Wed 17 Nov 1926
Admiralty Tide Gauge at Framilode: Company to meet legal costs of agreement if Admiralty agreed to £12 10s yearly payment.
Swing bridge at Stonehouse fixed. Replacement of swing bridge at Whitminster in hand.
GWR applied to Ministry of Transport for authority to abandon Kennet & Avon Canal.
[1926 November] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of November 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Edward P Little, J R Morton Ball, (S S Marling).
Admiralty Tide Guage at Framilode
A letter was read from the Office in charge of the Works.
The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Company was prepared to meet the legal costs itself if the Admiralty would agree to a yearly payment of £12..10..0.
Swing Bridge at Stonehouse
It was reported that the Swing Bridge had been fixed.
M^r Hooper stated that the work was satisfactory.
Horse Riding on Towing Path: M^r Barton
A letter had been written to M^r Barton in the terms of minute of last Meeting, and a letter had been received in reply, thanking the Company.
Mrs K Rowntree
A Letter was handed in from Mrs Rowntree.
The Clerk was instructed to reply that:-
Ⅰ The Accounts are at this Office for inspection at any time'
Ⅱ The last Shareholders Meeting was held in July last, and was duly advertized, as provided..
Ⅲ She would be personally notified of next Januarys Meeting.
Swing Bridge at Whitminster
It was reported that the work of replacing the above bridge was in hand.
The Rural District Council had been informally notified of the intended stoppage of the road.
Cheltenham Bill Posting C^oy
The Agreement with the above Company was produced and duly sealed, and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
The Clerk was authorized to pay George Cooke the bonus (£3) for three months ending September 1926.
Kennet & Avon Canal
It was reported that the Great Western Railway C^o had applied to the Ministry of Transport for authority to abandon the Kennet & Avon Canal.
From 1^st July to 16^th November
1926: 86..3..5
1925: 234..5..0
1914: 346,,8,,5.
For the month of October
1926: 13..12..4
1925: 71..9..5
1914: 78..7..7.
Balance at Bank
1926: 50..19..1
1925: 217..3..9
1914: 320..2..9.
Cheques drawn@
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Canal Maintenance a/c (Drawn on Deposit a/c): 75..6..2