Tue 30 Aug 1864
To Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co (W B Clegram)
Explaining how deficiency in cargo of Queen Anne became known. Ticket said only 5 tons, light by 18 tons. Continued …
Canal Office Augt 30th 1864
Mr W B Clegram
Dr Sir
I beg leave to inform you the manner in which the deficiency in the cargo of the Queen Ann became known was as follows -- when it arrived at Dudbridge Wharf to be landed on account of Richd Williams to whom it was consigned, J Cottle the SN Cos Wharfinger at this place noticed the vessel, and thought it deeply loaded. A man of the name Adams who supplied the Pavg Stone to Williams was also standing on the Wharf at the same time, & in the course of conversation with Cottle told him he had supplied this stone 1200 feet. Cottle on examining the Ticket observed only 5 Tons of Stone entered & knowing that we reckon 90 feet to the Ton for Pg Stone he brought the ticket to me -- finding that a false a/c of rather more than 8 Tons had been omitted on the Ticket thinking possibly if ulterior proceedings were taken, Adams might attempt to shield Williams, I sent for Adams & asked him what amount of Pg Stone he had sent to Williams by the Queen Anne, & he repeated to me what he had before told Cottle, 1200 feet. Richd Williams called on me yesterday, & showed me a Bull of Lading of only 30 Tons of Coal instead of 48 Tons as entered on the Ticket this formed the other part of the Cargo brought up with this Stone, & he said as his brother Js Williams, the Captain of the Queen Ann had made a mistake on one part of the Cargo, that he did not trouble to come & have the Ticket corrected on the other.
We did not have the cargo weighed, or the stone measured, but have simply taken Adams information, & R Williams has now confirmed this information by his own admission, only that he makes the amount of Coal less by 18 Tons as entered on the Ticket.