Wed 20 Sep 1865
To Ford Brothers, millers
6400 bricks to Stonehouse Wharf charged at 1s per 1000. Mr Beard will be charged the same for 4000 bricks. Need details of bricks for Mr Potter's account. Enclosing committee resolution.
Copy of Capt CH Fishers letter
Canal Office Sept 20th 1865
Messrs Ford Brothers
Gentn I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1st Inst on the subject of Bricks carried on the S N from your jobs near the Double Locks without a/c rendered. With reference to the 6400 Bricks sent to Stonehouse Wharf for Messrs Bishop & Gauge the cost of their carriage to you will be the usual 1/- per 1000 -- with reference to the 4000 Bricks carried by or for Mr Beard the Cos charge will be the same but of course will have to be made on Mr Beard. In addition to the above 2 instances of omission I have to call your attention to the fact that on the 27th April last a cargo of Bricks was taken from your above mentioned yard in a barge called the ? and landed at Ryeford below the Bridge on the Cos Wharf & as I am informed on Mr Potter's a/c, Please supply me with the particulars of this last mentioned cargo & of any others that may have escaped your Clerk's notice up to the present time not including (of course) Bricks intended for your own use & for which permission was granted.
I am also instructed to inform you that the following Resolution was made yesterday & entered in to Cos books. That no vessel be allowed to pass &c.