Tue 12 Apr 1927
£25 19s to credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. £50, part of Navigation’s contribution to be paid to Special Account and £70 from that account to Gloucester County Council, completing payment of £770 for year ending 25 March 1927 towards maintenance of canal. Contributions promised for 1927/28 £455 16s.
Gloucestershire Highways Committee application to lay surface water drain to canal at Ryeford Wharf not agreed to.
Mr Gardom sent Clerk a copy of warrant made by Ministry of Transport for draft order releasing County Council from all liability re maintenance received T&S Canal, upper portion..
Letter from Mr Smart of Chalford complaining of state of T&S Canal.
[1927 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 12^th day of April 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, W R Bloxam, J R Morton Ball, R J C Little, S S Marling.
Admiralty Tide Guage at Framilode
No report.
[T&S Canal] Thames and Severn Canal, Abandonment
It was reported that £25..19..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special Account.
[264 £210 268 £500 Cheque Glos C C £70 completing payment of £770 year ending 25/3/27] It was resolved that £50 being part of the Navigations contribution be paid to the Special a/c and that a cheque for £70 from that account be drawn in favour of the Gloucestershire County Council this completing the payment of £770 promised for the year ending 25^th March 1927 towards the maintenance of the Thames & Severn Canal.
It was reported that the contributions promised, for 1927/28, amounted to £455..16..0.
[265 £200 270 139..5 (total) £339..5] Stonehouse and Whitminster Bridges
Ordered that a Cheque be drawn for £139..5..0 on the "Deposit A/c" in favour of Messrs Daniels Ltd, in settlement of their account.
[Drain at Ryeford] Gloucestershire Highways Committee
Application for permission to lay a surface water drain to the Canal at Ryeford Wharf was not agreed to.
[T&S Canal upper portion] Thames and Severn Canal, Upper portion
M^r Gardom had sent (under date 7^th April) the Clerk a copy of the Warrant made by the Ministry of Transport, and stating that the draft Order releasing the County Council from all liability with regard to maintenance had been received.
A letter was put in from M^r Smart of Chalford complaining of the state of the Thames and Severn Canal.
It was decided to send an extract form the letter to the County Council.
The Chairman undertook to write to M^r Smart.
From 1^st January to 11^th April
1927: 233,,8,,10
1926: 276..7..5
For the month of March
1927: 81..2..5
1926: 94..7..6
1914: 95..12..2.
Balance at Bank
1927: 77..4..4
1926: 204..0..7
1914: 437..12..4.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
Dudbridge & Sons Audit of a/c: 2..12..6
R J Verney Maintenance of Canal: 1..15..4
Thames & Severn Canal: 50..0..0
T H & J Daniels Ltd Bridges: 139..5..0 Deposit a/c
Thames & Severn Canal per Gloucestershire County Council (Special a/c) 30..0..0 Special a/c