Wed 15 Sep 1926
Three members of Committee. No quorum. Matters requiring immediate attention. Confirmation by next Committee.
Drawing for Admiralty Tide Gauge at Framilode discussed. If satisfactory, easement of £12 a year.
Messrs Daniels’ price £75 for provision of new iron swing bridge at Whitminster accepted. Load of not less than 5 tons.
Letter from Stonehouse Parish Council re closing of Stonehouse Swing Bridge. Messrs Daniels to deliver new bridge in 3-4 weeks.
Towing paths to be stopped to public about middle of October and before installation of new swing bridge at Stonehouse.
Chimney on cottage occupied by Mrs Williams at Bristol Road Wharf repaired.
[1926 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of September 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Gd Evans, S S Marling.
Only three Members of the Committee being present, there is no quorum, but there being matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Admiralty Tide Guage at Framilode
Drawings submitted by the Admiralty were discussed.
Ordered that the Clerk visit the site as shown on the drawings, and if the proposals as set out on the drawings were satisfactory. do write the Admiralty informing it that the Meeting would grant the necessary easement at £12..10..0 a year payable in advance subject to the signing of an agreement approved by the Companys Solicitors at the cost of the Admiralty.
Swing Bridge at Whitminster
In accordance with minute of last Meeting the Chairman had accepted Messrs Daniel's price of £175 for the provision of a new iron Swing Bridge to sustain a load of not less than five tons.
The Meeting confirmed the Chairman's action.
A letter was handed in from the Stonehouse Parish Council calling the attention of the Navigation to the closing of Stonehouse Swing Bridge. A formal acknowledgement had been sent in reply.
It was stated that Messrs Daniels would deliver the new bridge in three to four weeks.
Inspection of Canal
Ordered that the report of the Inspection of Canal - Ocean to Wallbridge- be taken at next Meeting.
Ordered that the Towing paths be stopped to the public, stoppage to take place about the middle of October and before the installation of the new Swing Bridge at Stonehouse.
Dates to be arranged by the Clerk.
Bristol Road Wharf
A chimney of cottage occupied by M^rs Williams at the Bristol Road Wharf has been reparied.
Apology for absence had been received from M^r H R Hooper.
Tonnage from 1^St July to 14^th September
1926: 31..10..6
1925: 175..5..7
1914: 201..5..4.
For the month of August
1926: 14..6..8
1925: 32..4..8
1914: 74..6..11.
Balance at Bank
1926: 115..14..2
1925: 216..3..7
1914: 433..11..7.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..13..6
Govier, E C Rates: 12..3..0
Larner, E H Rates: 6..11..3
Powell, J B Rates: 6..1..10
Tanner, D E Rates: 2..2..0
Miles, F Rates: 4..14..8
Neale, D H Rates: 3..13..2
Cookley, F Rates: 3.9..8