Sun 1 May 1864
To Various traders
Notice not to tar or paint boats on the Stroudwater Navigation above Whitminster Level
I herby give you Notice not to tar or paint, or cause to be tarred or painted, any or either of your vessels on or in the Stroudwater Navigation above or on the South side of the Level called or known by the name of the "Whitminster Level", and I further give Notice that if you do at any time or times after the service of this Notice on you. tar or paint, or cause to be tarred or painted, any vessel on or in this the said Navigation above the said Level legal proceeding will be instituted against you for doing so.
N A P Clerk to the Co
The above Circular sent to the Undernamed Traders
W Lane, S Aldum, Rd Williams, T Sisum, G Nurse, W Knee, G Williams, S Butt, Js Nurse, S Gas Co, Js Smith, J Knight, E Webb, W Wooley, J Gardner, S Sims, Miles & Ward, Josh Chapman, T Ward, W Holmes & Co