Wed 21 Apr 1926
New balance pole to replace collapsed one on outside bottom gate at Newtown Lock obtained. Cost about £12 10s.
Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst decided not to cooperate re Swing Bridge at Whitminster.
To nominate representative on National Council for Inland Waterways.
Letter from Messrs Vowles & Sons. All traffic discontinued on Stonehouse swing bridge. Gone badly on one side. May break down any moment. Canal Company should close bridge against all road traffic.
Scantling for renewal of bottom gates of Dock Lock obtained. Extra labour and materials authorised.
[1926 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of April 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, S S Marling.
Thames & Severn Canal: Abandonment
It was reported that the sum of £97..6..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames and Severn Canal Special Account.
The outstanding contributions amounting to £301 as follows: £
Stroudwater Navigation C^o: 150
Sharpness New Docks C^o: 150
J Cousins 1 [Total] £301
It was decided to make no further payment to the County Council at present.
Newtown Lock at Eastington
A new balance pole, to replace one that had collapsed on the outside bottom gate of Newtown Lock, had been obtained, cost about £12..10..0.
In view of the unexpected expense it was decided that the piling at the Eastington Wharf should be temporarily postponed.
Mr Whiting
M^r Bloxam stated he had nothing to report.
Trespass at Wallbridge: M^r Lambert
Mr Lambert had agreed to pay 2^s/6^d a year rent to commence 24^th June 1926, the arrangement to be terminable by six months previous notice on either side.
Canal Swing Bridges: Replacements
Awaiting estimates from the Horseley Bridge and Engineering C^or the matter was postponed.
With regard to the Swing Bridge at Whitminster, the Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst had replied that the Council had decided not to co-operate.
National Council of Inland Waterways
A letter had been received from the Secretary of the Council stating that it had been noted with pleasure that the Company had decided to accept the Councils invitation of membership. It was decided not to nominate a representative to serve on the Council at present.
West Gloucesterhire Power C^o: Agreement
M^r Bloxam stated he had nothing further to report.
Stonehouse Swing Brigde
The Chairman read the following letter from Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd:
April 20 1926
Messrs, The Stroudwater Navigation Co
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your letter of the 15^th inst, re the Swing Bridge at our works here. We regret it is impossible for anyone to attend the meeting on Wednesday 21^st inst, but will endeavour to let you have our suggestions in time for your next meeting, which we presume will be held about the same date in May.
Meanwhile, we should like you to know that we have discontinued all traffic over the bridge, as it has gone so badly on one site, that we are afraid it may break down at any moment.
May we suggest to cover both yourselves and us that you close the bridge entirely both for foot and vehicular traffic by either fencing or roping it off, until something definite is decided.
Yours faithfully,
W H Vowles & Sons Ltd
A H Vowles, Director.
The Clerk was directed to fence the bridge against all road traffic.
The Clerk was authorised to pay George Cook the bonus for the three months ending March last.
Dock Lock: Bottom Gates
The Clerk reported that the scantling for the renewal of the bottom gates at the Dock Lock had been obtained.
The Committee decided that the work should be put in hand and authorised the extra labour and materials to complete.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Little & Bloxam Lega Exs 7..10..0 + 25..14..6 = 33..4..6
S J Dudbridge & Sons Audit: 2..12..6
The National Council for Inland Waterways Incidentals: 2..2..0
Canal Association Incidentals: 1..1..0
A H Grant Heelas "Rates and Taxes": 2..13..3
W Fredericks, Wharfinger a/c: 1..10..0
S Hopson, Buildings a/c: 16..10..0 (Office Chimney)
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Maintenance: 9..19..4.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 20^th April 1926 was £308..11..6 comparing with £311..0..4 in 1925 and £315..13..8 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of March 1926 was £93..9..3 comparing with £95..6..0 in 1925 and £95..16..4 in 1914.
The Balance at the Bank was £336..9..1 against £117..4..8 last year and £463..14..2 in 1914.