Wed 18 Jan 1865
To Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co (H Waddy)
True Blue's cargo was 4 tons 10 cwt more than shown on ticket. Cannot prosecute when ticket is wrong
Canal Office Janry 18th 1865
H Waddy Esq
Dr Sir I beg leave to inform you the amount of the True Blue's cargo was 4T 10C more than that entered on the Bill of Lading. The cargo was consigned by Morel & Co to W Knee and landed at Dudbridge Wharf and forwarded to Mr Hillier of Newmarket. The Stroudwater Navigation Wharfinger at Dudbridge suspecting the vessel to contain a greater number of Tons than that entered upon the Ticket applied to Mr Hillier for the quantity or No of Tons on which he had paid & his Clerk sent a letter to Cottle informing him 58T 10C. Knee showed the Comtee the Bill of Lading for 54 Tons but they thought they could not prosecute as Knee's Captn had complied with the Cos regulations by producing the Bill of Lading & the No of Tons charged Knee by Morel & Co corresponded with the No of Tons as entered on the Ticket.