Wed 15 Dec 1926
Admiralty Tide Gauge at Framilode. Letter from Officer in Charge of Works, Pembroke Dock. Reply that if canal property was reinstated, Company would reduce rent to £10 per year, Admiralty to pay legal expenses.
New iron swing bridge at Stonehouse. Messrs Vowles’ contribution £86 8s.
New iron swing bridge at Whitminster erected.
Gardom, Clerk of County Council, asked for moiety of £770, due 30 September last for T&S Canal, and enquired whether Stroudwater Navigation and other subscribers wished to keep open canal for further period after two years ending 25 March. Otherwise County Council to proceed with application to Ministry of Transport for lower portion of canal to be abandoned. Warrant for abandonment of upper canal received. Money from contributors not yet in hand. Time not favourable to approach them as to taking over liability. Effects of coal strike.
Stroud Rural District Council’s offer to repair road surfaces on Cross Bridge, Stonehouse for £2 to £2 10s accepted.
[1926 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of December 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper.
Only four members of the Committee being present, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Admiralty Tide Guage at Framilode
A letter from the Officer in charge of the Works, Pembroke Dock, was read,
The Clerk was directed to reply that as the Committee had the assurance of the Admiralty that the Canal property would be reinstated to the Companys satisfaction, it was prepared to reduce the rent to £7..10..0 per year, the Admiralty to pay the Companys legal expenses.
New Iron Swing Bridge at Stonehouse
It was reported that the contribution payable by Messrs Vowles amounted to £86..8..0.
The Clerk was instructed to inform Messrs Vowles.
New Iron Swing Bridge at Whitminster
It was reported that the above bridge had been erected.
Land Tax, Eastington
The Inspector of Taxes had requested payment of certain Land Tax which he, the Inspector, alleged was due from the Company.
After discussion M^r Bloxam was requested to write to the Inspector on the matter.
Thames and Severn Canal
A letter was read, under date the 6^th of December, from the Clerk of the County Council, as follows:
Shire Hall
6 December 26.
Dear Sirs,
Thames & Severn Canal, lower portion
I am directed by the Thames & Severn Canal Committee of the County Council to ask for payment of a moiety of the £770, due 30^th September last, and to enquire whether the Stroudwater Navigation and the other Subscribers are desirous of continuing the arrangement for keeping open the Canal for a further period after the expiration of the two years ending 25^th March next for which the arrangement was made (which would be considered); otherwise the County Council will proceed with the application they made to the Ministry of Transport for this portion of the Canal to be abandoned.
The County Council have now received the Warrant for the abandonment of the upper portion.
Yours truly
E T Gardom
Clerk of the Council.
[205 201 re collection, 215 220] It was decided to send the following reply, to be written by the Clerk.
Your letter has been brought before my Committee and am instructed to reply that the money due from the various contributors for the year ending March 1927 is not yet to hand. Every effort is being made to get these amounts, before that date, and we hope to be in a position to send something shortly. My Committee does not consider the present a favourable time to approach these contributors as to taking on a further liability as they being principally traders have not yet recovered from the effects of the Coal Strike.
Me Committee has not overlooked the necessity of sounding the opinion of the District.
Cross Bridge, Stonehouse
The offer of the Stroud Rural District Council to repair surface of the road over the Cross Bridge at Stonehouse for £2 to £2..10..0 was agreed to.
Next Meeting
It was Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be fixed for the 26^th day of January 1927 @ 3 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting be held at 3.30 o'clock pm on same date.
From 1^st July to 14^th December:
1926: 101..18..11
1925: 409..11..1
1914: 437..4..0.
For the Month of November
1926: 16..17..9
1925: 97..2..4
1914: 72..16..1.
Balance at Bank
1926: 6..0..11
1925: 205..5..1
1914: 365..11..9.