arrangement is that of Collector only, and reference to my letter of 23^rd July 1925 will make it clear hat this was the original undertaking.
All the Stroudwater Navigation guarantees is its own Contribution of £150.
Finally I must as you to inform your Committee that the promises contained in this sum of £600 are for the year of 1927/28 only.
Yours faithfully
The Committee agreed to recommend the re-apointment of Mr G A Evans, whose membership had lapsed, to the Committee at General Half Yearly Meeting in July next.
Canal Inspection
M^R Hooper undertook to inspect the section of the Canal from Framilode to the Ocean & hoped that Co^l Ball would accompany him.
The Chairman to arrange for the Inspection of the section from Ocean to Wallbridge.
From 1^st January to 17^th May
1927: 317..9..7
1926: 345..10..10
1914: 482..19..2.
For the month of April
1927: 54,,5,,7
1926: 79..11..0
1914: 100..17..6.
Balance at Bank
1927: 72..3..3
1926: 203..4..3
1914: 264..18..11.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
W Frederick Coal Wharfinger & Tidesmans a/c: 1..10..0
Stroud Gas C^o Office Expenses: 1..5..2
Heelas & Shepard Tithe: 2..13..5
Post Master General Office Expenses: 2..12..1
Little & Bloxam Legal Expenses: 7..10..0