Tue 23 May 1865
To Thames & Severn Canal Co (Prideaux)
Goldsmiths Hall, London
Need to get petition to House of Lords against Severn Railway Junction Bill by 3 o'clock on Monday. Please arrange with Martin & Leslies our Parliamentary Agents tomorrow and apologise for shortness of notice
Canal Office May 25th 1865
Mr Walter Prideaux
Goldsmiths Hall : City
I am instructed by the Comtee of the S N to inform you that they think it most important & essential to the interest of thei won & the Thames & Sevrn Canal Co that a petition should be lodged in the House of Lords against the Sevrn Junction Railway Bill both by your Co as well as their own -- indeed if your Co not do so it might be urged as an objection by the said Railway Co against their own.
Mr Kearsey a Member of the Comtee wished me to ask you to wait upon Messrs Martin & Leslie our Parliamentary Agents as early as you possibly do so tomorrow morning & learn from them the particulars of the Petition as it is necessary it should be laid before 3 o'clock on Monday next. As Mr Taunton is absent from home there is not time for me to communicate with him. It is hoped sincerely by this Co to have your zealous cooperation & assistance in this matter as by assuming a ? position against this Railway Co they have every reason to suppose the Railway Co will induced to insert clauses in their Bill to land coal at Framilode which will enable Traders to bring them up their respective Canal to the adjoining Mills. Mr K also wants me to inform you that he may be heard of on Monday either at the Bedford Hotel Covent Garden or at Messrs Martin & Leslie's. I must beg to apologise to you for the shortness of this notice & Mr K will explain the reason when he has the pleasure of meeting you in London