Wed 16 Jun 1926
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account £97 6s. £122 14s to be paid into account and cheque for £220 to Gloucestershire County Council Thames & Severn Account.
Stoppage of canal 25 June-10 July for fixing new pair of bottom gates at Dock Lock.
Clerk to make appointment with Admiralty officer in charge of works for inspection of position of proposed Tide Gauge at Framilode.
Messrs Vowles & Son Ltd prepared to pay £87 18s for repairs to canal swing bridge at Stonehouse. No responsibility for erection or upkeep of new bridge. Cash for payment when bridge is completed and ready for use. Heavier iron bridge better. Mr Snape’s reply. Contractor to be communicated with at once, subject to Messrs Vowles consenting to continue paying one half of annual upkeep. Messrs Daniels’ estimate accepted.
Clerk to ascertain load of a new wooden bridge at Whitminster similar to existing one.
Walls at Wallbridge and Dudbridge let at £7 p.a. to Cheltenham Bill Posting Co.
Canal Inspection Report for section Framilode to Ocean by Mr Hooper and Mr Ball 31 May 1926:
Framilode: Boats should be allowed free access to Company’s land. Goodwill of watermen valuable. Plans of proposed Admiralty Gauge do not show if it is to be erected clear of capstan. No hindrance in way of ropes used for warping boats into the lock or of the capstan. Balance pole of lock gate still broken. Does not hinder opening of gate. Stop Lock sill should be inspected this summer. No customer for warehouse. Enquiry as to rent for housing boat in it. Company owns two houses occupied by Taylor and Wathen. Slight repairs needed to Taylor’s house, ceiling of living room. Houses of no value to Company. Should be sold with garden pound on opposite side of canal.
Condition of shearing at River Frome quite satisfactory. Withy bed crop ripe for cutting. Buyer needed.
Walk Bridge should be replaced without delay.
Shallow Lock repairs needed. Responsibility of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Occupation Bridge, next above Bristol Road, requires pointing and bricks replaced.
General condition of canal has not deteriorated since last inspection.
Application from Mr Perks of Dudbridge to purchase part of Dudbridge Wharf for building refused.
Weeds in canal opposite school bathing place at Stonhouse to be cut at once.
[1926 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of June 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, Gd Evans, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, F A Little.
It was reported that the balance at Lloyds Bank Ltd on the Thames and Severn Canal Special A/c stood at £97..6..0,
It was Resolved that £122..14..0 being part of the Navigations Contribution to be paid to the special account and that a cheque of £220 from that account be drawn in favour of the Gloucestershire County Council Thames and Severn Canal Account.
Mr Whiting
Mr Bloxam stated that he had nothing further to report. He undertook to see M^r Heelas before next meeting.
Dock Lock- Bottom Gates
A stoppage of the Canal had been called from 25^th June to 10^th July for the purpose of fixing a new pair of bottom gates to this lock.
Admiralty - Proposed Tide Guage at Framilode
The Clerk was instructed to make an appointment with the Officer in Charge of the Works and to inspect the place.
Canal Swing Bridge at Stonehouse, Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd
The Chairman read the following letter from Messrs Vowled & Sons Ltd.
June 14^th 1926
Messrs Stroudwater Navigation C^o
Dear Sirs,
Re Canal Bridge
We have received your favour of the 11^th inst, for which we thank you. In reply we are prepared to pay £87..18..0 (Eighty seven pounds and Eighteen shillings) the difference between No 1 and 3 in your letter on the distinct understanding that we hold ourselves free from any responsibility as to the erection of upkeep of the new bridge. We shall esteem it a great favour if you will use your best efforts to expediate the erection of the new bridge and should like to know the approximate date when we shall be able to use it. Cash will be due for payment when bridge is completed and ready for use. We shall be glad to have your reply to this letter directly after your committee next week. You will notice we have fixed on the heavier iron bridge which we think will be better in every way.
Yours faithfully
W H Vowles & Sons Ltd
A H Vowles, Director.
After discussion it was decided to send the following reply:
Dear Sirs,
In reply to your favour of the 14^th June, the Committee is glad to learn that you are prepared to find the difference between the 5 ton wooden bridge and the 15 ton iron ditto. I am asked to say that the Contractor will be communicated with at once, subject to your firm consenting to continue the present arrangement by which it pays half of the annual upkeep.
The wear and tear of the bridge surface will, as you will appreciate, being considerably greater in the case of a 15 ton than in the case of a 5 ton bridge. On receipt of letter from you agreeing to this condition, Messrs Daniels will be asked to give an approximate date for completion of this work.
Yours faithfully,
Percy G Snape.
It was decided on receipt of a favourable letter from Messrs Vowles the Committee should accept Messrs Daniels estimate. It was left to the Chairman to settle.
Cross Bridge at Stonehouse
In accordance with minute of last Meeting a letter had been written to the Stroud Rural District Council to which no reply had been received.
Whitminster Bridge
The Clerk was asked to ascertain the load a wooden bridge similar in every respect to the existing one when new, would carry.
Cheltenham Bill Posting C^o Ltd
It was decided to let the walls at Wallbridge & Dudbridge at £7 a year rent subject to an agreement to be prepared by the Companys Solicitors, cost to be met by the Bill Posting C^o.
Canal Inspection - Report
Framilode to the Ocean: M^r Hooper & M^r Ball
The report made by these Gentlemen was read and discussed and the thanks of the committee ordered to them for their services.
Inspection - May 31 1926
Framiloade Lock to the Ocean.
[Framilode Lock] Recommended, that Boats referred to in last report be allowed free access to the Companys land, as the continued goodwill of the watermen is valuable.
The plans of the proposed Admiralty Guage do not show if it is o be erected at a spot clear of the capstan, but no hinderance must be put in the way of the ropes used for warping Boats into the Lock or of the capstan.
Balance-pole of Lock-gate though still broken doe not hinder opening of Gate.
The Stop Lock Sill should be inspected this Summer to see if in perfect working order.
No Customer has yet appeared for the Warehouse, but an enquiry has come as to what Rent would be asked for housing a boat in it. A message is being conveyed to the applicant asking him to put his request in writing before the Committee.
In addition to the Lock-house the Company owns two houses occupied by Taylor and Wathen. Taylor's house requires some slight repairs, notably to the ceiling of living room.
The houses appear to be of no value to the Company and it is suggested they be sold together with garden ground on opposite side of Canal.
[River Frome] The condition, at the points of controversy with reference to shearing, appears now to be quite satisfactory.
[Withy Bed] A Customer should be found to buy the crop as it stands, as it appears to be ripe for cutting.
[Walk Bridge] Should be replaced without delay.
[Shallow Lock] Repairs needed. The Gloucester & Berkeley Canal should be written to, as the liability is theirs.
[Accommodation Bridge] This Bridge next above Bristol Road requires pointing and bricks replaced. The work can be don by the Companys own men.
[Dock Lock] The new Gates are in hand, and should be ready in about six weeks time.
The General condition of this section of the Canal had not deteriorated since last Inspection.
Dudbridge Wharf
An application from M^r Perks of Dudbridge to purchase a part of the Wharf for purposes of building was refused.
Canal at Stonehouse
A letter from M^r W A Sibly was read.
The Clerk was directed to at once have the weeds cut in the Canal opposite the School bathing place.