Wed 19 Jan 1916
Correspondence with Messrs Cadbury. No definite proposal. Milk traffic should be carried on for at least two months at authorised tolls to provide data for rates for future.
Mr Winterbotham, 1s rent re taking water from canal.
Tie rods placed on Lodgemore Bridge to brace structure.
Cheltenham District Billposting Co received extension of time for reduced charge for their stations.
Planking of bottom gates of bottom gates of Blunder Lock required renewing and two heads to be scarfed.
Planking of Pike Lock bottom gates required renewing and one new balance pole.
Planking of top gates at Dock Lock being renewed.
In recent gales, damage done to roofs of property at Dudbridge, Wallbridge and Framilode.
J Harris of Lock House at Framilode applied for increase of wages of 1s per week. 13s and house rent free.
Tonnage 1 October to 18 January £254 19 7d, 1915 £283 14s 8d.
[1916 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th Jany 1916 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies, F A Little, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham.
Further correspondence with Messrs Cadbury Bros was read and discussed and M^r Snape was instructed to write them that the Committee having had no definite proposal from them suggest that the Milk traffic should be carried on for at least two months at the authorised tolls and thus afford some data to go upon in considering the question of rates for the future.
A letter was read from Mr Z Whiting of Eastington stating that he would give £1..- for the loppings of the Witheys there.
It was decided to let him have them if he would give 30/- for them.
The Conveyance as to Exchange of land with Mr Winterbotham of Stonehouse and the agreement respecting the taking of water from the Canal there by him had been sealed and Mr Winterbotham had paid the one shilling quit rent through M^r Whittington.
The repairing of Lodgemore Bridge was discussed and it was stated that tie rods had been so placed as to brace the structure well and it was hoped it would not be needful to do more for perhaps a twelve month.
The Statement of Accounts of the Thames & Severn Canal was put in and discussed in view of the usual application by the Clerk of the C C for particulars required under Sec 43 of the Act of 1895.
The Cheltenham & District Bill posting C^o had applied for an extension of time for the reduced charge for their stations which was agreed to.
The Manager reported that:- The planking of the bottom gates of the Blunder Lock required renewing and the two heads to be scarfed, also that the planking of the Pike Lock (bottom gates) required renewing and one new balance pole. The planking of the top gates of the Westfield Lock was getting worn and should be renewed. All this work might stand over until the spring.
The two head of the top gates at the Dock Lock were being renewed.
During the recent gales damage was done to the roofs of the property at Dudbridge, Wallbridge and Framilode, but it was not extensive.
J Harris of the Lock-house at Framilode had applied for increase of wages and after discussion it was agreed to give him another 1/- a week making 13/- and his house rent free.
The Tonnage was reported to have been as follows:-
October to Jany 18^th
1916: £254..19..7
1915: £283..14..8.
The Credit Balance at Bank
1916 £386..7..7
1915: £411..13..9.