Wed 20 Mar 1918
Considerable repairs carried out at pierhead and tide gate at Framilode.
Mr Snape had met Mr Milnes, Stroud Surveyor, and sanctioned what Stroud District Council proposed to do on towing path at Downfield.
Continued anxiety of Government that waterways should be made of fullest possible use to ease the railways.
Mr W G Sealey of Standish re damage sustained by his trap and harness. Horse shying when crossing swing bridge at Framilode. Company not responsible for accident.
George William Minett, employee of Company, had accident at Framilode. Reported to Accident Insurance Co.
Tonnage £357 8s 1d, 1917 £337 8s 11d.
[1918 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of March 1918 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, F A Little, W^m Davies, W R Bloxam.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and Confirmed.
The Clerk reported that no reply had been received to the letter he sent in reply to the Secretary of the Severn Fishery Commissioners and it was considered as unnecessary to do anything further at present in the matter.
Considerable repairs had been carried out to the Pierhead and Tide Gate at Framilode.
The Chairman reported that he and Mr Snape had met Mr Milnes the Stroud Surveyor and had sanctioned what the Stroud Urban District Council proposed to do on the Towing Path at Downfield.
Correspondence with the Clerk of the County Council was read showing the continued anxiety of the Government that the waterways should be made of the fullest possible use to ease the Railways.
Mr W G Sealey of Standish had written respecting damage sustained by his trap and harness in consequence of his horse shying when crossing the Swing Bridge at Framilode and Mr Snape had replied that the Company was not responsible for the accident which was approved by the Committee.
George William Minett in the employ of the Company had had an accident at Framilode and this had been reported to the accident Insurance Company.
The Tonnage amounted to £357..8..1 to date while lasy year the figures were £337..8..11.
The Bank balance to Credit of the Company was £370..11..11 comparing with £318..10..11 same date last year for same period.