Wed 16 Mar 1927
Admiralty Tide Gauge work held over indefinitely. Draft agreement read and explained.
Thames & Severn Canal Abandonment: £428 17s to credit of T & S Canal Special Account. £75 to be paid in. £500 to Gloucester County Council. Letter from Mr Gardom re contribution to upkeep of canal 1927-8.
Abandonment of upper portion of Thames & Severn Canal, Lechlade up to Whitehall Bridge, parish of Bisley-with-Lypiatt.
Clerk to obtain one ton of coal for Pockett, Company’s tidesman at Framilode.
[1927 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of March 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, F A Little, R J C Little, S S Marling.
Admiralty Tide Guage: Framilode
It was reported that the execution of the work is to be held over indefinately,
The draft agreement was read and explained by M^r Bloxam, and he was instructed to take exception to certain alterations therein by the Admiralty.
Thames & Severn Canal Abandonment
It was reported that £428..17..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal special account.
Ordered that a cheque for £75 be paid into the Thames & Severn Special A/c.
[264 Glos C C Cheque £500] Resolved that a cheque be drawn on the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c for £500 in favour of the Gloucestershire County Council.
A letter was handed in from M^r Gardom respecting contribution towards the upkeep of the Canal for 1927-8.
Ordered that the Clerk do write M^r Gardom that the Committee is unable to give him a definite reply and that to inform him further that the contribution of one of the Navigations is conditional, and until the Committee received a reply to its communication, supplying the information required, it is unable to give a definite answer.
It was reported that the following Notice had appears in the Local Public Press:-
Gloucester County Council
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance with Section 45 sub-section (1) of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888 and section 3 of the Regulation of Railways Act 1873 as applicable to the said Section 45, and in pursuance of Section 2 sub-section (1) of the Ministry of Transport Act 1919 and the Ministry of Transport (Board of Trade Exemption of Powers) Order 1919m and in pursuance of the Act of Parliament 23rd George III cap XXVIII under which the Canal was constructed, and of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895, and the Thames and Severn Canal Order Confirmation Act 1891 by which the Canal was vested in the Gloucestershire County Council; the Ministry of Transport have by their Warrant dated the Thirty first day of January 1927 authorised the abaondoment by the Gloucestershire County Council of part of the Thames and Severn Canal namely:--the bed or site of so much of the waterway of the said Canal as extends from its commencement at or near Lechlade up to, but exclusive of Whitehall Bridge at Frampton Mansell in the Parish of Bisley-with-Lypiatt in the said County of Gloucester, together with all the Wharves, Buildings, Locks, Bridges, Banks, Towing paths, Back-secks, Easements and other property belonging to or used in connection with such part of the said Canal.
DATED the Tenth day of February 1927.
Clerk to the Gloucestershire County Council.
The Clerk authorized the Clerk to obtain one ton of coal for Pockett the Company's Tidesman at Framilode.
From 1^st January to 15^th March
1927: 180..11..0
1926: 195..10..1
1914: 241..14..3.
For the Month of February
1927: 77..6..3
1926: 79..13..11
1914: 88,,4,,5.
Balance at Bank
1927: 144..16..6
1926: 347..16..9
1914: 378..7..8.
Cheques drawn:
Canal Association Incidental a/c: 1..1..0
Wood & Rowe, Stonehouse Bridge: 1..5..6
James & Owen, Statioery a/c: 1..3..9
W H Hooper Land Tax: 3..4..0
F Miles Land Tax: 19..8
N G Witchell Land Tax: 1..3..0
Committee Fees: 1..12..6
re Thames & Severn Canal a/c Contribution: 75..0..0