Wed 16 Feb 1927
Swing bridge at Stonehouse. Messrs W H Vowles & Sons Ltd paid £79 8s towards new swing bridge at Stonehouse.
[1927 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of February 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, S S Marling, R J C Little, Cd Evans, J R Morton Ball, F A Little.
The Memorandum of the proceedings at the Meetings held on the 15^th December 1926 and the 26^th January 1927 were read and approved.
Admiralty Tide Guage at Framilode
No report.
Swing Bridge at Stonehouse
Messrs W H Vowles & Sons Ltd had paid their contribution, £79..8..0, towards the new bridge after deducting the cost, £3,,10,,0, of materials supplied by them.
Land Tax, Eastington
It was reported that a cheque had been sent to the Inspector of Taxes at Stroud in favour of the Commissioners of the Inland Revenue for £2..5..1 under protest in respect of the balance 1923/4 Land Tax, the Committee reserving its right to carry the matter to Somerset House for consideration.
Thames & Severn Canal, Abandonment
It was reported that £218..15..0 including £2..14..0 interest was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal special a/c.
Replies were read to the circular letter sent round to the contributors respecting further contributions towards the upkeep of the Thames and Severn Canal.
From 1^st January to 15^th February
1927: 103..4..9
1926: 124..5..5
1914: 143..4..2.
For the month of January
1927: 60..12..7
1926: 86..11..4
1914: 94..1..7.
Balance at the Bank
1927: 172..0..8
1926: 304..7..1
1914: 453..7..11.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Fees: 1..12..6
E C Govier Poor Rates: 10..16..8
E H Larner Poor Rates: 5..14..7
J B Powell Poor Rates: 6..10..6
D E Tanner Poor Rates: 1..18..8
F Miles Poor Rates: 5..1..3
D H Neale Poor Rates: 3..16..0
F Cookley Poor Rates: 3..9..8
Ryeford Saw Mills Canal Maintenance: 8..16..2