Wed 26 Jan 1927
Admiralty to pay £7 10s per year’s rent.
Letter from Clerk of County Council re Thames & Severn Canal Abandonment. County Council must require at least half of £770 contribution at once. Proposals from Committee re lower portion of canal to be submitted by end of January. Council to proceed with application at expiration of term of arrangement, 25 March. £200 sent to County Council. £185 5s to credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. Letter to contributors.
£2 2s to National Council of Inland Waterways. Owing to lack of funds no further contribution.
Messrs Daniels’ account, £339 5s, produced. £200 paid on account.
Mr F A Little and Mr G A Evans reappointed to Committee.
[1927 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 26^th day of January 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: J Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little.
Admiralty Tide Guage at Framilode
It was reported that the Admiralty had agreed to pay £7..10..0 per year rent the draft Agreement had been sent to the Officer in charge of the Works.
Iron Swing Bridge, Stonehouse
Messrs Vowles had not paid their proportion of the cost of the new bridge amounting to £86..8..0.
The Clerk was requested to write them again.
Land Tax, Eastington
Correspondence with the Inspector of Taxes was produced and discussed.
M^r Bloxam was instructed to write the Inspector and if no redress was likely to be obtained, to settle the matter, under protest.
Thames & Severn Canal - Abandonment
In accordance with minute of last Meeting a letter had been written to the Clerk of the County Council, to which he had replied as follows:-
Shire Hall, Gloucester 18^th Dec 1926
Dear Sirs,
Thames and Severn Canal
I have your letter of the 16^th instant and am instructed to say that the County Council must require the payment of at least one-half of the contribution of £770..- at once, as it certainly should have been forwarded in September last. I am also to say that the proposals, if any, of your Committee as to the future dealing of the lower portion of the Canal must be submitted by the end of January, as otherwise the County Council will have to proceed with their application at the expiration of the term of the arrangement, viz 25^th March next.
Yours faithfully
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
[Glos CC Cheque £200] Since the receipt of the above letter a Cheque for £200 had been sent to the County Council.
It was reported that £185..5..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c.
It was Ordered that the following letter be sent round to the Contributors:
[Page 205 210* 215 220] Dear Sirs,
_Thames & Severn Canal_
You will recollect that two years ago the County Council withdrew its application to the Ministry of Transport to abandon the Thames and Severn Canal, upon certain Traders on this Canal, other Navigations and Public Bodies undertaking to contribute for two years a sum of money to help pay for its maintenance.
The two years end on 25^th March next, and the County Council has asked this Company to ascertain whether a like amount will be forthcoming in the future.
I am asked by my Committee to enquire if you are prepared to repeat your contribution for the year commencing 26^th March next.
If the present contributors decline to continue their support, there is strong grounds for believing that the County Council will renew the application for abandonment.
My Committee feel that it must ask you to let us have a definite reply by the 15th February at latest.
Yours faithfully.
National Council of Inland Waterways.
It was Resolved that the contribution £2..2..0 for 1927 be paid.
The Clerk was instructed to acquaint the National Council that owing to lack of funds the Committee regrets that it would not continue the contribution after this year.
Iron Swing Bridges, Stonehouse and Whitminster
Messrs Daniels Ltd account for above bridges, amounting to £339..5..0 was produced.
[page 270 completing] It was Resolved that Messrs Daniels Ltd be paid £200 on account, Cheque to be drawn on the Deposit A/c.
Half Yearly Accounts
The Accounts were examined by the Committee and explained by Mr Dudbridge who attended for that purpose. It was decided to recommend that no Dividend for the Half Year ended 31^st December 1926 be paid.
The Committee agreed to recommend the reappointment of Mr F A Little & M^r G A Evans to the Committee, their membership having lapsed.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Stroud Gas C^o Office Expenses: 1;;5;;9
Post Master General Office Expenses: 2..9..5
T H & J Daniels Ltd: 200..0..0
National Council of Inland Waterways: 2..2..0